
Bolsa de Investigação (BI) para Doutorados - Ref.: ARDITI-CLEAN-ATLANTIC-2022-01

Post-doctoral research fellowship: Assessing impact of Marine Litter in the tourism sector

Job/Fellowship Reference: ARDITI-CLEAN-ATLANTIC-2022-01

Área científica genérica
Main research field
Marine Sciences
Área científica específica
Sub research field
Marine Pollution

Texto do anúncio (max. 7000 car.)
Job/Fellowship description (max. 7000 char.)
Marine litter is a global concern affecting the oceans and the coast that impacts on marine organisms and ecosystems, threatens human health and safety, causing significant economic losses. Tackling marine litter demands a cross-sectorial and multilevel approach, involving public and private stakeholders as well as NGOs and society.
A number of international, EU, regional, MS and local initiatives have addressed and are tackling this global problem (e.g. MSFD, D10, OSPAR Regional Action Plans). However, consistent approaches to monitor, record, map and remove marine litter are needed and demand collaborative work and coordination.
The project CleanAtlantic: Tackling marine litter in the Atlantic Area, (EAPA_46/2016) aims to protect biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Atlantic Area by improving capabilities to monitor, prevent and remove (macro) marine litter. The project contributes in raising awareness and attitude change among stakeholders, ultimately improving marine litter managing systems.
Within the scope of this project, ARDITI (Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação) is seeking a Post-doctoral research fellow with a PhD degree in Marine Sciences, Oceanography, Environmental Sciences or other field of relevance (awarded within the last 36 months), with training and/or expertise in marine ecology. Prospective candidate will be implementing interview-based surveys and citizen science activities towards marine issues, impacts to ecosystems services and related economic sectors and integrating these with observation data. Position forsees prior experience with multivariate statistical analysis, familiarity with modelling approaches and spatial analysis. The main goal will be to contribute to ongoing studies within the framework of CleanAtlantic project, particularly in evaluating the economic impact of Marine Litter in the tourism sector of Madeira.
The successful candidate is expected to join MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre R&D Unit in Madeira (MARE-Madeira), Madeira, between March and April (2022). MARE-Madeira researchers conduct their work and projects at different facilities, providing multiple assets for marine related research, including mesocosms, laboratories and a broad range of field and laboratory equipment. MARE-Madeira currently has several ongoing projects focusing on a wide variety of research fields, such as coastal ecology, marine biological invasion processes, habitat-mapping, marine-litter, marine mammal ecology and conservation, fisheries, climate change and human related stressors and impacts on coastal ecosystems.

Requisitos de admissão
Admission Requirements

The ideal candidate will have a valid PhD Degree (obtained within 36 months prior to the application deadline) in Marine Sciences, Environmental Sciences or other field of relevance to the CleanAtlantic project. Candidate will contribute to the work plan detailed below, as well as with previous experience, including (but not exclusively):

• Background and/or proven experience record in Marine Science and marine ecology;
• Experience with conducting interview-based surveys and studies focused on marine biodiversity and anthropogenic pressures;
• Experience with maritime sector stakeholder engagement;
• Experience with multivariate statistics and modeling;
• Prior experience with environmental risk assessment tools;
• Peer-reviewed publication track record;
• Prior work with marine litter;
• Experience on the interplay between marine litter and non-indigenous species;
• Demonstrated ability to work independently;
• Fluent knowledge (spoken and written) of English and Portuguese language;
• Strong communication and collaboration skills.

Plano de trabalhos
The selected fellow will develop and implement a custom interview-based study to assess the impact of marine litter in the Tourism sector in Madeira island (NE Atlantic). In addition, the fellow is expected to contribute and assist in marine litter surveys, data management, manuscripts, reports and project management. Specifically, the fellows’ work plan will include (but not exclusively):
• Identify stakeholders that can be used as proxy to the tourism sector;
• Design and test questionnaire-based surveys to assess the impacts of marine litter;
• Assist in field activities and marine litter surveys within the framework of CleanAtlantic;
• Assist in data management and processing;
• Contribute to manuscripts, project reporting and dissemination outputs and project participation in events;
• Assist in overall project management.

Orientação científica e local de trabalho
Scientific guidance and workplace
The work will be coordinated by Dr. João Canning-Clode at the Madeira Unit of MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre (MARE-Madeira), ARDITI, Madeira Island (Portugal).
Duração da(s) bolsa(s)
6 months, possibly renewable until the duration of the project
Subsídio de manutenção mensal
ARDITI Postdoctotal fellowship stipend (1686,00 €) and regulations are determined by ARDITI

Métodos de seleção
Evaluation criteria
The following evaluation criteria will be applied:
FS = QA + EP + IN
FS – Final Score
Sum of Qualifications, Experience and Interview scores (if applicable), to a maximum of 40 points
QA – Qualifications
• Maximum score of 10 points: PhD Degree in a field of relevance (e.g. Marine Sciences, Marine Biology and/or Marine Ecology).

EP – Experience
• Maximum Score of 20 points as follows:


Max. Score (Points)

·         Background and/or proven experience record in Marine Science and marine ecology;

·         Experience with conducting interview-based surveys and studies focused on marine biodiversity and human pressures;

·         Experience with maritime sector stakeholder engagement;

·         Experience with multivariate statistics and modeling;

·         Prior Experience with environmental risk assessment tools;

3 Points

3 Points

3 Points

2 Points

2 Points

·         Peer-reviewed publication track record;

2 Points

·         Prior work on marine litter;

·         Experience on the interplay between marine litter and non-indigenous species;

1 Point

1 Point

·         Demonstrated ability to work independently;

1 Point

·         Fluent knowledge (spoken and written) of the English and Portuguese language;

1 Point

·         Strong communication and collaboration skills.

1 Point


20 Points


IN – Interview
• Top three candidates may be invited for an interview (in person or remotely) if QA + EP scoring has a maximum difference of 2 points or lower. Maximum score of 10 points.

Composição do Júri de Seleção
Selection panel
Dr. João Canning-Clode (MARE-Madeira, ARDITI)
Prof. Dr. Marko Radeta (MARE-Madeira, ARDITI, University of Madeira)
Dr. Ana Dinis (MARE-Madeira, ARDITI)

Documentos de candidatura
Application contents
-Motivation Letter (emphasizing the candidate’s adequacy to each evaluation criteria)
-Curriculum Vitae
-PhD Degree certificate

Forma de publicitação/notificação dos resultados
Anouncement of the results
Via e-mail.
Prazo de candidatura e forma de apresentação das candidaturas
Application submission and deadline
Applications should be submitted in English by email to the following address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The specific reference to the call must be indicated in the email subject.
Deadline for application: 28/02/2022 (Lisbon/Madeira Island Time).

The selection process will be based on the principle of non-discrimination in respect of gender, age, nationality, religion, racial group, or any other possible discriminatory issue. Selection will be made only based on merit and following the European Charter for Researchers, the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Commission Recommendation, Brussels, 11.3.2005, 2005/251/EC) and the recommendations from the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).
ITI is a recognized “refugee welcoming organization" by the European Commission, follows the European Charter for Researchers and welcomes applications from all qualified individuals.

Número de vagas
Vacant posts

2. Dados de contacto da organização
Organization contact data

ARDITI - Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação
Edif. Madeira Tecnopolo, Piso 2
Caminho da Penteada
9020-105 Funchal

tel. +351 291 721 220
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