The Tidy City experiment proposes to equip vehicles with mobile devices to automatically detect and classify problems in publicly visible infrastructures. To reduce pollution and CO2 emissions, street-level images will be collected by a wide range of vehicles that already travel the city streets daily, such as waste collection trucks and express delivery vehicles. The collected images are sent to a server for analysis and classification based on AI models supported by the Urban Object Detection Kit. Within the scope of this experiment, the system will be able to detect and record the GPS location of damages in outdoor advertising, lightning and electricity supply infrastructures, and improper waste disposal situations (e.g. waste outside containers, tires, old appliances and furniture). The detected occurrences data will be shared with each corresponding partner for integration and operations optimisation. To comply with the RGPD and other European and National legal requirements, all personally identifiable information (e.g. people's faces and licensing plates) will be removed from the images through the same privacy by-design processes already used by Google Street View.
An agile development methodology will be adopted, using sprints to develop the system’s main features, respecting the test-driven development (TDD) method to achieve functional prototypes that can be rapidly tested in real environments. This ensures both an enriched test battery of the TDD method and a minimum viable product (MVP) as fast as possible.

Project Designation:   Tidy City
Program:   Horizon 2020
Start Date:   15/12/2022
End Date:   30/09/2023
Total Budget:   5 872 087,50 €
Funding:   5 833 837,50 €
ARDITI budget:   18 000,00 €
ARDITI funding:   18 000,00 €
Coordinator:   FIWARE Foundation EV
Partners:   Logimade, Lda., MWR - Madeira Waste Recycling, Lda, SICAPREP - Montagens de materiais elétricos, eletrónicos e Telecomunicações, Lda.; IL Technologies, Lda.; Transbag - Transporte de Mercadorias, Lda.; Promerch - Promoção e Merchandising Unipessoal, Lda.
Website:   https://eelab.arditi.pt/projects/
flag_yellow_low.jpg   This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement no. I4T-2OC-08.


This project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):

E Inverted Icons WEB 03   E Inverted Icons WEB 11 E Inverted Icons WEB 13 E Inverted Icons WEB 15
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