
ARDITI supports science and research in Madeira through different funding instruments, aimed at scientists, researchers, research teams and R&D centres. These instruments allow ARDITI to support: advanced training; participation in meetings, seminars, congresses and conferences that facilitate contacts between specialists from different institutions and that provide for the establishment of partnerships leading to the participation in community projects and programmes; Co-financing of investments made within the scope of community projects and recruitment and contracting of researchers.

Support instruments

In this section, you will find information about the type of direct and indirect support that ARDITI manages or intervenes. Direct support is normally granted through competitive tenders, in which the applications received undergo an evaluation process, with the participation of independent juries.

The list of open tenders is available in the Opportunities section, which also shows those already closed.


Doctoral Grants, Doctoral Grants in Companies, Post-Doctoral Grants and Grants within the scope of Doctoral Programs (Doctoral Grants, Doctoral Grants in Companies, Research Grants).

Fund for the Development of Science, Technology and Innovation in RAM

The Fund for the Development of Science, Technology and Innovation in RAM (FDCTI-RAM) is a specific program of ARDITI - Regional Agency for the Development of Research, Technology and Innovation, which is intended to support R&D units and finance activities that promote its development and internationalization within the framework of the Smart Specialization Strategy of RAM.

Tax Incentive System in Business Research and Development in the Autonomous Region of Madeira

SIFIDE-RAM – Tax Incentive System for Research and Business Development in the Autonomous Region of Madeira aims to increase the competitiveness of companies, supporting their efforts in Research and Development by deducting the respective expenses from the IRC collection.

ARDITI supports Doctoral Grants, Doctoral Grants in Companies, Post-Doctoral Grants and Grants within the scope of Doctoral Programs (Doctoral Grants, Doctoral Grants in Companies, Research Grants).

Individual fellowships are evaluated by an Evaluation Panel as described in the Evaluation Guide. Scholarships within the scope of doctoral programs are evaluated by the Executive Committees of the respective programmes.


Madeira Operational Program 14-20

More related documentation here.



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