
M2030-FSE+-01277200 Project

Research, Development & Innovation (R&D&I) is a fundamental vector for the development of productivity and the economy. With the proposed funding, the aim is to build the foundations for the creation of a culture of research and technological development in RAM that is capable of generating employment and economic growth in the long term, through the creation of value through innovation. A culture of R&D+I means recognizing the value of knowledge, ideas and the benefits they provide to society and, above all, rewarding those who create knowledge and put it at the service of social and economic development. The aim is to promote advanced training through the granting of Post-Doctoral Research Grants and Research Grants for General and Non-Academic Doctorates.


Operation Designation:   Advanced training based on research developed in R&D units, non-academic entities and higher education institutions
Operation Code:   M2030-FSE+-01277200
Region:   Madeira Autonomous Region
Operational Program:   M2030 - Madeira Regional Program 2021-2027
Fund:   European Social Fund
Beneficiary Entity:   511060408, ARDITI – Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação - Associação
Start Date:   To be stipulated
End Date:   To be stipulated
Total Elegible Cost:   3 529 191,70 €
European Union's Financial Support:  

2 999 812,94 €

EU co-financing   85%



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The rich biodiversity of the Macaronesia region is known. However, its economic, scientific and industrial use is limited by the lack of technical-scientific support that allows its viability and use, promoting the disuse of the region's rich native resources, which have not found a way to overcome this problem.
NATUR-EXT was born to solve this problem by creating a bio-industrial platform to transform biological raw materials. This industrial need requires the option of biotechnological solutions that allow us to offer sustainable and respectful growth models, all of this within a circular economy framework that promotes the development of value chains in favour of optimal waste management, resolution of environmental problems, recovery and use of land, all using EERR generation systems for self-consumption, forming a closed and sustainable cycle. The platform will cover the various stages that make a product viable, from its research on an experimental scale to its scaling and transfer to industry.
This objective requires showing the business sector the potential and need to move from a linear economy to a circular economy, involving training tasks. This training will be extended to third countries, allowing the advancement of a sector beyond Macaronesia's borders.

Project Designation:   NATUR-EXT - Recursos naturais biológicos renováveis como fonte de compostos extrativos para dinamizar a indústria, a ciência e a tecnologia, num quadro de economia circular e de sustentabilidade ecológica
Program:   MAC INTERREG 2021-2027
Start Date:   25/10/2024
End Date:   24/10/2028
Total Budget:   3 475 136,16€
Funding:   2 953 865,74€
ARDITI Budget:   159 548,58€
ARDITI Funding:   135 616,29€
Partners:   Instituto Tecnologico de Canarias, S.A.; Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Instituto de Productos Naturales y Agrobiología; Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Instituto Español de Oceanografía; Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso, FP; Universidade dos Açores; Universidad de La Laguna; Arquimea Research Center S.L.; Instituto Canario de Investigaciones Agrarias (ICIA); Fundación Canaria del Instituto Canario de Investigación del Cáncer (FICIC); Sociedad de Promoción Económica de Gran Canaria, SAU; Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria; Ayuntamiento de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Concejalia de Desarollo Local, Empleo, Solidaridad, Turismo, Mobilidad y Ciudad de Mar; Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD); Food Research Institute (FRI)-CSIR; Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development; Direcção das Pescas e Aquacultura.


This project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

E Inverted Icons WEB 13 E Inverted Icons WEB 12 E Inverted Icons WEB 14

MAC Puffinus LIFE2030 Project

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The Manx Shearwater (Puffinus puffinus canariensis), a medium-sized seabird, breeds in the forested regions of Macaronesia, including the Canary Islands, Madeira and the Azores on coastal cliffs. This species faces significant threats from habitat loss and predation. The Manx Shearwater Conservation Project is a comprehensive initiative designed to safeguard these birds in Macaronesia.


  • Identify Breeding Areas: Locate nests to understand threats and habitat requirements;
  • Monitoring identified nests: Acquisition of knowledge about the species' ecology during the region's breeding season;
  • Mitigate Terrestrial Predators: Reduce the impact of terrestrial predators, particularly rats, to support population recovery and sustainability;
  • Public Awareness: Raise awareness among the general public and foster a shared responsibility for conserving the Manx Shearwater.

In Madeira, our efforts will be directed towards the Funchal Ecological Park, where a colony of Manx Shearwaters has been identified. This park is an important site for conserving these seabirds, as it is the only place in Madeira where conservation actions have been implemented since 1995. Additionally, we will focus on the adjacent valleys of Ribeira de João Gomes and São João. These areas, along with the Santa Luzia Valley within the ecological park, are the largest valleys in the city of Funchal. They connect the mountainous regions and deep valleys with the city, serving as crucial corridors and habitats for various species. Historical records indicate that these species have also been present in these areas in the past, highlighting their ecological significance. Moreover, these valleys are where remnants of native vegetation still persist, underscoring their importance for biodiversity conservation.

Project Designation:   MAC Puffinus LIFE2030: Conservation of the Manx Shearwater in Macaronesia
Program:   BESTLIFE2030 Programme
Start Date:   01/10/2024
End Date:   30/09/2026
Total Budget:   105 152,07 €
Funding:   99 894,46 €
ARDITI Budget:   37 131,78 €
ARDITI Funding:   35 275,19 €
Partners:   ARDITI - Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação (Madeira - Portugal); Seabird Ecology Lab - Universitat de Barcelona (Barcelona – Espanha).

This project has received funding from the European Union's BESTLIFE2030 programme under Grant Agreement no. 2024A76

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


This project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):

 E Inverted Icons WEB 04


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CIRCULAROCEAN is a territorial cooperation project that aims to transition marine litter to a circular economy in the Eastern Mid-Atlantic, leveraging synergies, resources, knowledge and capabilities shared between regions. In this way, it tries to solve the enormous environmental challenge of marine litter in a circular economy approach, integrating it into the soil treatment system and proposing new business models based on recycling and recovery.
The project is coordinated by the General Directorate for Combating Climate Change and Energy of the Government of the Canary Islands in a consortium of 17 partners from the regions of the Azores, Canaries, Madeira, and the third countries of Cape Verde, Ghana and São Tomé, with capabilities and experience in the topics you cover.
CIRCULAROCEAN is based on a collaborative, participatory and open process between the different regions that participate to provide a common and sustainable strategy with a circular approach, where knowledge transfer activities, pilot and demonstration actions on the application of monitoring and management technologies waste data, new circular business models, exchange of good practices and experiences in recycling and recovery, and prevention actions in activities with an impact on waste, such as tourism, fishing or ports.

Project Designation:   CIRCULAROCEAN - Transição do lixo marinho para uma economia circular no Médio-Atlântico Oriental
Program:   MAC INTERREG 2021-2027
Start Date:   25/10/2024
End Date:   24/10/2028
Total Budget:   2 208 047,45€
Funding:   1 876 840,33€
ARDITI Budget:   214 009,80€
ARDITI Funding:   181 908,33€
Partners:   Gobierno de Canarias Consejería de Transición; Cabildo de Gran Canaria Consejería de Medio; Cnetro Tecnologico de Ciencias Marinas - Gestión y Planeamiento Territorial y Medioambiental; Consorcio para el Diseño, Construcción, Sociedad Española de Ornitología (SEO/BirdLife); Secretaria Regional de Ambiente, Recursos Naturais; Secretaria Regional de Mar e Pescas Direção; Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves; Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Alterações; Secretaria Regional do Mar e das Pescas Direção; Secretaria Regional do Mar e das Pescas Direção; Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo das Aves.


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The general objective of IMPLACOST is to evaluate the environmental impacts resulting from climate change in the coastal zones and coasts of the region and third countries, contributing to the challenge 9 of the program ("To address the challenges deriving from climate change, as well as other sea basin challenges, increasing the efforts in prevention, training, training and management of risks and emergencies") and, indirectly, to the goals 1, 2, 3 and 8.
The results include prediction systems for conditions of coasts, description of future erosion scenarios, analysis of natural origins in the coastal areas, and access to information and participation of citizens. Investigators, technicians, decision makers, PMEs and workers in the tourism sector and general services, and the general public within the MAC region will benefit from this.
The cooperative approach allows you to address the common needs of the project, given the particular environmental characteristics and architectural context of most of the regions included. Also, it is important to coordinate the administration and socio-economic revitalization.
The increased value and innovative character include the development of repositories for a list of digital information updated at the regional level on coastal resilience, the incorporation of prevention in regions with emerging tourism, or the use of IOT (remote data collection, city ​​applications, etc.)

Project Designation:   IMPLACOST - Avaliação dos impactos ambientais nas zonas costeiras e litorais devido às alterações climáticas
Program:   MAC INTERREG 2021-2027
Start Date:   25/10/2024
End Date:   24/10/2028
Total Budget:   3 107 702,01€
Funding:   2 641 546,71€
ARDITI Budget:   159 167,20€
ARDITI Funding:   135 292,12€
Partners:   Gobierno de Canarias Consejería de Transición Ecológica y Energía Viceconsejeria de Transición Ecológica, Lucha contra el Cambio climático y Energía; Gestión y Planeamiento Territorial y Medioambiental S.A. (Gesplan); Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Alterações Climáticas Direção Regional do Ordenamento do Território e dos Recursos Hídricos; Secretaria Regional de Ambiente, Recursos Naturais e Alterações Climáticas; Universidade da Madeira; Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria; Universidad de La Laguna; Instituto Tecnológico y de Energías Renovables S.A.; Cartografica de Canarias, S.A. (GRAFCAN); Instituto Nacional de Gestão do Território (INGT); Direcção Geral do Ambiente e Acção Climática; Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources General Directorate of Lands and Natural Resources.


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The mission of the A3MAtlantic project is to promote socio-economic activity, sustainable investment and growth based on scientific-technical knowledge in the marine-maritime domain through active regional, national and international collaboration. The proposal would support the governance of A3M by broadening its scope of implementation and raising awareness among the MAC territories to establish an agenda for strategic positioning of the decision centres at the European and international levels.

A3MAtlantic will focus its activity on the promotion of innovation and internationalization by SMEs:

  • reinforcing the A3M alliance for the strategic positioning of the MAC territories, elevating this initiative as a hardware store in Europe to return to the policies that will permeate its regional speed;
  • the implementation of awareness, counselling and support actions for PMEs;
  • promoting the development of training skills (upskilling – requalification – cross-skilling);
  • encourage the participation of regional companies in international markets.
Project Designation:   A3MAtlantic - Reforçar o crescimento sustentável e a competitividade das PME que constituem o tecido produtivo dos sectores da economia azul no Médio Atlântico
Program:   MAC INTERREG 2021-2027
Start Date:   25/10/2024
End Date:   24/10/2028
Total Budget:   3 161 096,31 €
Funding:   2 686 931,86 €
ARDITI Budget:   132 511,25 €
ARDITI Funding:   112 634,56 €
Partners:   Asociación Cluster Marítimo de Canarias (CMC); Centro Tecnologico de Ciencias Marinas - CETECIMA; Consorcio para el Diseño, Construcción, Equipamiento y Explotación de la Plataforma Oceánica de Canarias; Sociedad Canaria de Fomento Económico, S. A. (PROEXCA); Gobierno de Canarias Consejería de Universidades, Ciencia e Innovación y Cultura Agencia Canaria de Investigación, Innovación y Sociedad de la Información (Aciisi); ARDITI; Associação Comercial e Industrial do Funchal - Câmara de Comércio e Indústria da Madeira; Secretaria Regional de Mar e Pescas Direção Regional do Mar; Secretaria Regional do Mar e das Pescas Direção Regional de Políticas Marítimas; Vice-Presidência do Governo Regional Fundo Regional da Ciência e Tecnologia; Associação para o Desenvolvimento e Formação do Mar dos Açores - ADFMA; Câmara do Comércio de Angra do Heroísmo; Câmara do Comércio e Industria da Horta; Câmara de Comércio de Barlavento (CCB); Autoridade da Zona Económica Especial de Economia Marítima em São Vicente (ZEEMSV); Côte D'Ivoire PME SA; Centre for Enterprise Learning.

This project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):

E Inverted Icons WEB 03

RED BEAM Project

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The objective of the RedBEAM project is to create a hub distributing test banks for developing, testing and validating emerging and disruptive ocean technologies in the Macaronesia and Western Africa regions, which allows better investigation and innovation by local companies related to the marine branch - Maritime to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the ocean that exists in the RUP, respond to the specific business needs of the region, increasing its visibility internationally, create synergies that favour business cooperation and collaboration and then public-private, sustainable, for the innovative ecosystem emerging from the RUP.
Territorial cooperation is present in the specific concept of the Distributed Test Center because of the objective of descending the activity by aggregating the different characteristics of each region to increase the effectiveness of the objective.
The proposed proposal resides in creating a space for the development of technological innovation that allows the regional defender or development of the blue economy of the Middle Atlantic.

Project Designation:   Red BEAM - Rede de bancos de ensaio do Atlântico Central: validação de novas tecnologias oceânicas desde o conceito até ao mercado
Program:   MAC INTERREG 2021-2027
Start Date:   25/10/2024
End Date:   24/10/2028
Total Budget:   2 474 489,60€
Funding:   2 103 316,16€
ARDITI Budget:   351 916,54€
ARDITI Funding:   303 379,06€
Partners:   Consorcio para el Diseño, Construcción, Equipamiento y Explotación de la Plataforma Oceánica de Canarias; Premium Catamarans SL; Esteyco S.A.; ARDITI; Associação para o Desenvolvimento do Atlantic International Research Centre (AD AIR CENTRE); Centro Tecnológico de Ciencias Marinas - CETECIMA; Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria; Associação para o Desenvolvimento e Formação do Mar dos Açores - ADFMA; Centre for Enterprise Learning; Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles (ISRA).

InnoVamos Project

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The innovation and technology transfer scenario faces the challenge of consolidating an effective symbiosis between universities, research centres and companies, especially in strategic sectors, to promote open innovation and technology transfer in the region.
The project seeks to strengthen the innovation ecosystem, strengthening collaboration and technological transfer between academic and business entities. SMEs are expected to collaborate with academia, encouraging them to incorporate innovative processes and technologies, increasing their competitiveness and adaptability in the global market.
A precise definition of the innovation ecosystem's research areas aligned with business needs and an effective valorization and transfer of knowledge to companies is expected.
It is intended to expand the innovation ecosystem, expanding its island to the regional scope (of the project) to solve shared problems, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the innovative process in the region. This project stands out for its integrative and collaborative approach, placing SMEs at the epicentre. It seeks to maximize the efficiency of open innovation and promote technological transfer, territorial cooperation, and alignment of academic research with business needs.

Project Designation:   InnoVamos - Reforçar a inovação aberta transfronteiras: impulsionar a I&D&i na Macaronésia e na África Ocidental
Program:   MAC INTERREG 2021-2027
Start Date:   25/10/2024
End Date:   24/10/2028
Total Budget:   4 168 106,72€
Funding:   3 542 890,71€
ARDITI Budget:   198 910,95€
ARDITI Funding:   169 074,31€
Partners:   Fundación Canaria Parque Científico Tecnológico de Universidad de La Laguna; Fundación General Universidad de La Laguna; Parque Científico y Tecnológico de Tenerife; Sociedad de Promoción Económica de Gran Canaria; Asociación Canarias de Startups; Universidade da Madeira; Associação Comercial e Industrial do Funchal - ACIF; Universidade dos Açores; Associação Nonagon - Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia de São Miguel.


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The ACUICONECTA project unites the main actors in the aquaculture research ecosystem of the Azores, Canary Islands and Madeira in a cooperation network with African countries on the Atlantic coast to seek solutions to common challenges such as the generation and distribution of quality food, the improvement of processes for productive and resilient aquaculture and the promotion of a sustainable socioeconomic transition. ACUICONECTA prioritizes applied research in aquaculture, responding to the market's real needs. Therefore, it intends to capitalize on previous experiences and results to develop solutions with high technological maturity. The validation of results in relevant environments and the transfer of knowledge to the private sector constitute cross-cutting objectives that drive research activities. The project aims to create a synergistic, stable and lasting scientific-technological nucleus that exchanges knowledge with neighbouring countries and articulates with other actors in the aquaculture sector in Macaronesia for the organic growth of the sector, favouring the connection between research, industry, institutions and society. The planned actions promote the joint use of equipment, technologies, and services by research centres and companies in the sector and the implementation of spaces dedicated to developing experimental activities in aquaculture.

Project Designation:   ACUICONECTA - Reforçar a ligação entre a investigação, a indústria e a sociedade para a promoção de uma aquicultura sustentável, produtiva e resiliente
Program:   MAC INTERREG 2021-2027
Start Date:   25/10/2024
End Date:   24/10/2028
Total Budget:   4 352 497,76€
Funding:   3 699 623,10€
ARDITI Budget:   222 180 09€
ARDITI Funding:   188 853,08€
Partners:   Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones; Centro Tecnologico de Ciencias Marinas - Consorcio para el Diseño, Construcción; Fundación Canaria Parque Científico Tecnológico de Gobierno de Canarias Consejería de Universidades; Instituto Tecnologico de Canarias, S.A.; Secretaria Regional de Mar e Pescas Direção; SGS Portugal - Sociedade Geral; Sociedad de Promoción Económica de Gran Canaria; Universidade de La Laguna: Universidade dos Açores; Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.


This project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

E Inverted Icons WEB 01 E Inverted Icons WEB 13 E Inverted Icons WEB 09 E Inverted Icons WEB 12 E Inverted Icons WEB 14


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ECOMARIS responds to the strategic needs for the devolution of resources from the blue economy in the island territories of the Cooperation Program (Madeira, Açores, Canárias, Cabo Verde and São Tomé e Príncipe).
Cooperation in the eco-systemic application is an opportunity to address common needs with an integrative and innovative perspective to cover gaps in data through innovative methodology and technology and low cost, which allows an increase in the quantity and quality of the data space (objective 1), promoting decision-making based on the best information available, building data and information to analyze possible outcomes and management options for the sustainability of marine resources (objective 2), and developing the mechanisms of transfer of recursos scientific, technological and business, with a view to intelligent specialization, which facilitates the development of a competitive offer of products and services, as well as the reutilization of the manufacturing process not within the scope of the Oceanic Sciences Decade Supported by UNESCO and disseminated by Oceanic Culture (objective 3). A multi-agent approach to beneficiary groups includes blue economic companies, administrations with competencies in the coastal and marine sectors, investigative organisations, educational centres, etc., integrating all the communities in the participating island regions.

Project Designation:   ECOMARIS - Economia azul e promoção da sustentabilidade do ambiente costeiro e marinho nas ilhas
Program:   MAC INTERREG 2021-2027
Start Date:   25/10/2024
End Date:   24/10/2028
Total Budget:   2 671 496,94€
Funding:   2 270 772,40€
ARDITI Budget:   240 916,39€
ARDITI Funding:   204 778,93€
Partners:   Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria; Cabildo de Fuerteventura; Consejería de Turismo Economía Azul y Reserva de la Biosfera; Elittoral Estudios de ingeniería costera y oceanográfica SLNE; Tecnofly Canarias, S.L.; Secretaria Regional do Mar e das Pescas Direção Regional das Pescas; Secretaria Regional do Mar e das Pescas Direção Regional de Políticas Marítimas; Secretaria Regional de Mar e Pescas Direção Regional do Mar; ARDITI; Universidade da Madeira.



TWILIGHTED is a groundbreaking Horizon Europe Twinning project that seeks to revolutionize deep-sea research, development and innovation (RD&I) in Portugal, ultimately benefiting all of Europe. Collaborating closely with the esteemed European institutions of GEOMAR (Germany) and NTNU (Norway), TWILIGHTED aims to transform ARDITI (Madeira, Portugal) into a global hub for deep-sea RD&I. Focusing on the challenging Mesophotic Zone (40-200m) and the enigmatic Twilight Zone (200-1,000m), and capitalizing on Madeira's unique proximity to deep waters, TWILIGHTED will help accelerate our global understanding of the ocean and its essential role in sustaining life on earth.

TWILIGHTED’s key objectives are to: (1) Collaborate across research institutes in Europe, (2) Elevate the research profile of Portugal and especially the European Outermost Region of Madeira, (3) Innovate low-cost alternatives to state-of-the-art deep-sea research technologies, (4) Democratize deep-sea research, (5) Globalize deep-sea RD&I and (6) Share ocean science across stakeholders.

To achieve its objectives, TWILIGHTED will adopt state-of-the-art approaches to training and networking. Development activities include staff exchanges, expert visits, training schools, joint research missions, the International Twilighted Conference and novel cross-sector workshops stimulating creativity in solving the ocean’s greatest challenges (the Impossible Things Workshops). Such capacity-building will not only catalyze deep-sea RD&I in Madeira, but ensure a lasting impact on the deep-sea scientific landscape, sustainable ocean policy and Madeira’s socioeconomic development.

TWILIGHTED marks the start of a transformative journey for Portugal, redefining its role in understanding and protecting vital deep-sea ecosystems. TWILIGHTED will also facilitate greater diversity and collaboration in time-critical matters of ocean sustainability and leave a significant mark on the global pursuit for more democratic science.

Project Designation:   TWILIGHTED - Twinning Laboratory for an Innovative, Global Hub To Explore the Deep
Program:   Horizon Europe
Start Date:   01/10/2024
End Date:   30/09/2027
Total Budget:   1 498 558,78€
Funding:   1 498 558,78€
ARDITI budget:   799 423,79€
ARDITI funding:   799 423,79€
Coordinator:   ARDITI - Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação
Partners:   Helmholtz-Zentrum Fur Ozeanforschung Kiel (GEOMAR), Germany; Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet (NTNU), Norway.
flag_yellow_low.jpg   This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 101158714.


This project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

E Inverted Icons WEB 04 E Inverted Icons WEB 14 E Inverted Icons WEB 17

REMORA Project

The growing innovation divide across the European Union appears particularly detrimental to small and emerging regional research and innovation systems like the Outermost Regions. With limited resources, these regions struggle to reach the critical mass needed to build comparative advantages and become knowledge societies. Though the European Research Area and the Framework programs could compensate for this marginalization through greater knowledge circulation, resource sharing, and talent mobilities, the Outermost Regions present limited participation in FP7 and Horizon 2020. This underutilization notably stems from the competing relations between structural funds (ESIF) and the framework programs or “substitution effect”: many organizations and individuals prioritize easily accessible ESIF, decide not to apply to the FP, and end up in a “substitution trap” which isolates them from promising collaborations. To move Outermost Regions’ R&I organizations and systems from substitution to synergies, REMORA ambitions to transform 3 Ocean and Marine ESIF-funded institutions in La Réunion, Madeira and the Azores into Horizon Europe champions: CITEB, OKEANOS and OOM.
To that end, REMORA will enhance its competitiveness (notably human resources, knowledge transfer, and innovation capacities), strategic positioning, and connections with major EU networks through a joint internationalization strategy. REMORA will then use the successful transformation of these 3 role models to lead other ESIF-oriented R&I organizations and policy-makers in Outermost and Widening Regions on the path to synergies.

Project Designation:   REMORA - Small fishes in a big pond
Program:   Horizon Europe
Start Date:   01/06/2024
End Date:   31/05/2027
Total Budget:   1 189 528,75€
Funding:   1 189 528,75€
ARDITI budget:   355 262,50€
ARDITI funding:   355 262,50€
Coordinator:   ARDITI - Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação
Partners:   NEXA - Agence Regionale De Developpement D'investissement et D'innovation (La Réunion - France); CITEB - Centre Technique de Recherche et de Valorisation des Milieux aquatiques (La Réunion - France); OKEANOS — Instituto de Investigação em Ciências do Mar da Universidade dos Açores (Azores - Portugal); DTU Aqua - National Institute of Aquatic Resources of Denmark's Technical University (Denmark); ERINN INNOVATION - Erinn Innovation Limited (Ireland).
flag_yellow_low.jpg   This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 101159246.

This project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

E Inverted Icons WEB 14 E Inverted Icons WEB 17

C10-i06-RAM - Oceanic Technologies Project

C10-i06-RAM – Tecnologias Oceânicas Project

The investment will consist of constructing an energy-efficient multipurpose research vessel intended for research and training in shallow waters around the islands of the Madeira archipelago and in the high seas. It will also include acquiring three autonomous vehicles to allow for a more significant number of days at sea in the North Atlantic for marine research purposes and collecting high-quality acoustic data compared to other traditional research methods.

Project Designation:   C10-i06-RAM – Tecnologias Oceânicas     
  Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) | Climate Transition
Start Date:   01-01-2024
End Date:   30-06-2026
Total Budget:   20.000.000,00€
Funding:   20.000.000,00€
ARDITI Budget:   20.000.000,00€
ARDITI Funding:   20.000.000,00€



Free-LitterAT Project

FreeLitterAT logo

Free-LitterAT will achieve litter-free coastal communities by combining knowledge, tools and technology with pilot actions with multi-stakeholder engagement. It tackles marine litter, a transnational challenge demanding an integral approach involving prevention, monitoring and removal when feasible of the already accumulated marine litter. The overall objective is to protect biodiversity by implementing innovative approaches to prevent and reduce marine litter, with special emphasis on ALDFG and microplastics. Free LitterAt will contribute to reducing inputs, locating sources and hotspots, enhancing monitoring capabilities and raising awareness. Main outputs include guidance, tools and joint solutions for waste management, marine litter monitoring, modelling, clean-up and removal, as well as action plans transferred to the competent authorities and maritime stakeholders. The project will build on previous results and alliances, developing new solutions to be implemented through pilot actions.

Project Designation:   FREE-LITTERAT - Advancing towards litter-free Atlantic coastal communities by preventing and reducing macro and micro litter
Program:   Interreg Atlantic Area 2021-2027
Start Date:   01/11/2023
End Date:   31/10/2026
Total Budget:   3 626 336,22 €
Funding:   2 719 752,17 €
ARDITI Budget:   313 200,00 €
ARDITI Funding:   234 900,00 €
Coordinator:   Centro Tecnológico del Mar - Fundación CETMAR

Centro Tecnológico del Mar - Fundación CETMAR (Control and Management of the Marine Environment and Resources); Instituto Tecnológico para el Control del Medio Marino de Galicia (Unidad de Documentación y Apoyo Científico/Unidad de Modelado Oceanográfico); Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (CRETUS, Cross-disciplinary Research in Environmental Technologies); ARDITI - Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação (Projects Department); Direção Regional do Ambiente e Alterações Climáticas (Direção de Serviços de Alterações Climáticas e Sustentabilidade); Centre of Documentation Research and Experimentation on Accidental Water Pollution (CEDRE); Université Bretagne Sud (Plateau technique ComposiTIC); Universidade Lusófona (Faculdade de Engenharia); Marine Institute (Ocean, Climate & Information Services); Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Instituto Español de Oceanografía del CSIC).


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This project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

E Inverted Icons WEB 03 E Inverted Icons WEB 14

Atlantic Whale Deal Project

Logo AWD Interreg Atlantic Area

The Atlantic Whale Deal project will test innovative technologies to mitigate ship strikes. Ships and whales co-occur across coastal and open sea areas, requiring transnational cooperation between multiple stakeholders to prevent collisions and biodiversity loss. The project aims to develop solutions to reduce ship strikes, thus enhancing carbon sequestration, given the whales’ pivotal role in ecosystem functioning. The project will produce (acoustic, visual, and thermal) detection and localization techniques, create maps of collision risk and acoustic contamination integrated into interactive tools, evaluate the ecosystem services provided by whales, and propose a long-term sustainable plan. Physicists, engineers, biologists, statisticians, designers, and socioeconomists from four countries of the Atlantic Area will join efforts towards effective solutions to benefit society through governmental, non-governmental, academic, and commercial bodies.

Project Designation:   ATLANTIC WHALE DEAL - Mitigating Ship Strikes and Enhancing Carbon Sequestration in the Atlantic
Program:   Interreg Atlantic Area 2021-2027
Start Date:   01/12/2023
End Date:   30/11/2026
Total Budget:   3 499 922,29
Funding:   2 624 941,72 €
ARDITI Budget:   679 436,07 €
ARDITI Funding:   509 577,05 €
Coordinator:   ARDITI - Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação 
Partners:   ARDITI - Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação (Projects Department); Mar Ilimitado, Actividades na Natureza e no Mar, Lda. (Mar Ilimitado Ocean Lab);Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Instituto Universitario de Sanidad Animal y Seguridad Alimentaria); Consorcio para el Diseño, Construcción, Equipamiento y Explotación de la Plataforma Oceanica de Canarias (Innovation, Science and Technology); La Rochelle Université (Observatoire PELAGIS); University College Dublin (School of Biology and Environmental Science ); Asociación BDRI para el estudio y conservación de la biodiversidad marina (Research); Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (NA); Associação para o Desenvolvimento do Atlantic International Research Centre (Earth Observation Laboratory); Direção Regional de Políticas Marítimas (Direção de Serviços da Biodiversidade e Política do Mar).


This project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

E Inverted Icons WEB 13 E Inverted Icons WEB 14

Aquisição de Equipamentos Oceânicos Project

The Ocean Equipment Acquisition project aims to achieve the following specific objectives and purposes:

a. Allow greater protection, study and monitoring of the resources of the marine protected area of the Selvagens Islands Archipelago;

b. Contribute to the integral, innovative and sustainable development of the Blue Economy of the Autonomous Region of Madeira;

c. Contribute to the objectives of prevention, protection and conservation of the marine environment defined under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MDF) aimed at protecting the marine ecosystem and ensuring the sustainability of economic activities associated with the marine environment;

d. Contribute to the development of research in the area of marine sciences.

Program:   Program Contract between the Regional Government of Madeira and ARDITI
Start Date:   05/12/2022
End Date:   31/12/2024
Total Budget:   6 680 400,00 €
Funding:   6 680 400,00 €
Partners:   Regional Government of Madeira and ARDITI


This project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

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AQUAFISH0.0 Project


In a context of low awareness in AA of the benefits that the circular economy approach brings to the aquaculture and fisheries value chains, AQUAFISH0.0 will promote the stimulation of innovative and sustainable production, transformation and consumption of marine food products.

AQUAFISH0.0 will provide social acceptance and awareness among consumers and producers for the implementation of policies that reduce food losses and waste ("zero waste" philosophy) based on the Quadruple Helix.

Three main lines of action will be carried out:

- R&D: development of innovative food products from by-catches and by-products;

- Promote the best scenario for updating the administrative and institutional framework for the development of these new products;

- Raising public awareness of the circular economy approach in living marine resources for consumption and waste reduction (special attention to new generations).

Project Designation:   AQUAFISH0.0
Start Date:   01/11/2023
End Date:   31/10/2026
Total Budget:   2 210 887,79 €
Funding:   1 658 165,84 €
ARDITI Budget:   129 672,00 €
ARDITI Funding:   97 254,00 €
Coordinator:   Fundación Centro Tecnológico de Acuicultura de Andalucía
Partners:   Instituto de Empleo y Desarrollo Tecnológico - Diputación de Cádiz (SERVICIO DE DESARROLLO TERRITORIAL), Fundación Bahía de Cádiz para el Desarrollo Económico, Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, BIM Ireland's Seafood Development Agency, Innovation & Management Centre CLG T/A WestBIC, L'Institut Agro, Technopole Quimper-Cornouaille, Groupe ESIEA, Associação KIPT - Laboratório Colaborativo do Turismo e Inovação, S2AQUA - Laboratório Colaborativo, Associação para uma Aquacultura Sustentável e Inteligente.
Website:   http://www.aquafishproject.eu/


This project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

E Inverted Icons WEB 13 E Inverted Icons WEB 12 E Inverted Icons WEB 14 E Inverted Icons WEB 17


With the aim to reduce costs, pollution and stress on these species, INTERWHALE aims to develop a near real-time (NRT) technology for off-shore data gathering and on-shore interactive data exploration, creating a simulator of responsible whale-watching.

Aligned with the UN SDG14: Life Below Water, INTERWHALE focuses on reducing the man-made stress on the marine ecosystem and has objectives to:

1 - SENSE - Using the Internet of Things (IoT) to collect the whale media (footage, acoustics and sea weather data) from sea vessels acting as data mules; It will provide more robust technology for data inquiry, challenging the current state of the art in IoT sensing and biodiversity monitoring in aquatic environments. IoT devices will be attached and compared against sea-vessel, sea glider, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) and Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV);

2 - TRANSMIT - Using the Long-Range (LoRa) open radio protocol to share the collected data from sea vessels to the on-shore in near real-time (NRT); It contributes to exploring free bandwidth, advancing the LoRa studies in aquatic surface telemetry. Experiments will compare diverse whale media payloads, ranging from raw data to acoustic and video files, using the LoRa telemetry (868 MHz);

3 - SIMULATE - Using Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), to immerse the on-shore audience with NRT interfaces depicting the collected whale media; It challenges the scarce effort of HCI with marine interfaces, allowing the remote exploration of the whales. Physical and digital environments will be compared in the wild, based on the geodesic domes and Augmented Reality (AR), portraying the whale media and studying their effect on the pro-environmental attitude of the on-shore audience.

Project Designation:   INTERWHALE (PTDC/CCI-COM/0450/2020)
Program:   FCT
Start Date:   01/10/2021
End Date:   30/09/2024
Total Budget:   249 999,76 € 
Funding:   249 999,76 € 
Partners:   ARDITI

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This project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):

E Inverted Icons WEB 14

AGROECORAM Operational Group Project






The creation of the AGROECORAM operational group aims to aggregate scientific knowledge and technological development from Agroecology, Microbiology, Biotechnology, Circular Economy and Computing for the development of new products, methods and strategies to promote the valorization of endogenous resources, and mainly, the socioeconomic profitability of regional fruit growing in MPB agricultural systems, promoting the development of sustainable rural territories.
The cooperation between scientific institutions and biotechnology companies achieved within the group will enhance active participation in future scientific projects and the creation of others, as well as promote the transfer of technical-scientific knowledge from the academic and scientific community to the business sector, allowing the technological development of more innovative products and services in the agri-food, biotechnology and circular economy sector of RAM.
This initiative proposes implementing an integrated specialization strategy for valorizing regional endogenous resources in agricultural systems, allowing the introduction of scientific knowledge, technological development, ecological sustainability and economic profitability in the farming sector of RAM and, transversally, the promotion of sustainable territories located in rural areas. On the other hand, it will boost the export of high-value-added products and services, giving prestige to the Region in European and global terms, making Madeira a case study in the agricultural sector, both in sustainable, innovative production and in commercial and scientific terms. Consequently, the operational group executes the BIO-VALOR project - Integrated Specialization Strategy for Sustainable Valorization of Endogenous Resources in Fruit Growing in Organic Production Mode (PRODERAM20-16.2.1-FEADER-02551).

Project Designation:   AGROECORAM - Grupo Operacional para a Agroecologia na Região Autónoma da Madeira (PRODERAM20-16.1.1-FEADER-02550)
Program:   PRODERAM 2020 / IFAP
Start Date:   03/05/2022
End Date:   31/03/2025
Total Budget:   23 422,29€
Funding:   23 422,29€
Coordinator:   ARDITI
Partners:   Agrofood Techis, Unipessoal, Lda., Phytoalgae, Lda., ACOESTE - Associação da Costa Oeste.
Website:   https://agriculture.ec.europa.eu/common-agricultural-policy/rural-development_pt


This project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):

E Inverted Icons WEB 03







This initiative proposes the execution of the BIO_VALOR project by the AGROECORAM operational group, which intends to implement an integrated specialization strategy for the valorization of endogenous resources in regional fruit growing in MPB agricultural systems, and thus allow the introduction of scientific knowledge, technological development, ecological sustainability and economic profitability in the agricultural sector of RAM, and transversally, the promotion of sustainable territories located in rural areas.

In this way, the main objective of the BIO_VALOR project consists in the development of biofertilizers formulated with the combination of rhizobacteria and autochthonous microalgae for the sustainable valorization of traditional varieties of anonaceous, pome and stone fruits existing in RAM, promoting the increase of agricultural productivity, preservation of fertility of soil, conservation of agrodiversity and promotion of environmental sustainability, and mainly, the agroeconomic optimization of regional fruit growing in MPB agricultural systems.

Thus, the specific objectives of the BIO_VALOR project are the following: (1) Agronomic characterization of MPB agricultural systems based on technical-scientific knowledge derived from edaphoclimatic conditions, endogenous resources and agricultural ecosystems; (2) Biotechnological production of autochthonous rhizobacteria and microalgae for the formulation of specialized biofertilizers for regional varieties of annonaceae, pome and stone; (3) Ecological biotransformation of agricultural residues for the formulation of nutrient-rich organic substrates; (4) In situ monitoring of biofertilizer application results and obtaining predictive data for the development of an agronomically oriented dynamic biofertilization approach for regional fruit growing in MPB farming systems; and (5) Increased transfer of scientific knowledge and technological development through cooperation between scientific institutions, companies and associations of the operational group for the introduction of new products, methods and techniques with a high degree of innovation in the agro-food sector of RAM.

ARDITI, as the initiative's management entity, is responsible for the technical coordination of the BIO_VALOR project and the respective organization of activities and tasks, as well as for communication between partners, preparation of reports, monitoring of the results obtained and subsequent dissemination in the media and scientific events, being also the entity responsible for the participation of ISOPLEXIS at the University of Madeira.

Thus, ARDITI-ISOPLEXIS is responsible for collecting agronomic data from the MPB agricultural systems in RAM and for carrying out the respective technical-scientific analyses for monitoring edaphoclimatic conditions, characterizing endogenous resources and identifying agricultural ecosystems, including the characterization of the microbiome autochthonous. ARDITI-ISOPLEXIS also participates in the biotransformation of agricultural residues and in the in situ monitoring of the results obtained in the application of biofertilizers in MPB agricultural systems and by obtaining predictive data that allows an agronomically oriented biofertilization.

ACOESTE is responsible for selecting regional agricultural producers of Annonaceae, pome fruit and stone fruit and the respective technical coordination of experimental field trials in MPB agricultural systems. ACOESTE also participates in the characterization of the autochthonous microbiome and in the in situ monitoring of the results obtained in the application of biofertilizers in MPB agricultural systems.

AGROFOOD TECHIS is responsible for the biotechnological production of autochthonous rhizobacteria, biotransformation of agricultural waste for the production of organic substrates and formulation of specialized biofertilizers. AGROFOOD TECHIS also participates in the characterization of the autochthonous microbiome and in the in situ monitoring of the results obtained in the application of biofertilizers in MPB agricultural systems and in obtaining predictive data that allow an agronomically oriented biofertilization.

PHYTOALGAE is responsible for the biotechnological production of indigenous microalgae with agronomic potential and also participates in the characterization of the indigenous microbiome and the formulation of specialized biofertilizers.

With the BIO_VALOR project, the AGROECORAM operational group intends to fill in the lack of scientific knowledge and technological development in the regional agricultural sector, namely in MPB agricultural systems, through the development of a biotechnological process for the integrated production of biofertilizers for the preservation of soil fertility and plant robustness in these agricultural systems, significantly increasing agricultural productivity without compromising ecological sustainability. The biotechnological process of producing ecological biofertilizers is based on integrating knowledge.

Project Designation:   BIO_VALOR - Estratégia de Especialização Integrada para a Valorização Sustentável de Recursos Endógenos na Fruticultura em Modo de Produção Biológico (PRODERAM20-16.2.1-FEADER-02551)
Program:   NG-PRODERAM2020 (Next Generation)/IFAP
Start Date:   03/05/2022
End Date:   31/03/2025
Total Budget:   576 520,99 €
Funding:   518 868,89 €
ARDITI budget:   163 731,56 €
ARDITI funding:   147 358,41 €
Coordinator:   ARDITI
Partners:   Agrofood Techis, Unipessoal, Lda., Phytoalgae, Lda., ACOESTE - Associação da Costa Oeste.
Website:   https://agriculture.ec.europa.eu/common-agricultural-policy/rural-development_pt


This project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):

E Inverted Icons WEB 03


MarineSABRES Logo WhiteBackgroundMarine Biodiversity loss is continuing to decline despite current conservation efforts. Reversing the decline in biodiversity requires rapid roll out of effective conservation measures that can also enable a sustainable and resilient blue economy. Social-ecological systems-thinking and Ecosystem-Based Management are globally recognized tools to enable balanced marine development and conservation. Marine SABRES will co-design as Simple Social Ecological Systems approach (the Simple SES) to rapidly enable and upscale EBM (Ecosystem-Based Management) across Europe and abroad. Marine SABRES will set European marine management on a course to reverse biodiversity decline, it will conserve and protect biodiversity by integrating sustainable ecosystems and a resilient blue economy; enable managers to make sustainable decisions; empower citizens to engage with marine biodiversity conservation; promote sustainable development and in coastal and marine sectors. Marine SABRES is comprised of an interdisciplinary consortium including world leaders in the field of EBM and Social Ecological System distributed across Europe and focusing demonstration of practical management efforts in three Demonstration Areas (Tuscan Archipelago, the Arctic North-East Atlantic and Macaronesia) before upscaling throughout Europe and beyond.

Project Designation:   Marine SABRES - Marine Systems Approaches for Biodiversity Resilience and Ecosystem Sustainability
Program:   Horizon Europe
Start Date:   01/09/2022
End Date:   31/08/2026
Total Budget:   8 755 388,75 €
Funding:   8 755 388,75 €
ARDITI budget:   281 850,00 €
ARDITI funding:   281 850,00 €
Coordinator:   University College Cork
Partners:   University College Cork; E-Science European Infrastructure for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research; ARDITI; Danmarks Tekniske Universitet – DTU; Ecologic Institut gemeinnützige GmbH; Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies EV – IASS; Hafrannsóknastofnun, Rannsokna - OG Radgjafarsofnun hafs og Vatna – Hafrannsóknastofnun; Fundacion AZTI; Stichting Hummel Foundation for Sustainable Solutions; Universita di Pisa – UNIPI; Stofnun Vilhjalms Stefanssonar - Stefansson Artic Institute; Klaipedos Universitetas; Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria – ULPGC; Stichting Wageningen Research – WR; Aalborg Universitet – AAU; Universidade dos Açores; Stichting Nederlandse Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Instituten - NWO-I; WWF Verdensnaturfonden.
Website:   https://www.marinesabres.eu/
flag_yellow_low.jpg   This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 101058956.

This project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

E Inverted Icons WEB 03 E Inverted Icons WEB 14



TRIDENT aims to contribute to the sustainable exploitation of seabed mineral resources, by developing a reliable, transparent and cost-effective system for prediction and continuous environmental impact monitoring of exploration and exploitation activities in the deep sea. This system will develop and integrate technology and novel solutions to operate autonomously in remote areas under extreme conditions, and provide real-time data to permitting and supervising authorities. The effective monitoring and inspection system to be developed will comply with international and national legal frameworks. TRIDENT will identify all relevant physical, chemical, geological and biological parameters to be measured at the sea surface, mid-water and seabed. The project will also identify gaps in existing data sets and develop solutions to address them. These are essential steps to develop statistically robust environmental baselines, establish reliable indicators of good environmental status and define thresholds for significant impact, enabling the standardization of tools and methods. The project consortium will subsequently develop and test an integrated system of static and mobile observatory platforms equipped with the latest automatic sensors and samplers to measure environmental parameters on mining and reference areas at representative spatial and temporal scales. To support quick actions for preventing serious harm to the environment, the system will implement high-capacity data handling pipelines able to collect, transmit, process and display monitoring data in near real-time. Finally, we will provide technological and systemic solutions for forecasting potential environmental impacts by using the developed monitoring and mitigation methods.

Project Designation:   TRIDENT - HORIZON-CL4-2022-RESILIENCE-01-02 — Monitoring and supervising system for exploration and future exploitation activities in the deep sea (RIA)
Program:   Horizon Europe
Start Date:   01/01/2023
End Date:   31/12/2027
Total Budget:   11 845 429,48 €
Funding:   11 845 429,48 €
ARDITI budget:   26 306,00 €
ARDITI funding:   26 306,00 €
Coordinator:   INESC TEC

INESC TEC; Agora P.S.V.D.; Alseamar; ARDITI; Cintal; Stichting Deltares European Multidisciplinary Seafloorand Water; Column Observatory - European Research Infrastructure Consortium (Emso Eric); Emepc; Forum Oceano - Associacao Da Economia Do Mar; Greenov-Ites; Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera IP; La Palma Research Centre Sl; Marine Institute; National Oceanography Centre; Norce Norwegian Research Centre as Consorcio para El Diseño, Construcción; Equipamiento Y Explotación de la Plataforma Oceanica de Canarias; The Queen's University Of Belfast; University Of Limerick; Universidad Politecnica De Madrid; University College Cork - National University Of Ireland, Cork; Wsense Srl; Hr Wallingford Limited; Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior De Investigaciones Cientificas; Mercator Ocean; Time.Lex; Global E-Sustainability Initiative.

Website:   https://deepseatrident.eu/
flag_yellow_low.jpg   This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 101091959.

MIMA Project


The project aims to investigate why and how plastic impacts the marine environment, particularly in the deep waters of the mesopelagic layer. This study will evaluate the plastics' acoustic characteristics, compare them to the acoustic features of the natural prey of deep-diving predators, and propose mitigation measures in terms of plastic composition and structure. Ultimately, the project will contribute to mitigating marine pollution and its impacts on living aquatic organisms and communities.

Project Designation:   MIMA - 2022.09217.PTDC
Program:   FCT
Start Date:   01/01/2023
End Date:   30/06/2024
Total Budget:   47 170,00 € 
Funding:   47 170,00 € 
ARDITI Budget:   47 170,00 € 
ARDITI Funding:   47 170,00 € 
Partners:   Universidade de Vigo; Universidade de La Laguna

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This project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

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GOCORE Project

The GOCORE – GOverning COMmunity REsilience project is an Inter-Regional Cooperation project that aims to empower local communities in remote areas and far from decision-making centres, showing relevant European Policies to benefit the population from them. ARDITI's participation in this project focuses on Digital Transformation and taking it to rural and remote areas of the Autonomous Region of Madeira. This is also one of the objectives of the SIH - Smart Islands HUB project, a project that ARDITI is developing and which will have GOCORE acting in a complementary way. The idea is based on the creation of “creative living labs” in each municipality of RAM involving multidisciplinary teams to support local ideas to solve real local problems through Digital innovation.


Project Designation:   GOCORE: Governing Community Resilience
Program:   Interreg Europe
Start Date:   01/03/2023
End Date:   28/02/2027
Total Budget:   1 912 308,00€
Total Funding:   1 338 615,60€
ARDITI Budget:   229 572,00€
ARDITI Funding:   160 700,40€
Coordinator:   Província de Fryslân, Países Baixos
Partners:   Fryslân, Países Baixos, Município de Syddjurs, Dinamarca, ARDITI, Portugal, Região Intermunicipal de Coimbra, Portugal, Federação de Cooperativas de Trentino, Itália, Município de Saaremaa, Estónia, Região de Hajdú-Bihar, Hungria e pela Comunidade germanófona da Bélgica.



This project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

E Inverted Icons WEB 11 E Inverted Icons WEB 12 E Inverted Icons WEB 14

Smart Islands Hub Project

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The SIH - Smart Islands Hub is a digital innovation hub (DIH) that aims to promote the digital empowerment and inclusion of the Madeiran population and encourage the adoption of advanced digital technologies by SMEs and public sector organizations based in this region.

The Smart Islands Hub was officially recognized as part of the national network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) within the scope of the Portugal Digital strategy and obtained the Seal of Excellence in its application to the European network (EDIH) within the scope of the Digital Europe strategy.

Project Designation:   SIH - Smart Islands Hub
Program:   Portuguese Recovery and Resilience Plan
Start Date:   01/10/2022
End Date:   30/09/2025
Total Budget:   4 483 036,87€
Funding:   3 360 000,00€
ARDITI Budget:   1 648 789,77€
ARDITI Funding:   1 250 408,13€
Coordinator:   ARDITI
Partners:   ARDITI, Universidade da Madeira, Startup Madeira, ACIF-CCIM, FCT-UNL: Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia – Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Uninova: Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias (Polo da Madeira), Smart Energy LAB: Laboratório colaborativo para a aceleração da Transição Energética e CECOLAB: Collaborative Laboratory Towards Circular Economy.
Website:   https://smartislandshub.eu/index.php/en/



This project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

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Island regions face unique challenges due to their location. These challenges include limited transport options, a restricted range of economic activities (generally focused on tourism), a heavy reliance on imports and a lack of public services such as healthcare and education. Because of these issues, island regions often depend on aid and resources from the mainland.

However, digital technology can offer new ways to address these challenges. Since digital solutions can be used anywhere, they can help island regions become more self-sufficient and less dependent on the mainland.

Island regions can grow their economies by using digital technology in existing businesses and attracting new digital-based activities. Digital tools can improve public services such as health, education, transportation and government. Island regions can overcome many unique challenges by implementing digital technology in these areas.

DIGITAL ISLANDS is a project involving island regions of the European Union, including four outermost regions: Fryslân (Netherlands), Mallorca (Spain), Azores (Portugal), Madeira (Portugal), Réunion (France), Mayotte (France), Åland ( Finland), Cres (Croatia) and South Aegean Region (Greece).

The project aims to help island regions increase the use of digital practices and solutions in all parts of island life. The project will focus on three main areas:

  1. Using digital technology in business and industry

  2. Application of digital technology to public services and facilities

  3. Improving the quality of life on the islands through digital practices

Partners will work with local groups on the islands to create and deliver specific digital projects that help the islands become more self-sufficient DIGITAL ISLANDS.

What will change with this project?

The project aims to increase self-sufficiency and resilience in European island regions through digital technology. By leveraging digital solutions, islands can diversify their economies, reducing their dependence on tourism and imports. This change promotes economic growth by integrating digital technology into existing businesses and attracting new digital-based ventures.

The project also seeks to improve public services on the islands, using digital tools for healthcare (e-health), education (e-learning), transport (smart mobility) and governance (e-governance). This digital transition can lead to better access and quality of life for island residents.

With a collaborative approach involving multiple EU island regions, the project encourages the sharing of good practices and the promotion of communities in these regions. DIGITAL ISLANDS aims to create stronger, more self-sufficient island communities by focusing on digital practices across diverse socio-economic areas.

Project Designation:   DIGITAL ISLANDS - Self-Supporting Digital Islands
Program:   Interreg Europe
Start Date:   01/04/2024
End Date:   31/03/2028
Total Budget:   2 283 726,00€
Total Funding:   1 598 608,20€
ARDITI Budget:   234 496,00€
ARDITI Funding:   164 147,20€
Coordinator:   Província de Fryslân
Partners:   Province of Fryslân; Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Mallorca; Regional Undersecretary of the Presidency – Regional Government of the Azores; Regional Agency for the Development of Research Technology and Innovation (ARDITI); Reunion Regional Council; Departmental Council of Mayotte; Åland University of Applied Sciences; Town of Cres; Development Agency of South Aegean Region (READ).
Website:   https://www.interregeurope.eu/digital-islands



This project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

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The project CLIMAREST: Coastal Climate Resilience and Marine Restoration Tools for the Arctic Atlantic Basin integrates multiple expertise into a holistic approach that aims to develop a flexible overarching toolbox designed to establish guidelines for ecosystem restoration and to enhance climate resilience in coastal communities. The concept is to develop, test, and optimise a modular toolbox that integrates expert knowledge, scientific information, multilevel stakeholder and community involvement, ecosystem service improvement analysis, cost-benefit analysis, priority of actions, and custom-designed protocols for restoring and monitoring multiple coastal habitats. The toolbox framework will have common and specific tools that will be tested, optimised, and demonstrated in five different ecosystems across a latitudinal gradient of the Arctic-Atlantic basin, ranging from the high-Arctic Svalbard (79° N) in the north to the Madeira archipelago (33° N) in the south. In Madeira, project CLIMAREST will leverage opportunistic datasets from the existing mobile applications and digital platform tools for web-based surveys, allowing the reach out to a wide stakeholder audience, enabling citizen and stakeholder participation in monitoring of restoration activities and scenarios.

Project Designation:   CLIMAREST - Coastal Climate Resilience and Marine Restoration Tools for the Arctic Atlantic basin
Program:   Horizon Europe
Start Date:   01/12/2022
End Date:   30/11/2025
Total Budget:   8 701 780,25 €
Funding:   8 500 000,00 €
ARDITI budget:   797 375,00 €
ARDITI funding:   797 375,00 €
Coordinator:   Sintef Ocean AS
Partners:   Sintef Ocean AS (NO); Stiftelsen Norsk Institutt for Naturforskning Nina (NO); Institut Francais de Recherche pour L'exploitation de La Mer (FR); ARDITI - Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação (PT); Wavec/Offshore Renewables - Centro de Energia 
Offshore (PT); National University of Ireland Galway (IE); Universidad de Malaga (ES); Universidad de Alicante (ES); Universidad de Vigo (ES); Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet 
NTNU (NO); Meteorologisk Institutt (NO); Universita Politecnica Delle Marche (IT); Universita Degli Studi Di Napoli Federico II (NO); Seaboost (FR); Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DK); Aarhus Universitet (DK).
Website:   https://climarest.eu/
flag_yellow_low.jpg   This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. 101093865.

This project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

E Inverted Icons WEB 03 E Inverted Icons WEB 14

Projeto MITIExcell

O MITIExcell melhorará a capacidade da ARDITI em investigação e desenvolvimento tecnológico, ampliando o potencial humano e promovendo uma massa crítica de investigadores com experiência interdisciplinar em interação homem-computador (HCI) procurando investigar e desenvolver soluções inovadoras humanísticas e tecnológicas, que aproveitem as vantagens do posicionamento geográfico ultraperiférico da Madeira na promoção da justiça social, sustentabilidade ambiental e motivação das comunidades pelas novas tecnologias e redes sociais. Também trabalhará em ferramentas de análise de tendências em turismo e marketing, complementadas com experiência transmídia. O projeto de três anos irá alavancar parcerias internacionais com a Carnegie Mellon University, University of Texas em Austin e University College London, no aspecto de I&D.


Designação do Projeto:   MITIExcell "Excelência Internacional de IDT&I nas TIC"
Código do Projeto:   M1420-01-0145-FEDER-000002
Objetivo Principal:   Melhorar a capacidade em Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico
Região de Intervenção:   Região Autónoma da Madeira
Entidade Beneficiária:   Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação
Data de Aprovação:   29-01-2016
Data de Início:   01-07-2015
Data de Conclusão:   31-05-2021
Custo Total Elegível:   2.586.560,17
Apoio Financeiro
da UE - FEDER:







O principal objetivo deste projeto é fortalecer a educação especulativa em design, coletando e trocando conhecimentos e experiências existentes, enquanto desenvolvemos novos métodos nesse campo emergente de design. Ao criar uma parceria estratégica transnacional, construída em diferentes contextos e experiências em toda a Europa, ele criará uma estrutura para o intercâmbio de idéias e abordagens e desenvolverá um conjunto de ferramentas de recursos para a educação especulativa em design. No contexto das condições sociais, tecnológicas, de mídia e econômicas que mudam rapidamente, um número crescente de designers está desenvolvendo novas abordagens para o design. Esses "novos designers" agem nas fronteiras das disciplinas tradicionalmente definidas, obscurecendo as distinções entre elas. Em suas pesquisas, esses novos designers se envolvem com diversos campos da ciência, principalmente ciências da computação e engenharia, sociologia, psicologia, arquitetura, biotecnologia, nanotecnologia etc., com o objetivo de refletir criticamente sobre o desenvolvimento e o papel da tecnologia na sociedade. 


Designação do Projeto:   SpeculativeEDU
Programa:   ERASMUS+
Data de Início:   01/10/2018
Data de Conclusão:   31/03/2021
Orçamento Total:   267.140,00€
Apoio Financeiro:   267.140,00€
Orçamento ARDITI:   35.370,00€
Apoio Financeiro ARDITI:   35.370,00€
Site do Projeto:   https://speculativeedu.eu/






Projeto FI-MAC


Plataforma para o desenvolvimento das PME (Pequenas e Médias Empresas) da Macaronésia através da utilização das tecnologias da Internet do Futuro.


  • Melhorar a competitividade das PME;
  • Criação de condições para a internacionalização de empresas;
  • Transferência de conhecimento;
  • Implementação das tecnologias futuras de Internet;
  • Internacionalização FI-MAC.


Designação do Projeto:   FI-MAC
Programa:   PO-MAC
Data de Início:   01/11/2016
Data de Conclusão:   31/03/2021
Orçamento Total:   889.687,02€
Apoio Financeiro:   756.233,97€
Orçamento ARDITI:   92.700,04€
Apoio Financeiro ARDITI:   78.795,03€







Site do Projeto:  


Interreg MAC 2014 2020 







IDL Project


IDL - Instituto Dom Luiz is a Research Center dedicated to Geosciences and a permanent Institute of the University of Lisbon. The IDL was founded in 1853 and has continuously contributed to different areas of Geosciences. In its early years, IDL was mainly dedicated to Meteorology and Geophysics around the still operational Observatório do Clima e Seismologia de Lisboa. Since 2004, IDL has integrated Geology and Geodesy into its interests. In the last decade, the IDL has grown substantially with the integration of young researchers in areas such as Oceanography, Marine Geosciences and Renewable Energies.

IDL research is aligned around three thematic lines “Climate Change”, “Solid Earth Dynamics” and “Energy and Land Resources”. The Iberian Peninsula and the enlarged Portuguese continental shelf constitute natural laboratories for world-class Geoscience studies within these thematic lines, addressing the sustainable use of energy, water and raw materials, the management of natural hazards, taking into account environmental and social conditions, and the opening of a new ocean frontier.

IDL is dedicated to fundamental but also experimental and observational research and the development of new applications of knowledge in Geosciences. Research in Fundamental Geosciences, in Atmospheric, Solid Earth or Oceanic processes, related to the special nature of the interactions between those systems that occur in the Northeastern Atlantic Frontier System, one of the 4 regions of the world, or close to the Atlantic Ridge, is especially promising. Both systems are remarkably active and affect large areas of the world.

IDL is directly responsible for one of the new FCT Doctoral Programs in Earth System Science (EARTHSYSTEMS) and is a partner of another FCT Doctoral Program in Sustainable Energy Systems (SES, MIT-Portugal). These two programs cover the main research topics of the IDL and provide a continuous flow of PhD students and a strong interaction with other Portuguese and international research groups. Scientific Objectives: The IDL aims to be relevant not only to fundamental Earth System research but also to applications and technologies that relate science to key 21st-century societal concerns: predicting and adapting to climate change and other important natural hazards and establishing an environmentally sustainable supply of raw materials, water and energy.

The fusion of Geoscience research with applications and technologies is the key to both the transfer of knowledge to society and the training of a new generation of scientists and engineers.

Research Groups:

  • Climate Change, atmosphere-land-ocean processes and extremes;
  • Earth Surface Processes;
  • Solid Earth dynamics, hazards and resources;
  • Continental margins and the deep ocean frontier;
  • Energy transition.
Project Designation:   Instituto Dom Luiz - IDL
Program:   FCT - Unidades
Start Date:   01/01/2020
End Date:   31/12/2024
Total Budget:   29 080,00 € 
Funding:   29 080,00 €
Partners:   Faculdade de Ciência da Universidade de Lisboa (FC/ULisboa) - Proponente; FCiências.ID-Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências (Fciências.ID); Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI); Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL/IPL); Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Invação (ARDITI).
Website:   http://idl.campus.ciencias.ulisboa.pt/


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Sentinela-Atlântica Project

Logo Sentinela Atlântica

The protocol aims to establish cooperation between the Estado-Maior-General das Forças Armadas, the Regional Government of Madeira, the University of Madeira and ARDITI, with a view to developing, in the Autonomous Region of Madeira, a research project of excellence with the aim of applying and developing robotic systems, remote sensors, unmanned aerial vehicles, commonly referred to as "AUVs", and autonomous underwater vehicles (commonly referred to as "UAVs"), for environmental surveillance and monitoring, particularly focused on the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ of RAM).

Project Designation:   SENTINELA-ATLÂNTICA
Program:   Cooperation protocol between Estado-Maior-General das Forças Armadas, Madeira Regional Government, University of Madeira and ARDITI
Start Date:   01/10/2021
End Date:   31/12/2024
Total Budget:   742 954,89 € 
Total Funding:   742 954,89 €
ARDITI Budget:   742 954,89 €
ARDITI Funding:   742 954,89 €
Partners:   Estado-Maior-General das Forças Armadas, Governo Regional da Madeira, Universidade da Madeira e ARDITI

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This project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):

E Inverted Icons WEB 09

Laboratório Associado Instituto Dom Luiz Project

IDL research is aligned around three thematic lines “Climate Change”, “Solid Earth Dynamics” and “Energy and Land Resources”. The Iberian Peninsula and the enlarged Portuguese continental shelf constitute natural laboratories for world-class Geoscience studies within these thematic lines, addressing the sustainable use of energy, water and raw materials, the management of natural hazards, taking into account environmental and social, and the opening of a new ocean frontier.

Project Designation:   Laboratório Associado Instituto Dom Luiz
Program:   FCT - Laboratórios Associados
Start Date:   01/01/2021
End Date:   31/12/2025
Total Budget:   670 080,00 €
ARDITI Budget:   167 907,00 € 
Coordinator:   Instituto Dom Luiz
Parceiros:   Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa; FCiências.ID - Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências; ARDITI; Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL/IPL); Universidade da Beira Interior (UBI).


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CEEC Institutional Project

The commitment to knowledge constitutes a central aim of the program of the XXI Constitutional Government and the National Reform Program, reflecting the importance that scientific employment assumes in Portuguese society. Investment in knowledge, as demonstrated in the last forty years in Portugal, is an essential pillar for the success of the scientific and technological development of a country and must be translated into a public policy unequivocally oriented towards stimulating the growing affirmation and recognition of advanced qualifications. and the employment of human resources at the national and international level, in line with the importance of teaching and research activities. Attracting and retaining qualified human resources, including encouraging the opening of employment opportunities and the development of professional career paths for doctorates, together with the promotion of the rejuvenation of human resources of the entities that make up the National Scientific and Technological System (SCTN), are fundamental purposes of Portugal's commitment to knowledge. This project funds the hiring of 2 PhD researchers for ARDITI.

Project Designation:   CEEC INSTITUTIONAL
Program:   FCT
Start Date:   01/10/2019
End Date:   31/01/2026
Total Budget:   757 680,00 € 
Funding:   757 680,00 € 
ARDITI Budget:   757 680,00 € 
ARDITI Funding:   757 680,00 € 
Partners:   University of Madeira


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LA_ARNET Project


ARNET aims to increase the excellence, impact and applicability of scientific production and results related to marine and freshwater research, strengthening national and international cooperation and partnerships (researchers, academics, administration and private companies) to increase success in obtaining competitive funding, promote scientific work, train high-level scientists and leverage its role as a key institution in aquatic and environmental matters, thus orienting ARNET towards the pursuit of the five (5) objectives of the subordinate National Scientific and Technological Policy to five thematic areas of the Research and Innovation Agenda: 1. Agrifood, Forests and Biodiversity, 2. Climate Change, 3. Circular Economy, 4. Space and Earth Observation and 5. Mar.

Conceptually, five specific types of challenges were identified as central themes for the ARNET intervention: scientific, environmental, health (environmental health), economic and social. For each one, a specific objective was established, with the capacity to support and monitor public policies: 1 - Support the development of scientific and technological approaches for the sustainable use of marine, freshwater, estuarine and marine freshwater ecosystems; 2 - Deepen knowledge about the functioning of estuarine and freshwater marine ecosystems, addressing changes that threaten ecological resilience and environmental sustainability; 3 - To promote the good ecological and healthy state of the seas and oceans, estuaries and river basins; 4 - Explore solutions based on biotechnology and nature to encourage better management of aquatic resources; 5 - Promote models of participatory governance and encourage the emergence of a literate oceanic society.


Project Designation:   Rede de Infraestruturas em Investigação Aquática - ARNET
Program:   FCT - Laboratórios Associados
Start Date:   01/01/2021
End Date:   31/12/2025
Total Budget:   1 051 280,00 € 
Total Funding:   1 051 280,00 € 
ARDITI Budget:   73 280,64 € 
ARDITI Funding:   73 280,64 € 
Coordinator:   Centro de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente (MARE)
Parceiros:   Universidade de Coimbra (UC), Instituto Politécnico de Leiria (IPLeiria), Universidade do Minho (UM), Universidade do Algarve (UAlg), Universidade de Évora (UE), Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL), ISPA,CRL (ISPA), NOVA.ID.FCT - Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT (NOVA.ID.FCT/FCTUNL/UNL), FCiências.ID - Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências (Fciências.ID), Centro de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente (MARE)


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This project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

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Projeto RAGES




A necessidade de Abordagens Baseadas em Ecossistemas (EBA) padronizadas que atendem aos requisitos do MSFD e as necessidades práticas das autoridades competentes são reconhecidas há muito tempo. Tal como salientado no relatório da Comissão sobre o primeiro ciclo de implementação do DTSM, os Estados-Membros da UE lutaram para desenvolver abordagens de execução inter-comparáveis ​​e regionalmente harmonizadas, e a aplicação de estratégias marinhas tem sido principalmente a nível nacional. Para o primeiro ciclo, esta falta de harmonização regional constituiu um obstáculo à aplicação efetiva da diretiva, em especial do artigo 3.º, n.º 5, ad 5, que determina a determinação sub-regional do bom estado ambiental (BIG).
Territórios marinhos na Europa podem se estender até 350 milhas náuticas a partir da costa e a profundidades de 5000m. O tamanho, a inacessibilidade, a natureza dinâmica e a variabilidade desses sistemas inevitavelmente resultam em incerteza sobre a condição do sistema. Essa falta de conhecimento completo é um conceito fundamental na EBA adaptativa. Reconhecendo o tremendo desafio de medir, monitorar e atender o GES nessas áreas, a decisão revisada da comissão sobre descritores ea estratégia comum de implementação do Grupo de Coordenação da Estratégia Marinha enfatizaram o papel das abordagens baseadas no risco para permitir a eficiência regional e regional. implementação sub-regional do DQEM e “concentrar os seus esforços nas principais pressões antropogénicas que afectam as suas águas” (considerando 6) e estabelecer limiares “com base no princípio da precaução, reflectindo o risco potencial para o ambiente marinho” ( N.º 1 do artigo 4.º) e o conceito de risco é explícito na própria directiva (considerando 27 e n.º 4 do artigo 14.º).
RAGES reúne autoridades públicas de quatro Estados-Membros da UE (Irlanda, França, Espanha e Portugal) com responsabilidade partilhada pela implementação regional e sub-regional do MSFD na região do Atlântico Nordeste, juntamente com especialistas em análise de risco (INERIS), e especialização técnica em medição e monitorização ecológica (MaREI, IMPA, ARDITI, FCUL) para cumprir os objectivos de “apoiar o desenvolvimento da implementação operacional de indicadores regionais, listas de elementos, valores limite e regras de integração para implementar o GES”. Esta apresentação é feita conjuntamente entre os quatro Estados-Membros da UE e as suas autoridades competentes em matéria de DQF, que partilham as três sub-regiões, e está de acordo com as duas prioridades indicadas no convite à apresentação de propostas: “Apoio ao desenvolvimento e à implementação operacional dos programas regionais e sub - indicadores regionais, listas de elementos, valores limiares e regras de integração para implementar a Decisão GES ”e“ Colmatar o fosso entre a Macaronésia e o Oceano Atlântico NE - rumo a uma estratégia coordenada ”(Macaronésia- Prioridade 2). padrões na gestão de risco (ISO 31000) com as etapas obrigatórias do processo de implementação do MSFD, a RAGES utilizará dados e informações dos programas nacionais existentes do 1º ciclo e iniciativas regionais (ex. Avaliação Intermediária da OSPAR) para desenvolver e promover uma implementação eficiente e rentável. , abordagem replicável e transparente para a implementação comum do MSFD no Atlântico Nordeste.


Designação do Projeto:   RAGES
Data de Início:   01/01/2019
Data de Conclusão:   30/06/2021
Orçamento Total:   854 770,00 € 
Apoio Financeiro:   662 288,00 € 
Orçamento ARDITI:   68 480,00 € 
Apoio Financeiro ARDITI:   54 784,00 €
Coordenador:   University College Cork, National University of Ireland, Cork,
Parceiros:   Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government,

Direção Regional dos Assuntos do Mar, Secretaria Regional do Mar Ciencia e Tecnologia, Governo Regional dos Açores (Regional Directorate for the Maritime Affairs),

Minstière de la Transition Écologique et Solidaire,

Institut National De L’Environnement Industriel et des Risques,

Dirección General de Sostenibilidad de la Costa y del Mar- Subdirección General para la Protección del Mar,

Universitat Politècnica de València,

Direção-Geral de Recursos Naturais, Segurança e Serviços Marítimos,

Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação Tecnologia e Inovação (ARDITI)

Instituto Español de Oceanografía,

Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa,

Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, I.P.,

Secretaria Regional do Ambiente e Recursos Naturais, Governo Regional da Madeira – Direção Regional do Ordenamento do Território e Ambiente.

Site do Projeto:   http://www.msfd.eu/rages/rages.html




Este projeto está alinhado com os seguintes Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS):

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LARSYS Project

iti larsys logo

The Associated Laboratory for Robotics and Engineering Systems (LARSyS) was founded in 2001 to conduct basic and applied research in engineering technologies relevant to industrial applications and societal challenges. LARSyS contributes to new research challenges due to the following:

A solid scientific background in Systems, Data Science and Learning;
An interdisciplinary social-technical systems (STS) approach combines analytical tools and engineering methods with social science and design tools and research methods;
A real-world, app-driven motivation for social issues defined along thematic lines;
An engagement with the socio-economic implications of problems and solutions, leading to sustainable development goals through collaborations with industry, public policy recommendations and spin-off companies.

Project Designation:   LARSyS
Program:   FCT
Start Date:   01/01/2020
End Date:   31/12/2024
Total Budget:   4 040 759,00 € 
Total Funding:   4 040 759,00 € 
ARDITI Budget:   662 652,00 €
 ARDITI Funding:   662 652,00 €
Partners:   ISR, IN+, MARETEC
Website:   https://iti.larsys.pt/


2015 FCT H color

MARE-Madeira Project

MARE logo

MARE - Centro de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente - is a centre for scientific research, technological development and innovation, with an integrative and holistic approach, concentrating a wide range of skills, capabilities and means, with a territorial implementation of national scope, which develops its research activities oriented to the problems and challenges of society, in close partnership with national and international research centres.

It is a multipolar centre consisting of seven poles, six in Portuguese higher education institutions University of Coimbra (MARE-UCoimbra), Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (MARE-IPLeiria), University of Lisbon (MARE-ULisboa), New University of Lisbon (MARE-NOVA), ISPA - University Institute (MARE-ISPA), University of Évora (MARE-UÉvora), and one in the archipelago of Madeira (MARE-Madeira).

MARE has technical and scientific expertise to address all aquatic ecosystems, including river basins and adjacent areas, estuaries, coastal and oceanic marine ecosystems.

Project Designation:   MARE-Madeira
Program:   FCT
Start Date:   01/01/2020
End Date:   31/12/2024
Total Budget:   5 737 875,00 € 
Total Funding:   5 737 875,00 €
ARDITI Budget:   565 605,48 €
ARDITI Funding:   565 605,48 €
Partners:   Universidade de Coimbra, FCiências.ID, ISPA, CRL, IPLeiria, Universidade de Évora, NOVA ID.FCT
Website:   http://www.mare-centre.pt/en

2015 FCT H colorThis project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):

E Inverted Icons WEB 06 E Inverted Icons WEB 13 E Inverted Icons WEB 14





CIVITAS Initiative


O projecto CIVITAS-DESTINATIONS enquadra-se na iniciativa CIVITAS 2016-2020, reúne parceiros de 11 países europeus, aos quais se junta ainda a China, e é financiado diretamente pela Comissão Europeia no âmbito do programa "H2020-EU.3.4. - SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Smart, Green And Integrated Transport", na call "MOBILITY for GROWTH 2014-2015 - MG-5.5a-2015 - Demonstrating and testing innovative solutions for cleaner and better urban transport and mobility". Foi uma das 3 candidaturas aprovadas entre as cerca de 40 submetidas.

O coordenador europeu do projeto é a empresa Horários do Funchal (HF) e, a nível regional são ainda parceiros, a ARDITI (Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação), a Câmara Municipal do Funchal (CMF), a AREAM (Agência Regional de Energia e Ambiente da Madeira) e a Secretaria Regional da Economia Turismo e Cultura (SRETC). Os restantes parceiros europeus são da França, Itália, Espanha, Chipre, Malta, Grécia, Alemanha, Reino Unido, Roménia e Bélgica. As cidades envolvidas são todas insulares e são o Funchal (Madeira, PT), Las Palmas (Canárias, ES), Limassol (CY), Portoferrio + Rio Marina (Elba, IT), Rethymnon (Creta, GR) e La Valletta (MA).

A ARDITI participa em 4 medidas regionais, liderando duas delas: uma no âmbito do "Smart sensing/metering and user generated content to improve planning and mobility services – MAD2.2" e outra no âmbito da "Gamification as a way to induce behavioural change in Mobility – MAD6.1". Para além desta coordenação a Agência participa ainda em outras duas medidas subordinadas aos temas:  "Smart PT traveller information service – MAD7.3" e "Green credits: A Business Model for Mobility, Sustainability and Tourism – MAD6.2".

O projecto teve o seu início a 01/09/2016, tem uma duração prevista de 48 meses (4 anos) e um orçamento total de 4,5 Milhões de Euros para os parceiros regionais (Madeira), com um co-financiamento médio da Comissão Europeia de 89% (4 Milhões de Euros). A este projecto corresponde o grant agreement Nº 689031 (nº do contrato de projeto com a Comissão Europeia).

Para além do CIVITAS-DESTINATIONS, nesta call foram aprovados apenas mais 2 projetos de “living lab” desta natureza, sendo que os outros dois são o CIVITAS-PORTIS e o CIVITAS-ECCENTRIC (mais informação em http://www.civitas.eu).


Designação do Projeto:   CIVITAS-DESTINATIONS
Programa:   H2020
Data de Início:   01/09/2016
Data de Conclusão:   31/08/2020
Orçamento Total:   19 975 902 €
Apoio Financeiro:   17 874 948,01 €
Orçamento ARDITI:   384 696,25 €
Apoio Financeiro ARDITI:   384 696,25 €
Coordenador:   Horários do Funchal, Transportes Públicos, S.A.
Parceiros:   Horários do Funchal, Transportes Públicos, S.A., Câmara Municipal do Funchal, Agência Regional da Energia e Ambiente da Região Autónoma da Madeira (AREAM), Secretaria Regional da Economia, Turismo e Cultura (SRETC), Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação (ARDITI), Municipality of Rio Marina, Municipality of Portoferraio, CTT-Nord, Gestione Associata Turismo dell’Isola d’Elba, MemEx, Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems (ISIS), Guaguas Municipales, Ayuntamiento Las Palmas, Sagulpa, SA, Ingeniería Electrónica Canaria S.L, Limassol Tourism Development and Promotion Company Ltd (LTC), Municipality of Limassol, Stratagem Energy Ltd, Municipality of, Rethymno, Technical University of Crete, Transport Malta, Valletta Local Council, Malta Local Council Association, Ministry for Tourism -MTA, Insight Innovation GmbH, Euro Project Consult (EPC), CINESI Transport Consultants, VECTOS, European Integrated Projects (EIP), Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions of Europe (CPMR), SUSTAINABLE SERVICES GV21
Site do Projeto:   http://www.civitas.eu



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