
Bolsa de investigação ARDITI-LAR-2019-001

Job: Postdoctoral (BI);

Job/Fellowship Reference: ARDITI-LAR-2019-001;

Main research field: Biological sciences;

Sub research field: Biology;


Job summary: 

The Oceanic Observatory of Madeira aims to support and promote Science and Technological Research and improve performance of Madeira´s Marine Research, Development and Innovation Institutions.

In the scope of the project LAR – Lapas em Aquacultura Regional (Limpets in Regional Aquaculture), we are looking for a PhD holder in the fields of Marine Biology and Aquaculture with expertise on limpets life cycle biology and reproduction.

Job description:

In the scope of the project LAR – Lapas em Aquacultura Regional (Limpets in Regional Aquaculture) - M1420-01-0247-FEDER-000027 - funded by PROCiência 2020 - Madeira 14-20, we are looking for a PhD holder in the fields of Marine Biology and Aquaculture with expertise on limpets life cycle biology and reproduction. The successful candidate will join the aquaculture research group, an interdisciplinary team with the following research topics: aquaculture species diversification, multitrophic integrated aquaculture, physiological impact of environmental and behavioural variables.The candidate is expected to have responsibilities in:

  • Planning, leading and performing scientific research activities on the life history of Madeira Island limpet species, to evaluate the environmental/husbandry requirements and to perform the reproduction and grow-out of juvenile limpets in captivity;
  • To have an active role in the dynamization of external collaborations in the specific scientific area;
  • Training of researchers at master and doctoral levels;
  • Management of the research project;
  • Participation in dissemination activities of the project;
  • Publication of results from research activities above;

Admission Requirements

The ideal candidate will have a PhD. degree in the fields of Animal Science, Biological Sciences, Aquaculture, Nutrition, or other related field, with expertise on marine invertebrates biology and culture, particularly limpets, have a good knowledge of English and demonstrate experience in the following areas:

  • setting up conditions to induce reproduction in marine invertebrates, particularly limpets;
  • design and setting up of marine invertebrates growth trials; 
  • testing nutritional or environmental/husbandry conditions for marine invertebrates, particularly limpets;
  • basic histology techniques and analysis;
  • Peer-reviewed publication track record (relevant research fields above);
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently;
  • Fluent knowledge (spoken and written) of English language;
  • Strong communication and collaboration skills;
  • Experience and knowledge in data management and statistics;

Note: Applications will not be considered if candidates do not to meet Mandatory Requirements (in bold). Additional experience and/or training items listed will be valued and preferred.


The selected fellow will coordinate and assist in developing research activities of the aquaculture group and the work plan will include (but not exclusively):

  • Perform literature search related with specific topics;
  • Design and perform trials with limpet species testing different reproduction techniques, the rearing of larvae and juveniles to adult stage and to define the best environmental and husbandry conditions for the several life stages during limpets culture;
  • Data analyses and report, including leading the writing and publishing of scientific papers in indexed peer-reviewed journals;
  • To participate in workshops, project meetings and other relevant and/or project related events;
  • Production and writing of technical and scientific reports within the scope of the project.

Scientific guidance and workplace

The work will be coordinated by Dr. Carlos Andrade (ARDITI-OOM), at the Centro de Maricultura da Calheta, Madeira Island (Portugal).


12 months (renewable to a maximum of 24 months or to the total duration of the project)


ARDITI fellowship stipend for PhD holders (1509,80€) and regulations are determined by ARDITI.

Evaluation criteria

The following evaluation criteria will be applied:

FS = QA + EP + IN
FS – Final Score
Sum of Qualifications, Experience and Interview scores (if applicable), to a maximum of 40 points
QA – Qualifications 

  • Maximum score of 10 points: PhD Degree in field of relevance (e.g. marine food webs, marine fisheries and aquaculture).

EP – Experience

  • Maximum Score of 20 points as follows:



·        Background and proven experience record in marine invertebrates whole life-cycle culture;

4 Points

·       Background and proven experience record in limpets culture;

 ·      Testing nutritional or environmental/husbandry conditions of marine invertebrates;

4 Points

3 Points

·        Animal Experimentation Certification

3 Points

·        Peer-reviewed publication track record;

2 Points

·        Demonstrated ability to work independently; 

1.5 Point

·        Fluent knowledge (spoken and written) of the English language

1.5 Point

·        Strong communication and collaboration skills.

1 Point


20 Points

(note: Mandatory requirements in bold. Failure to meet such requirements are motif for exclusion. If there are no applications with mandatory requirements, the jury may decide to consider remaining applications).

IN – Interview

  • Top three candidates may be invited for an interview (in person or remotely) if QA + EP scoring has a maximum difference of 2 points or lower. Maximum score of 10 points. 

Selection panel

  • Dr. Carlos Andrade (ARDITI-OOM)
  • Dra. Paula Canada (ARDITI-OOM)
  • Dr. Rui Caldeira (ARDITI-OOM)

Application contents

  • Motivation Letter (emphasizing the candidate’s adequacy to each evaluation criteria)
  • Curriculum Vitae 
  • Degree certificate 

Anouncement of the results
Via e-mail.Application submission deadline

All applications must be sent by e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until the 26th of August 2019. The subject of the email should be: ARDITI-LAR-2019-001


  • The selection process will be based on the principle of non-discrimination in respect of gender, age, nationality, religion, racial group, or any other possible discriminatory issue. Selection will be made only based on merit and following the European Charter for Researchers, the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Commission Recommendation, Brussels, 11.3.2005, 2005/251/EC) and the recommendations from the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).
  • ARDITI is a recognized “refugee welcoming organization" by the European Commission, follows the European Charter for Researchers and welcomes applications from all qualified individuals.
  • The deadline for application may be extended at any time without previous notice having in mind the requirements for the positions under this call.
Vacant posts:1
Type of contract: Information not available 
Job country: Portugal 
Job city: Funchal 
Job company/institute: ARDITI-Observatório Oceânico da Madeira 
Application deadline: 26 Agosto 2019 
(The Application's deadline must be confirmed on the Job Description)






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