MACbioIDi2 Project

MACbioIDi2 intends to take advantage of the new innovative ecosystem generated by the previous MACbioIDi in an international “hub” of excellence in Macaronesia, focused on technological R + D + i, sustainability, ICTs and training, applied to medicine and inclusive with Africa. It has internationally renowned associate participants from America and Europe and African beneficiaries and partners. It focuses on open medical technologies with sustainable and inclusive intellectual property models. The project is structured around an R + D + i objective, which includes medical imaging, neurosciences and advanced instrumentation; another objective of systems integration, with diagnostic and surgical imaging intervention, design of prostheses and neurorehabilitation systems; and a third objective of transfer to the company, Africa and training. The technological and training convergence of Europe, Africa and America in our "hub" is unique and a great opportunity.

Project Designation:   MACbioIDi2 - Contribuyendo a la cohesión e internacionalización de la Macaronesia para impulsar los Objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible con las TICs y la I+D+i biomédica
Start Date:   01/12/2021
End Date:   31/12/2023
Total Budget:   1 634 119,00 €
Total Funding:   1 367 830,55 €
ARDITI Budget:   184 263,33 €
 ARDITI Funding:   156 623,83 €
Coordinator:   Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC)
Partners:   Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC), Universidad de La Laguna (ULL), Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias, S.A. (ITC), Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), Servicio Canario de la Salud (SCS), Hospital Do Espírito Santo Ponta Delgada (HDESPD)


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This project is aligned with the following Sustainable Development Goal (SDG):

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