Cargo/posição/bolsa: Bolsa de investigação para licenciado; Referência: ARDITI-Porto Santo sem Lixo Marinho-2021-01; Área científica genérica: Informática; Área científica específica: APP development, Marine Pollution; |
Resumo do anúncio: Within the scope of the project “Porto Santo sem Lixo Marinho” (funded by the EEA Grants 2014-2021 program), ARDITI (Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação) is seeking to recruit a research fellow interested in pursuing a Master degree in Computer Sciences (or other field of relevance) with training and/or expertise in Java, Swift or JavaScript to develop a mobile application to for citizens and tourists in Porto Santo easily report locations and occurrence of marine litter, and conduct a pilot study on its’ implementation. |
Texto do anúncio Marine litter is a global concern affecting the oceans and the coast that impacts on marine organisms and ecosystems, threatens human health and safety, and causes economic losses and aesthetic problems. Tackling marine litter demands a cross-sectorial and multilevel approach, involving public and private stakeholders as well as NGOs and society. A number of international, EU, regional, MS and local initiatives have addressed/are tackling this global problem (e.g. MSFD, D10, OSPAR Regional Action Plans). However, consistent approaches to monitor, record, map and remove marine litter are needed and demand collaborative work and coordination. Within the scope of the project “Porto Santo sem Lixo Marinho” (funded by the EEA Grants 2014-2021 program), ARDITI (Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação) is seeking to recruit a research fellow interested in pursuing a Master degree in Computer Sciences (or other field of relevance) with training and/or expertise in Java, Swift or JavaScript to develop a mobile application to for citizens and tourists in Porto Santo easily report locations and occurrence of marine litter, and conduct a pilot study on its’ implementation. The successful candidate is expected to join MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre R&D Unit in Madeira at Madeira Tecnopolo, Funchal, Madeira, between March and April 2021. The research team of MARE-Madeira, has broad interests and formal training in marine biology and ecology, marine biogeography and invasion biology and their research is focused primarily on marine benthic communities and how these are shaped by environmental conditions and anthropogenic pressure. Research and work will be developed with co-supervision of Dr. João Canning-Clode and Dr. João Monteiro (MARE-Madeira) and Dr. Marko Radeta (ITI/LARSyS, University of Madeira) Requisitos de admissão The ideal candidate will have a bachelor Degree in Computer Sciences or other field of relevance to the Porto Santo Sem Lixo Marinho project and the execution of the work plan detailed below, as well as previous prior experience, including (but not exclusively): Applicants must be enrolled in a Bachelor or Master Degree Program for the full period of the current position.
Plano de trabalhos The selected fellow will assist in developing and participate in research activities (both in the field and in the laboratory) related to the development and implementation of a marine litter reporting mobile application in Porto Santo, including:
Orientação científica e local de trabalho The work will be coordinated by Dr. João Gama Monteiro, Dr. João Canning-Clode (MARE-Madeira) and Dr. Marko Radeta (ITI/LARSyS, University of Madeira) at the Madeira Unit of MARE - Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, in Madeira Tecnopolo, Funchal, Madeira Island (Portugal). Duração da(s) bolsa(s) 6 months, possibly renewable (until the maximum duration of the project) Subsídio de manutenção mensal ARDITI fellowship stipend (805,98€) and regulations are determined by ARDITI Métodos de seleção The following evaluation criteria will be applied: FS = QA + EP + IN FS – Final Score Sum of Qualifications, Experience and Interview scores (if applicable), to a maximum of 40 points QA – Qualifications
EP – Experience
IN – Interview
Composição do Júri de Seleção
Documentos de candidatura
Forma de publicitação/notificação dos resultados Via e-mail. Prazo de candidatura e forma de apresentação das candidaturas All applications must be sent by e-mail to: ARDITI-Porto Santo sem Lixo Marinho - 2021- 01