
Bolsas de Iniciação à Investigação: ARDITI-MEMEX-2021-004-BII

Job: Bolsas de Iniciação à Investigação: ARDITI-MEMEX-2021-004-BII;

Job/Fellowship Reference: ARDITI-MEMEX-2021-004-BII;

Main research field: Computer Engineering;

Sub research field: n/a;

Job summary:

A call is open for 2 research interns at the Interactive Technologies Institute (ITI) of the ARDITI (Funchal, Portugal), under the Project MEMEX – MEMories and EXperiences for inclusive digital storytelling, under the following conditions:

Job Description:

Contemporary technologies allow us to work with complex subjects and stories, inviting our audience to be immersed in engaging and innovative storytelling. These internships are supporting the MEMEX EU funded Project in the co-design and evaluation of technologies for storytelling and story sharing for Communities at risk of exclusion

The researcher’s main tasks will be to support MEMEX senior researchers in the field studies, and analysis of the data, in order to design and build technology-driven concepts to support inclusive practices based on digital storytelling:

  • Conduct field studies, and co-design with users.
  • Analyze data from the study and derives ideas and concepts for inclusive digital storytelling tools,

Candidates should meet three or more of the following requirements, skills, and competencies:

  • Finalizing the Bachelor degree in Informatics Engineering or enrolled in a Master degree in the same area
  • Good spoken and written English skills
  • Previous experience working with Participatory design techniques and some skills in mobile development
  • Taken a course on Interaction Design or human-centered Computing
  • Strong interest in working with people and conduct qualitative studies

The work will be conducted at U. Lisbon, Tecnico, ITI (Lisbon, Portugal), under the supervision of Prof. Valentina Nisi, Dr. Pedro Sanches, and MsC Paulo Bala.

Scholarship length:

The scholarship will have a length of 3 months, non-renewable, with an expected start date of the 1st of August, 2021.

Monthly stipend:

The student will receive a stipend of 446,12 €/month free of taxes; ARDITI stipends and regulations are determined by ARDITI.

How to apply:

Candidates must send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. no later than 15-07-2021. The subject of the email should be ARDITI-MEMEX-2021-004-BII.

The following elements should be included in the email:

  • Updated Curriculum Vitae (mandatory);
  • An optional list of projects (or previous experience) in the area that the candidate has already participated in will be a plus;
  • Proof of enrollment in a bachelor/master degree (Mandatory);

Selection Process:

The curricular selection process will be based on:

  • Curriculum Vitae (50%)
  • Former research experience in a related field (10%)
  • Interview (40%) if there are multiple eligible candidates

Selection Panel:

  • President: Valentina Nisi, PhD - IST, ITI / LARSyS
  • Member of the Jury: Nuno Nunes, PhD - IST, ITI / LARSys
  • Member of the Jury: Sabrina Scuri, PhD - ITI / LARSyS

Notification of results:

All candidates will be notified of the final results by email.


  • The selection process will be based on the principle of non-discrimination in respect of gender, age, nationality, religion, racial group, or any other possible discriminatory issue. Selection will be made only based on merit and following the European Charter for Researchers, the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Commission Recommendation, Brussels, 11.3.2005, 2005/251/EC), and the recommendations from the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).
  • MITI is a recognized “refugee welcoming organization" by the European Commission, follows the European Charter for Researchers, and welcomes applications from all qualified individuals.
  • The deadline for application may be extended at any time without previous notice having in mind the requirements for the positions under this call.
Vacant posts: 2
Type of contract: Information not available
Job country: Portugal
Job city: Lisbon
Job company/institute: ARDITI/ITI
Application deadline: 15 July 2021


flag_yellow_low.jpg   This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme



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