Oceanic Observatory of Madeira - OOM Project




The operation aims to provide the Oceanic Observatory of Madeira (OOM) with the capacity to carry out the work plan presented in the 2015-2018 time horizon. The planned actions include three main components: 1) Core; 2) Education and training; 3) Thematic Pillars.

1. The 'Core' component of the project mainly aims to create an independent, stable and fertile central structure that stimulates all planned R&D activities. The core's main objective is to optimize project management by sharing essential resources for project development. Administratively, the core will be managed by the ‘OOM Steering Committee'. The hosting of information in a digital database, as well as other activities with a strong computational component, require access to a common IT infrastructure that must be multifunctional and that must be at the service of all thematic pillars. In order to optimize maintenance costs, the OOM computing infrastructure must be constituted as a hybrid system with access to physical equipment as well as access to shared computer systems on the ‘Cloud’ (i.e. subcontracting). Regarding human resources, the scientific leadership of the OOM must have a multidisciplinary and integrative vision and therefore must be an integral part of the project's Core. The nature of the research work requires exchanging experiences and knowledge with other R&D centres, encouraged by the researchers' missions and by their presence in international forums (conferences, seminars, etc.). The OOM's international representation strategy must be defined by the 'Directive Committee', and it is expected to enable the participation of Researchers in meetings of international project proposals, subject to the analysis and prior approval of the Directive Committee. Another fundamental resource lacking in the Region to stimulate the development of Scientific Research in Marine Sciences, which must be shared, is access to a Scientific Vessel. In this context, the Core of the project aims to promote annual Oceanographic Campaigns to ensure the collection of oceanographic data and biological material that will increase knowledge about the sea and its resources, so the subcontracting of services aimed mainly at renting boats adapted to the objective of each campaign.

As in previous events, the (biannual) organization of the Regional Symposium on ‘Sciences of the Sea’ is the responsibility of the OOM Steering Committee. The dissemination and promotion of the symposium, as well as all the activities of the OOM, are also subject to an integrated strategic vision that is the responsibility of the Steering Committee. For the dissemination of knowledge and recognition by peers, scientific publications with 'peer review' and other formats stand out. Likewise, the knowledge creation resulting from the operation will only have economic value, with a direct and efficient transition of knowledge and ideas to the market.

An attempt will be made to promote the sharing and better management of existing equipment, making the Region more attractive to researchers and international research centres, with significant benefits and savings in optimizing existing resources, as proposed in the analysis carried out within the scope of RIS3 -Wood. Access to information and the quality of information sources (eg access to the 'Web-of-Science') used by OOM members and the human resources to be hired is fundamental for enhancing research productivity and excellence.

2. The 'Education and Training' Component of the OOM (OOM-EDU) aims to: i) promote literacy on sea matters for the general public and schools in particular; ii) respond to a demand for consolidation and promotion of knowledge of specialized and intermediate human resources in OOM entities and other public and private entities, as well as, iii) the promotion of entrepreneurship. These are transversal areas and make use of specialized human resources and the knowledge generated in all the R&I pillars of the OOM.

3. The scientific capacity building of the OOM will mainly be done through the development of the four 'Thematic Pillars' that aim to: i) promote excellence and critical mass in the areas of R&D, as well as ii) raise the quality and impact of the groups of the four thematic pillars and the Education and Training areas, and that they will have to undertake projects aiming at the complementarity of the operations with other programs financed by the EU, in particular, in Horizon 2020 and MAC 2014-2020. Executing an RD&I program based on four thematic pillars: Biodiversity; Fisheries and Mariculture; Remote Detection and Tracking; Modeling and Forecasting (meteo-oceanographic). OOM is a consortium with marine and maritime R&D activities. Given the complexity of the scientific areas involved, the dimension of the surrounding environment and to establish a regional centre of excellence in R&D in marine sciences, the operation foresees the establishment of international partnerships with research institutions or other entities of world reference in the areas application priorities for the RAM (Resources and Technologies of the Sea). Its field of action is the sea, using the island as a proximity logistics platform for the operations it intends to develop for the collection and analysis of physical and biological data in the immensity of the ocean environment.


Project Designation:   Oceanic Observatory of Madeira - OOM
Project Code:   M1420-01-0145-FEDER-000001
Main Objective:   Reinforce research, technological development and innovation
Area of Intervention:   Autonomous Region of Madeira
Beneficiary Entity:   Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação
Approval Date:   20-11-2015
Start Date:   01-08-2015
End Date:   31-05-2022
Total Eligible Cost:   3.503.346,68€

EU - FEDER Funding:

Website:   http://oom.arditi.pt/



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