
Bolsa de Investigação: ARDITI-ITI/2019/001

Job: Research fellowship (BI) in Informatics Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction or similar areas;

Job/Fellowship Reference: ARDITI-ITI/2019/001;

Main research field: Engineering;

Sub research field: Computer engineering;


Job summary:

The SUAVE project (M1420-01-0247-FEDER-000019) aims at designing digital well-being interventions in two main domains: sedentary behaviors and addictive behaviors. The project aims at abstracting the user interface elements that are deemed more effective (in terms of behavior change for better well-being). This abstraction will lead to the design and development of a new tool for helping designers interested in building behavior change tools for similar domains. Our strategy is experience-centered, taking insights from positive psychology, behavioral economics and digital media design.

Job description:


Research fellowship (BI) in Informatics Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction or similar areas (Ref: ARDITI-ITI/2019/001)

Job Reference:


Área científica genérica/Main research field:

Informatics Engineering

Área científica específica/ Sub research field:

Human-Computer Interaction

Texto do anúncio - Job/Fellowship description:

The SUAVE project (M1420-01-0247-FEDER-000019) aims at designing digital well-being interventions in two main domains: sedentary behaviors and addictive behaviors. The project aims at abstracting the user interface elements that are deemed more effective (in terms of behavior change for better well-being). This abstraction will lead to the design and development of a new tool for helping designers interested in building behavior change tools for similar domains. Our strategy is experience-centered, taking insights from positive psychology, behavioral economics and digital media design.

In this context, ITI-ARDITI is looking for an Informatics Engineer, Human-Computer Interaction Designer/Researcher (MSc. Level) or equivalent, preferably with expertise in the design, development and evaluation of behavior change tools and digital design for well-being. The successful candidate will assist the research team of the SUAVE project, specially focusing on looking at effective design elements promoting higher levels of well-being.

The candidate is expected to conduct requirement analysis activities (competitive analysis, semi-structured interviews, user observation); Co-design and develop templates and usage examples for digital well-being interventions; and perform user interface design and evaluation of the resulting tool.

Requisitos de admissão/Admission Requirements:

The ideal candidate will have a MSc. Degree in Informatics Engineering, Computer Science, Human-Computer Interaction, or similar fields, as well as previous experience, including (but not exclusively):

  • Background and/or proven research experience in Informatics Engineering, Computer Science, Human-Computer Interaction, or similar fields;
  • Experience in designing and evaluating user interfaces;
  • Prior work involving persuasive computing techniques;
  • Experience reporting research work in the form of international conferences’ submissions;
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently;
  • Fluent knowledge (spoken and written) of the English language.

Note: Applications will not be considered if candidates do not meet Mandatory Requirements (in bold). Additional experience and/or training items listed will be valued and preferred.

Plano de trabalhos/Workplan:

The selected fellow will assist in developing and participate in research activities (both in the field and in the lab) related to analysis and design of new tools for digital well-being interventions using cognitive psychology and experience-centered approaches. Specifically, the fellows’ work plan will include (but not exclusively):

  • Smart tangibles and smart textiles’ design and development in the context of well-being;
  • Co-design and development of templates and usage examples for digital well-being interventions;
  • Web User interface design and evaluation.

Orientação científica e local de trabalho/Scientific guidance and workplace:

The work will be coordinated by Prof. Pedro Campos and Prof. Diogo Cabral at the ITI-ARDITI, in Madeira Island (Portugal).

Duração da(s) bolsa(s)/Duration

12 months, non-renewable.

Subsídio de manutenção mensal/Salary

ARDITI fellowship stipend (980€) and regulations are determined by ARDITI.

Métodos de seleção/Evaluation criteria

The curricular selection process will be based on:

- Educational background and graduation (50%)

- Technology related skills relevant for the work plan execution (40%)

- Communication and presentation skills, assessed from the CV or from optional interview (10%)

Composição do Júri de Seleção/Selection panel:

Prof. Pedro Campos (ITI-ARDITI, UMa)

Prof. Diogo Cabral (ITI-ARDITI, UMa)

Prof. Nuno Nunes (ITI-ARDITI, IST)

Documentos de candidatura/Application content:

-Motivation Letter (emphasizing the candidate’s adequacy to each evaluation criteria)

-Curriculum Vitae

-Degree certificate

Forma de publicitação/notificação dos resultados/Anouncement of the results:

Via e-mail.

Prazo de candidatura e forma de apresentação das candidaturas/Application submissionan deadline:

All applications must be sent by e-mail to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. until the 20th of February 2019. The subject of the email should be: ARDITI-ITI/2019/001

Estimated start date: 1 April 2019

Vacant posts



  • The selection process will be based on the principle of non-discrimination in respect of gender, age, nationality, religion, racial group, or any other possible discriminatory issue. Selection will be made only based on merit and following the European Charter for Researchers, the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Commission Recommendation, Brussels, 11.3.2005, 2005/251/EC) and the recommendations from the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).
  • ARDITI is a recognized “refugee welcoming organization" by the European Commission, follows the European Charter for Researchers and welcomes applications from all qualified individuals.
  • The deadline for application may be extended at any time without previous notice having in mind the requirements for the positions under this call.





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