
Bolsa de Investigação: ARDITI-MACBIOIDI2-2022-004-BI

A ARDITI abre concurso para atribuição de 1 (uma) bolsa de investigação, no âmbito do Projeto MACBIOIDI2 (MAC14-20), nos seguintes termos:

A call is open for 1 (one) researcher at the NeuroRehabLab - ARDITI (Funchal, Portugal), under the Project MACbioIDi2 - Contribuyendo a la cohesión e internacionalización de la Macaronesia para impulsarlos Objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible con las TICs y la I+D+i biomédica (MAC2/1.1b/352), under the following conditions:

Cargo/posição/bolsa: Bolsa de Investigação para aluno/a de mestrado;

Referência: ARDITI-MACBIOIDI2-2022-004;

Área científica genérica: Computer Science; electric, electronic, biomedical or tele-communications engineering, information systems

Job Description:

The ideal candidate would be a student in computer science, electric, electronic or tele-communications engineering, or a closely related discipline with a background in one or more of the following fields: Game Development, Human-Computer Interaction, or Signal processing.

Applicants should fulfill the following requirements:

- Bachelor's degree in computer science, electric, electronic, biomedical or telecommunications engineering or other relevant disciplines for the project;

- The candidate must be enrolled in an academic degree course or a non-degree program.

- Previous experience in Unity development and Eyetracking

- Strong oral and written English communication skills, people skills, the ability to work independently as well as a team member of the NeuroRehabLab ( and taking the initiative and being proactive;

- Willingness to participate and lead End-User evaluations with healthy, elderly, and patients.

If the degree was awarded by a foreign higher education institution, that degree must comply with the provisions of Decreto-Lei n.º 66/2018 of 16th August (approves the legal regime for the recognition of foreign higher academic degrees) and Portaria n.º 33/2019 of 25th January, and all formalities established therein must be complied with up to the date of hire.

Work plan:

This project combines the latest research findings for brain mapping during awake brain surgery (ABS) for tumor resection together with novel biomedical systems (Electromiography - EMG), sensor technology (eye tracking), and immersive virtual reality (VR) (HTC VIVE).

Brain mapping during ABS is a standard procedure for increasing the extent of tumor resection, reducing the risk of neurologic deficits. There are several tests for language assessment. There is a need for the development of tests to assess other cognitive functions but also emotional recognition and responsiveness. VR technology offers the opportunity to develop innovative tasks for complex cognitive and emotional function mapping and was recently considered safe and with promising efficacy.

CogMap project aims to enhance the reliability of this neurosurgical procedure and long-term patient outcome by developing, in collaboration with neuropsychology and neurosurgery experts, a system with different cognitive and emotion-related paradigms implemented in a VR headset.

The main task for the accepted candidate will be to develop an immersive experience with emotional recognition and responsiveness tasks – the EmotionMap.

The main tasks will consist of:

  1. Develop the VR tasks in Unity ( and implement into a VR headset (HTC VIVE Pro Eye).
  2. Acquiring emteqPRO electromyogram signals through its application and analyzing them during VR tasks performance. This is useful for measuring emotion responsiveness upon the presentation of emotional stimulus with different valence.
  3. Enable the interaction with the VR tasks with eye-tracking and provide external visualization about the patient visual search strategy.


The work will be conducted in the NeuroRehabLab, ARDITI (Funchal, Portugal), under the supervision of Prof. Sergi Bermúdez i Badia.

Scholarship length:

The scholarship will have a length of 12 months (non-renewable), with an expected start date of January 1st, 2023.

Monthly stipend:

The student will receive a stipend of 875,98 €/month free of taxes. ARDITI stipends and regulations are determined by ARDITI (

How to apply:

Candidates must send their application by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., no later than 25-11-2022. The subject of the email should be ARDITI-MACBIOIDI2-2022-004.

The following elements should be included in the email:

  • Updated Curriculum Vitae.
  • Motivation letter explaining how the candidature fulfills the application requirements.
  • Proof of enrolment in a master's degree, including the list of completed courses names and grades; or in a university non-degree awarding program
  • Certificate of completion of bachelor's degree, including the course names and grades.
  • Optional list of projects (or previous experience) in the area will be a plus.

 Selection Process:

The selection process will be based on the following:

  • Motivation letter (10%)
  • Curriculum Vitae (20%)
  • Previous experience (30%)
  • In the case of multiple candidates - Interviews (40%)

Recommendation letters are facultative but can contribute positively to the evaluation. Speaking and understanding Portuguese is strictly necessary as the candidate will collaborate with the local clinical partners and patients.

Selection Panel: Prof. Dr. Ana Lúcia Faria, Prof. Dr. Luís Ferreira, Prof. Dr. Sergi Bermúdez i Badia (President).

 Notification of results:

All candidates will be notified by email.


  • The selection process will be based on the principle of non-discrimination in respect of gender, age, nationality, religion, racial group, or any other possible discriminatory issue. Selection will be made only based on merit and following the European Charter for Researchers, the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Commission Recommendation, Brussels, 11.3.2005, 2005/251/EC), and the recommendations from the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).
  • ARDITI is a recognized "refugee welcoming organisation" by the European Commission, follows the European Charter for Researchers, and welcomes applications from all qualified individuals.
  • The deadline for application may be extended at any time without previous notice having in mind the requirements for the positions under this call.


Número de vagas: 1

Tipo de contrato: Informação não disponível

País: Portugal

Localidade: Funchal

Instituição de acolhimento: ARDITI

Data limite de candidatura: 25 de Novembro de 2022 

(A data limite de candidatura deve ser confirmada no texto do anúncio)




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