
Bolsa de Investigação: ARDITI-CIVITAS-DESTINATIONS/2019/001

Job: Bolsa de Investigação (BI) / Research Fellowships;

Job/Fellowship Reference: ARDITI-CIVITAS-DESTINATIONS/2019/001;

Main research field: Computer science;

Sub research field: n/a;


Job summary:

In the scope of the CIVITAS DESTINATIONS project, ARDITI is looking for a Researcher and Technical Contributor to work in the field of Urban Mobility and related subjects within the project activities, in particular for activities related to Gamification as a way to induce behavioural change in Mobility.
The selected candidate will have the responsibilities in the work and contribution of ARDITI for the project, in particular under work-package 6, measure MAD 6.1 (Gamification of Mobility), but also in measure MAD6.2 (Green Credits) and in the other activities of the project.

Job description:

CIVITAS DESTINATIONS is a project submitted and approved under the call  "MOBILITY for GROWTH 2014-2015 - MG-5.5a-2015 - Demonstrating and testing innovative solutions for cleaner and better urban transport and mobility". It is funded by the European Commission under H2020-EU.3.4. - SOCIETAL CHALLENGES - Smart, Green And Integrated Transport.

Within the EU, and particularly following the economic crisis; tourism will be, the ‘engine for economic growth’, particularly in the underperforming Mediterranean economies; where tourism has traditionally been a dominant economic sector. The world market of tourists continues to grow and Europe has unique selling points for further tourist growth from within and outside the EU (including China). The competitive market for tourism means that cities have to provide the high quality, sustainable environments desired by tourists, while providing local sustainable employment opportunities that overcome the seasonal and sometimes informal nature of tourist economies. Achieving sustainable mobility is a vital part of the growth equation for Europe’s tourist cities. DESTINATIONS will develop an innovative holistic approach to building sustainable urban mobility systems for both residents and tourists. The project impacts will make a positive contribution to demonstrating how this can achieve growth and therefore provide a benchmark for other EU tourist cities.
DESTINATIONS will demonstrate and evaluate the effectiveness of innovative sustainable mobility solutions in 6 tourist cities with different characteristics but sharing common challenges. The solutions will address:

  • Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning for residents and visitors
  • Safe, attractive and accessible public spaces for all generations
  • Shared mobility and e-infrastructures towards zero emissions transport
  • Smart & clean urban freight logistics at tourist destinations
  • Mobility management & awareness for sustainable mobility
  • Attractive, clean, accessible and efficient public transport
CIVITAS DESTINATIONS is implementing a set of mutually reinforcing innovative mobility solutions in six urban laboratory areas, including in Funchal and Madeira region in general. Innovative transport solutions implemented in these pilot areas - which represent the variety of tourist destination typologies - will target the resident, tourist and freight mobility demand with a holistic and integrated planning approach, delivering sustainable mobility strategies and solutions at the destinations and in the countries of origin.
Achieving the objectives will increase the attractiveness of the city, both for tourists and for businesses in the sector and multiplier impacts in the economy for goods and services. All of these will contribute to better social cohesion (which attracts further investment).

The selected researcher will join an interdisciplinary team, including project technicians and staff and researchers from ARDITI (Regional Agency for Research, Technological Development and Innovation),  Horários do Funchal (public transport operator) and Interactive Technologies Institute (ITI), working in the fields of Mobility, Social Networking, Energy and Tourism.
Candidates are required to have a Master of Science (MSc) degree in Computer Science and Engineering. Research related experience in the identified fields is desirable. Proficient user fluency in English is mandatory (CEFRL C2 level). Availability to live in Madeira island during the contract time.
The work to be carried consists in the contribution/participation of ARDITI for the project, in particular under work-package 6, measure MAD 6.1 (Gamification of Mobility), but also in measure MAD6.2 (Green Credits) and in the other activities of the project.
The potential of new technologies such as interactive information panels/displays for bus stops, mobile applications and associated backoffice platforms, location awareness (using iBeacons and GPS) and cloud integration are being exploited in this process. Gamification and persuasive games are being explored in different contexts as tools to influence people behaviour and induce behaviour change. Considering in particular the importance to develop a sustainable mobility in tourist destinations, it becomes clear that gamification (and gameful experiences) can be exploited to engage not only citizens, but also tourists in using more sustainable means of transportation, towards a more sustainable behaviour.
To develop a gamified solution to engage residents and tourists in using public transportation, exploiting such short-range communication technologies.
The work will involve in particular:
i) designing/implementing an interactive information panel/display for bus stops;
ii) implementing gamification app / platform as planned under measure MAD6.1; 
iii) deploying and testing the systems in pilot campaigns as planned under measure MAD6.1.
iv) other activities as defined in measure Mad6.1/Mad6.2 description forms.
Scientific guidance and workplace
The work will be coordinated by Prof. Dr. Nuno Nunes and Prof. Dr. Catia Prandi (Scientific coordination).
Workplace will be at ARDITI and ITI (Interactive Technologies Institute), in Madeira Island.
6 months.
Monthly maintenance stipend is 989,70 Euro for a research fellowship with a Masters degree (Bolsa de Investigação - BI) in Portugal. ARDITI stipends and regulations are determined as indicated here.

Evaluation criteria

The jury will select the candidates based on a curricular evaluation and, if necessary, using job professional interviews. The selection criteria is the following:
  • Education Background and graduation (30%) 
  • Technology related skills relevant for the project execution (35%)
  • Experience in related tasks (35%)

Selection panel

Members of the Jury: Nuno Jardim Nunes;  Clemente Aguiar;  Lúcio Quintal;

Application contents

The application must include:

  • CV (Europass) with a photo;
  • Copy of all certificates that prove the qualifications mentioned in the CV;

Announcement of the results

By email to be sent to the candidates.

Application submission and deadline

19th November 2019, by email to be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The subject of the email should be: ARDITI-CIVITAS-DESTINATIONS/2019/001
  • The selection process will be based on the principle of non-discrimination in respect of gender, age, nationality, religion, racial group, or any other possible discriminatory issue. Selection will be made only based on merit and following the European Charter for Researchers, the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Commission Recommendation, Brussels, 11.3.2005, 2005/251/EC) and the recommendations from the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).
  • ARDITI is a recognized “refugee welcoming organization" by the European Commission, follows the European Charter for Researchers and welcomes applications from all qualified individuals.
  • The deadline for application may be extended at any time without previous notice having in mind the requirements for the positions under this call.
Vacant posts: 1 
Type of contract: Information not available 
Job country: Portugal 
Job city: Funchal 
Job company/institute: ARDITI 

Application deadline: 19 Novembro 2019 
(The Application's deadline must be confirmed on the Job Description)





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