


1. ARDITI - Regional Agency for the Development of Research Technology and Innovation - Association, through its Chairman of the Board of Directors, announces the opening of an international selection competition procedure for one doctorate researcher, for the exercise of science and technology communication management activities in the scientific area(s) of Environmental Sciences and Social Sciences, in the form of an uncertain term employment contract under the Labor Code.

This competition procedure is open within the scope of the project SIH-Smart Islands Hub, funded by regional funds through the Government of the Autonomous Region of Madeira”.

2. Applicable legislation:

  1. Decree-Law no. 57/2016, of 29 August, which approves a regime for hiring doctorates aimed at stimulating scientific and technological employment in all areas of knowledge (RJEC), as amended by Law n. 57/2017, of July 19;
  2. Regulatory Decree no. 11-A/2017, of December 29, which establishes the remuneration levels in the doctoral contracting regimes;
  3. Decree-law no. 63/2019, of 17 May, which establishes the legal regime for institutions dedicated to research and development, in the wording attributed by Decree-Law no. 126-B/2021, of December 31;
  4. Decree-Law no. 66/2018, of 1 January, which approves the legal regime for the recognition of academic degrees and higher education diplomas awarded by foreign higher education institutions;
  5. Labor Code, approved by Law no. 7/2009, of February 12, in its current wording.

3. Composition of the Jury:

The jury consists of the following elements:

  • President, Rui Caldeira (ARDITI)
  • Effective member, João Clode (MARE-Madeira)
  • Effective member, Carlos Andrade (MARE-Madeira)
  • Alternate member, Sónia Costa (ARDITI)
  • Alternate  member, Carlos Lucas (ARDITI)

4. Activities to be performed:

This procedure is open to the exercise of science and technology communication management activities in the area(s) of Environmental Sciences and Social Sciences, intending to organise and coordinate dissemination and training events such as lectures, workshops, and community engagement activities to promote understanding and importance of digital transformation and research; establish contacts with the different means of social communication; produce content for various media; support in the preparation of executive summaries and project reports; promote the transfer and enhancement of knowledge and implement participatory methodologies to manage the transformation of work due to the implementation of new technologies within the scope of the Smart Islands Hub project.

5. Workplace

The work will be carried out at ARDITI's facilities, located at Edifício Madeira Tecnopolo, Piso 2, Caminho da Penteada, 9020-105 Funchal, without prejudice to the fact that the work may also take place in other facilities related to ARDITI's activity or by it indicated.

6. Remuneration

The present competition procedure is open for level 33 of the single remuneration table (TRU), in accordance with the ARDITI “Grelha Salarial 2020 – Investigadores Doutorados”, which corresponds to the gross monthly remuneration in the amount of 2228,11 Euros.

7. Contract duration:

7.1 The contract to be signed will be concluded for an uncertain term, as long as the reason that justifies its celebration and the aforementioned financing remains, with the maximum limit of the same being always 6 years under the provisions of paragraph 3 and subparagraph b) of paragraph 1 of article 6 of the RJEC. 

7.2 The basis for contracting for an uncertain resolutive term relates to the execution of specific activities, precisely defined and not lasting, necessary for the development of the SIH-Smart Islands Hub project, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 and paragraph g) of paragraphs 2 and 3 of article 140 of the Labor Code. 

This hiring is necessary to ensure the development of science and technology communication management activities referred to in point 4 and inherent to the development of the SIH-Smart Islands Hub project, eventually being the hiring later supported by funds from other financed projects; therefore, the financing is a necessary and determinant condition for hiring. Hence, its termination will consubstantiate the supervening, absolute, and definitive impossibility of ARDITI in receiving the work performed by the worker.

7.3 The cessation of funding, the termination of the project, or the conclusion of the activities that constitute the object of this competition procedure will determine the expiry of the contract that will operate with the communication referred to in number one of article 345 of the Labor Code, or that is if the term is expected to occur, the employer communicates the termination of the contract to the worker, at least seven, 30 or 60 days in advance, depending on whether the contract has lasted up to six months, from six months to two years or for a more extended period.

8.Admission requirements:

8.1 Candidates must demonstrate proactive involvement in implementing dissemination activities, communication, and promoting local training and awareness actions (Madeira Island) with different target audiences.

8.2 Candidates must hold a Certificate of Pedagogical Skills (CCP);

8.3 The candidate must have proficiency in PT and EN, particularly in scientific writing.;

8.4 The candidate must have organisational and information analysis skills, including demonstrable solid planning skills with the ability to ensure the timely execution of project tasks and results;

8.5 National, foreign, and stateless candidates who hold a doctoral degree in a field of knowledge or specialty that covers the scientific area of Environmental Sciences and Social Sciences may oppose the public tender procedure.. 

8.6 Degrees obtained in foreign countries require the presentation of a Portuguese Recognition issued by a Portuguese institution of higher education that confers the degree or diploma in that area of training, specialty, or branch of knowledge, following the provisions of Decree-Law no.66 /2018, of 16.08, which approves the legal regime for the recognition of academic degrees and higher education diplomas awarded by foreign higher education institutions, regulated by Ordinance no.43/2020 , of 14.02

In these situations, the presentation of the Acknowledgment will be required only for the conclusion of the contract, that is, until the expiry date of the period granted for the conclusion of the contract.

9. Formalization of applications:

9.1 Applications must be sent by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of ARDITI. The subject must identify this notice “ARDITI-SIH-2023-001”, and in the body, the personal data (full name, Citizen Card number and date, or civil identification number, tax identification number, date and place of birth, residence and contact address, including email address and telephone number).

9.2 The application must be accompanied by documents proving the conditions set out in point 8 for admission to this competition procedure, namely:

a) Copy of certificate or diploma;

b)  Ph.D. thesis or equivalent document that determined the award of this academic degree;

c) Detailed curriculum vitae, structured following the items in points 10.5 to 10.7, with a copy attached to the works that the candidate considers most relevant for each of the items in the referred points;

d)  Certificate of Pedagogical Skills;

e)  Motivation Letter;

f) Other documents that the candidate justifies as being relevant for the analysis of his/her application.

9.3 Candidates shall submit the application and documents referred to in the previous number, in PDF format, until the last day of the opening deadline for the competition procedure, which is set at 10 working days, after publication of this Notice. A candidate, based on the impossibility or excessive burden of sending any of the documents referred to in the previous number by email, may deliver them in physical support, respecting the aforementioned date, by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt to the postal address “ARDITI, Edifício Madeira Tecnopolo, Piso 2, Caminho da Penteada, 9020-105 Funchal” or by hand at the Administrative and Financial Department of ARDITI. If the candidate's justification for submitting documents only in physical format is not accepted, the President of the Jury will give him/her a reasonable period to present them also in digital format.

9.4  The application and documents may be presented in Portuguese or English, without the President of the Jury being able to demand that, within a reasonable period of time, that the candidate/ carry out the translation into English of a document previously presented in Portuguese

9.5 By decision of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of ARDITI, candidates who do not meet the aforementioned requirements of formalisation of candidacies are not admitted to the competition procedure, candidates who do not present the application, or do not deliver all the documents referred to in points a) to d) of point 9.2, or that present them illegibly, incorrectly completed, or invalid. The Chairman of the Board also has the option of requiring any candidate, in case of doubt and for the purposes of admission to the competition procedure, to present documents proving the respective declarations.

10. Evaluation of applications:

10.1 The Jury will deliberate on the approval or rejection of the candidates in absolute merit, by justified nominal vote where no abstentions are allowed.

10.2 A candidate who obtains a favourable vote from more than half of the voting members of the jury is considered approved on absolute merit.

10.3 Pursuant to article 5 of the RJEC, the selection of candidates is carried out through the evaluation of their scientific and curricular path.

10.4 - The evaluation of the scientific and curricular path focuses on the relevance, quality and actuality:

a) The scientific, technological, academic production of the last five years considered most relevant by the candidate;

b) Applied research activities, or based on practice, developed in the last five years and considered to have the most significant impact by the candidate;

c) Extension and dissemination of knowledge activities carried out in the last five years, namely in the context of promoting scientific practices, considered of greater relevance by the candidate;

d) Management activities for science, technology, and innovation programs, or experience observing and monitoring the scientific and technological system or higher education in Portugal or abroad.

10.5 The five-year period referred to in the previous number may be extended by the jury, at the request of the candidate, when based on suspension of scientific activity for socially protected reasons, namely, for reasons of parental leave, prolonged period of serious illness, and other legally protected situations of unavailability for work.

10.6 The selection of the candidate to be hired will be made through the evaluation of their scientific and curricular path, focusing on the relevance, quality, timeliness and suitability of this path to the functions to be performed, considering the last 5 years of activity, according to the following evaluation criteria and ponderations: 

  1. Quality of the scientific production considered most relevant by the candidate, and relevant to the work to be developed, which was given a weighting factor of 10% considering:
    • its nature;
    • its impact;
    • the importance of contributions to the advancement of the current state of knowledge.
  2. Participation in scientific and research projects focusing on the Autonomous Region of Madeira, which was given a weighting factor of 5%
  3. Extension activities and dissemination of knowledge, namely in the context of scientific practices, considered of greater relevance by the candidate, which was given a weighting factor of 20% considering services to the scientific community and society: a parameter that takes into account the participation in scientific and technological dissemination initiatives, when carried out within the scientific community, namely through participation in dissemination, communication and promotion of training and local awareness activities (Madeira Island) with different target audiences;
  4. Organisation of national and/or international scientific courses, seminars and events (5%);.
  5. Motivation letter (30%)
  6. Interview (30%)

10.7 The jury may decide to select up to 3 candidates who will be called to hold a session to present the results of their research, after which the jury members must stimulate an open debate on its content and innovative character. This presentation session does not constitute a selection method and is not classified, aiming merely to obtain clarifications or explanations of elements contained in the candidates' curriculum.

10.8. The Jury, whenever deemed necessary, may request the candidate to present additional documents proving the candidate's statements, which are relevant to the analysis and classification of his/her application.

10.9 False statements made by candidates will be punished under the law.

11. Classification of candidates: 

11.1. Each member of the jury assigns a classification to each of the candidates in each evaluation criteria, on a scale from 0 to 100 points, proceeding to the ordering of the candidates according to the respective final classification, constituted by the sum of the partial ratings assigned to each evaluation criteria, and taking into account the weight assigned to each parameter.

11.2. Candidates are ranked by applying the successive voting method.

11.3. The jury decides by an absolute majority, abstentions are not allowed.

11.4. The final classification of each candidate is the one that corresponds to their ranking resulting from the application of the method referred to in point 11.2.

11.5 Minutes are drawn up of the jury meetings, which contain a summary of what happened there, as well as the votes cast by each of the members and the respective reasons, being made available to the candidates whenever requested.

11.6 The list of admitted and excluded candidates as well as the final classification list are published on ARDITI’s website, and candidates are individually notified by email with delivery receipt of notification.

12. Prior Hearing and Final Decision: 

12.1 After being notified, candidates have 10 working days to exercise their right to a prior hearing, if they so wish. 

12.2 Any statement by the candidate in a prior hearing, must be addressed to the president of the jury and submitted in writing to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. In this case, the president of the jury will convene a meeting of the jury to produce the final decision, within thirty working days. 

12.3 The final decision of the jury must be given within 90 days from the deadline for the submission of applications.

12.4 Within five working days after the final decision of the jury, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of ARDITI will homologate it and the candidates will be notified.

12.5 The hiring will be decided by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of ARDITI, based on the final decision of the jury.

13. Final Provisions:

13.1. The present competition procedure is exclusively intended to fill the indicated vacancy(s), and may be terminated until the approval of the final decision of the jury, and expires with the respective occupation of the job offer.

13.2 ARDITI actively promotes a policy of non-discrimination and equal access, so that no candidate can be privileged, benefited, harmed or deprived of any right or exempt from any duty on grounds, in particular, of ancestry, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, family situation, economic situation, education, social origin or condition, genetic heritage, reduced work capacity, disability, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic or racial origin, territory of origin, language, religion, political or ideological convictions and trade union membership.

13.3. Under the terms of Decree-Law no. 29/2001, of 3 February, adapted to the Autonomous Region of Madeira by Regional Legislative Decree no. 25/2001/M, of 24 August, the candidate with a disability has preference in equality of rank, which prevails over any other legal preference. Candidates must declare on the application form, under oath of honour, the respective degree of disability, the type of disability and the means of communication/expression to be used in the selection process, under the terms of the aforementioned diploma.

14. Personal data processing:

14.1. ARDITI will act as the data controller (as defined in the GDPR). Collecting and processing candidates' personal data is essential for the selection and recruitment process and subsequent conclusion of the employment contract;

14.2. To facilitate the carrying out of activities with pre-contractual due diligence, the candidates are informed that ARDITI, as the data controller, may proceed to use for processing the following categories of personal data:

  1. Identification data and contact data;
  2. Curricular/academic data;
  3. Professional experience data;

14.3. Candidates are informed that ARDITI, depending on the fulfilment of legal obligations to which it is bound, may communicate and/or transfer the personal data to the following entities:

  1. Autoridade Tributária (Portuguese Fiscal Authority);
  2. IGFSS – Instituto de Gestão Financeira da Segurança Social (Institute for Financial Management of Portuguese Social Security);
  3. Direção Regional do Trabalho e da Ação Inspetiva (Regional Directorate for Labor and Inspection);
  4. Instituto Nacional de Estatística (National Statistics Institute);
  5. Fundo de Compensação do Trabalho e Fundo de Garantia de Compensação do Trabalho (Portuguese Labor Compensation Fund and Labor Compensation Guarantee Fund);
  6. Seguradoras e entidades bancárias (Insurance companies and banking entities);
  7. Empresas de contabilidade (Accounting companies).

14.4. Job applicants have the right to access, rectify, cancel, erase and oppose the processing of their personal data at any time and the right to portability.

14.5. The records of the recruitment process will be kept for five years as provided in article 32 n.º 1 of the Code of the Labor Law. All personal data resulting from the recruitment and selection process will be kept for a period of time that is strictly necessary for the conclusion of the recruitment and selection process.

14.6. ARDITI ensures to take the appropriate technical and organisational measures, in accordance with the legislation in force, to ensure the confidentiality and security of the personal data of candidates.

14.7. Candidates are also informed that if they consider their personal data to be processed in violation of data protection legislation, they have the right to file a complaint with the National Data Protection Commission (

14.8. This announcement is written in the Portuguese and English languages and both languages shall have equal validity. If there is any conflict or inconsistency between the Portuguese version and the English version, the Portuguese shall be the governing and prevailing version.


9th August 2023- The Chairman of the Board of Directors of ARDITI - Regional Agency for the Development of Research, Technology and Innovation - Association, Doctor Rui Miguel Andrade Caldeira

Official public notice of the announcement (in Portuguese) here: 



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