ARDITI is an institution open to society, of an interdisciplinary nature and focused on the development of research and innovative solutions in the domains of technology, health and the ocean.
The associates are the Regional Government of Madeira, the University of Madeira, as well as a number of private entities based in the region interested in activities related to Research and Technological Development (R&TD).
As a non-profit organisation and member of the national science and technology system, the Agency aims to support research activities, experimental development, technological dissemination, professional training and scientific dissemination.
Its research, development and innovation (R&D+I) activities aim to contribute to the modernisation and development of the Autonomous Region of Madeira.
ARDITI houses four research units:
and two interface platforms:
Members of the General Assembly
Chairman of the Board: Dr. Jorge Maria Abreu de Carvalho, representative of the Autonomous Region of Madeira
Secretary: Professor José Sílvio Moreira Fernandes, representative of UMa
Secretary: Dr. Pedro Mota, representative of Madeira Tecnopolo
Board of Directors
Chairman of the Board: Doctor Rui Miguel Andrade Caldeira
Member: Eng.º Clemente Luís Sequeira Aguiar
Member: Professor Elsa Maria dos Santos Fernandes
Fiscal Council
President: Dr. João Manuel Figueira da Silva Santos, representative of Cimentos Madeira
Member: Mr. Jorge Amaro de Freitas, representative of ASSECO PST
Member: José Elves Fernandes de Freitas, representative of Empresa de Cervejas da Madeira
ARDITI - Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação