Atlantic Whale Deal Project

Logo AWD Interreg Atlantic Area

The Atlantic Whale Deal project will test innovative technologies to mitigate ship strikes. Ships and whales co-occur across coastal and open sea areas, requiring transnational cooperation between multiple stakeholders to prevent collisions and biodiversity loss. The project aims to develop solutions to reduce ship strikes, thus enhancing carbon sequestration, given the whales’ pivotal role in ecosystem functioning. The project will produce (acoustic, visual, and thermal) detection and localization techniques, create maps of collision risk and acoustic contamination integrated into interactive tools, evaluate the ecosystem services provided by whales, and propose a long-term sustainable plan. Physicists, engineers, biologists, statisticians, designers, and socioeconomists from four countries of the Atlantic Area will join efforts towards effective solutions to benefit society through governmental, non-governmental, academic, and commercial bodies.

Project Designation:   ATLANTIC WHALE DEAL - Mitigating Ship Strikes and Enhancing Carbon Sequestration in the Atlantic
Program:   Interreg Atlantic Area 2021-2027
Start Date:   01/12/2023
End Date:   30/11/2026
Total Budget:   3 499 922,29
Funding:   2 624 941,72 €
ARDITI Budget:   679 436,07 €
ARDITI Funding:   509 577,05 €
Coordinator:   ARDITI - Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação 
Partners:   ARDITI - Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação (Projects Department); Mar Ilimitado, Actividades na Natureza e no Mar, Lda. (Mar Ilimitado Ocean Lab);Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Instituto Universitario de Sanidad Animal y Seguridad Alimentaria); Consorcio para el Diseño, Construcción, Equipamiento y Explotación de la Plataforma Oceanica de Canarias (Innovation, Science and Technology); La Rochelle Université (Observatoire PELAGIS); University College Dublin (School of Biology and Environmental Science ); Asociación BDRI para el estudio y conservación de la biodiversidad marina (Research); Irish Whale and Dolphin Group (NA); Associação para o Desenvolvimento do Atlantic International Research Centre (Earth Observation Laboratory); Direção Regional de Políticas Marítimas (Direção de Serviços da Biodiversidade e Política do Mar).


This project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

E Inverted Icons WEB 13 E Inverted Icons WEB 14
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