
Participação do Neuro Rehab Lab na ICDVRAT com 6 trabalhos aceites

Participação do Neuro Rehab Lab na ICDVRAT com 6 trabalhos aceites


Investigadores do Neuro Rehab Lab estiveram na Ponta Delgada, nos Açores presentes na conferência ICDVRAT - 14th International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality & Associated Technologies, entre 6 e 8 de setembro, tendo apresentado os seis trabalhos científicos aceites na mesma: "Emotion Classification via a multi-biosignal processing using Machine Learning in immersive and non-immersive Virtual Reality" por Rodrigo Lima, A Chirico, R Varandas, H Gamboa, A Gaggioli, S Bermúdez i Badia; "AViR: A Virtual Reality based framework for psychological support after involuntary early pregnancy loss", por Mónica Cameirão, A Fonseca; "Feasibility of an Augmented Reality customized cognitive stimulation program for individuals with dementia: a clinical study with the Musiquence platform", por Mónica Spínola, J Câmara, L Ferreira, AL Faria, S Bermúdez i Badia; "Cognitive training in Alcohol Use Disorder treatment: a randomized control clinical trial with personalized virtual reality and paper-and-pencil in an inpatient population", por Rita Costa, R Lima, M Cameirão, S Bermúdez i Badia, AL Faria; "Usability evaluation of cognitive training with the NeuroAIreh@b platform: preliminary results of an ongoing pilot study", por Teresa Paulino, J Câmara, D Branco, L Ferreira, M Spínola, AL Faria, M Cameirão, S Bermudez i Badia, E Fermé; "Cognitive training involving simulations of instrumental activities of daily living following acquired brain injury: a pilot study with the NeuroAIreh@b platform", por Joana Câmara, T Paulino, M Spínola, D Branco, M Cameirão, AL Faria, L Ferreira, A Moreira, AR Silva, M Vilar, M Simões, S Bermúdez i Badia, E Fermé.

 Mónica Spínola recebeu o prémio "Penny Standen Best Early Career Paper Award" como primeira autora do artigo "Feasibility of an Augmented Reality customized cognitive stimulation program for individuals with dementia: a clinical study with the Musiquence platform".



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