
Bolsa de Investigação: ARDITI-RAGES-2019-001

Job: Postdoctoral research in ecosystem and risk-based approaches;

Job/Fellowship Reference: ARDITI-RAGES-2019-001;

Main research field: Environmental science;

Sub research field: n/a;


Job summary:

Project RAGES - Risk-based Approaches to Good Environmental Status, financed by the DG ENV, European Commission (No. 110661/2018/794607/SUB/ENV.C2) - will harness data and information from existing national programmes 1st cycle and regional initiatives (e.g. OSPAR Intermediate Assessment) to develop and promote an efficient and cost effective, replicable, transparent approach to common implementation of the MSFD in the North East Atlantic.
In this context, MARE-ARDITI is seeking a postdoctoral research fellow with a strong background in marine biodiversity and conservation research.
Job description:

The necessity for standardized Ecosystem Based Approaches (EBA) which meets the requirements of the MSFD and the practical needs of competent authorities has long been recognized. As highlighted by the Commission’s report on the first MSFD implementation cycle, EU Member States have struggled to develop inter-comparable regionally harmonized approaches to implementation, and application of marine strategies has been principally at a national level. For the first cycle, this lack of regional harmonization was a barrier to effective implementation of the directive, in particular of Articles 3(5) ad 5, which mandate sub regional determination of Good Environmental Status (GES).
In recognition of the tremendous challenge of measuring, monitoring and meeting GES over European Marine territories, the revised commission decision on descriptors as well as the common implementation strategy of the Marine Strategy Coordination Group have underlined the role of risk-based approaches to enable efficient regional and sub-regional implementation of the MSFD and “to focus their efforts on the main anthropogenic pressures affecting their waters”(recital 6) and to set out thresholds “on the basis of the precautionary principle, reflecting the potential risk to the marine environment” (Article 4(1)) and the concept of risk is explicit in the directive itself (recital 27 and Article 14(4)).
In this context, the project RAGES - Risk-based Approaches to Good Environmental Status, financed by the DG ENV, European Commission (No. 110661/2018/794607/SUB/ENV.C2) - will harness data and information from existing national programmes 1st cycle and regional initiatives (e.g. OSPAR Intermediate Assessment) to develop and promote an efficient and cost effective, replicable, transparent approach to common implementation of the MSFD in the North East Atlantic.
In this context, MARE-ARDITI is seeking a postdoctoral research fellow with a strong background in marine biodiversity and conservation research. The candidate is expected to assist MARE-ARDITI in:
  • Compiling existing spatial information on non-indigenous species introduction, Provide a list of relevant criteria elements (list of non-indigenous species and species groups and habitat types at risk from non-indigenous species) at regional level;
  • Establish risk criteria, aggregation methods and elaborate risk scales (ratings) for D2 risk evaluation;
  • Perform D2 risk assessments in order to determine if there is a risk of not being in GES;
  • Determine common targets and coordinated monitoring and measures for D2 risk management.
Admission Requirements

The ideal candidate will have a PhD Degree in Marine Sciences, Biodiversity (or other field of relevance) to RAGES project, as well as previous experience, including (but not exclusively):
  • Background and/or proven experience record in biodiversity related research(*);
  • Experience and knowledge in multivariate statistics applied to biological/ecological sciences(*);
  • Experience and knowledge in data management(*);
  • Peer-reviewed publication track record(*);
  • Experience in marine biodiversity monitoring and biodiversity survey programs/protocols(*);
  • Familiar with GIS platforms(*);
  • Familiar with major drivers of non-indigenous species proliferation;
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently;
  • Fluent knowledge (spoken and written) of the English language
  • Strong communication and collaboration skills.
Note: Applications will not be considered if candidates do not meet Mandatory Requirements (* and bold). Additional experience and/or training items listed will be valued and preferred.
The successful candidate is expected to assist MARE-ARDITI (but not exclusively) in:
  • Data collection on D2: Existing spatial information on non-indigenous species introduction, spread and impacts from descriptor 2 first cycle evaluations and other initiatives;
  • Define relevant criteria elements: Based on the Commission Decision 2017/848/UE, and action 2.1, a list of relevant criteria elements (list of non-indigenous species and species groups and habitat types at risk from non-indigenous species) will be defined at the regional level;
  • Establish risk criteria and significance levels: risk criteria, aggregation methods and elaborate risk scales (ratings) for D2 risk evaluation incorporating information from the EASIN and AQUANIS projects, as well as the regulation on Alien Invasive Species List of Union concern;
  • Perform risk assessments – In this action the methodology set in the previous steps will be used to perform the assessment on D2, in order to determine if there is a risk of not being in GES with a particular focus placed on data regarding major drivers which act as vectors for non-indigenous species;
  • Risk management: common targets and coordinated monitoring and measures – Propose coordinated actions for D2 risk management to be implemented at sub-regional/national/local levels in areas of concern based on the established framework.

Scientific guidance and workplace
The work will be coordinated by Dr. João Canning-Clode and Dr. João Monteiro, at the MARE- Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre laboratory in Caniçal, Madeira Island.
12 months (renewable to a maximum of 24 months or to the total duration of the project)
ARDITI fellowship stipend for PhD holders (1509,80€) and regulations are determined by ARDITI.
Evaluation criteria
The following evaluation criteria will be applied:
FS = QA + EP + IN
FS – Final Score
Sum of Qualifications, Experience and Interview scores (if applicable) to a maximum of 40 points
QA – Qualifications
•    Maximum score of 10 points: PhD Degree in field of relevance.
EP – Experience
•    Maximum Score of 20 points as follows:
Description Score
  • Background and/or proven experience record in biodiversity related research -   4 points;
  • Experience and knowledge in multivariate statistics applied to biological/ecological sciences - 3 points;
  • Experience and knowledge in data management - 3 points;
  • Peer-reviewed publication track record - 3 points;
  • Experience in marine biodiversity monitoring and biodiversity survey programs/protocols - 2 points;
  • Familiar with GIS platforms - 2 points;
  • Familiar with major drivers of non-indigenous species proliferation - 1 point;
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently - 0,5 points;
  • Fluent knowledge (spoken and written) of the English language - 1 point;
  • Strong communication and collaboration skills - 0,5 points;
(note: Mandatory requirements in bold. Failure to meet such requirements are motif for exclusion. If there are no applications with mandatory requirements, the jury may decide to consider remaining applications).

IN – Interview
•    Top three candidates may be invited for an interview (in person or remotely) if
QA + EP scoring has a maximum difference of 1 point or lower. Maximum score of 10 points.
Selection panel
  • João Canning-Clode (PhD)
  • João Monteiro (PhD)
  • Paula Chainho (PhD)
Application contents
  • Motivation Letter (emphasizing the candidate’s adequacy to each evaluation criteria)
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Degree certificate
Anouncement of the results
Via e-mail.
Application submissionan deadline
All applications must be sent by e-mail to: Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ter o JavaScript autorizado para o visualizar. until the 20th of March 2019. The subject of the email should be: ARDITI-RAGES-2019-001
  • The selection process will be based on the principle of non-discrimination in respect of gender, age, nationality, religion, racial group, or any other possible discriminatory issue. Selection will be made only based on merit and following the European Charter for Researchers, the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers (Commission Recommendation, Brussels, 11.3.2005, 2005/251/EC) and the recommendations from the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA).
  • ARDITI is a recognized “refugee welcoming organization" by the European Commission, follows the European Charter for Researchers and welcomes applications from all qualified individuals.
  • The deadline for application may be extended at any time without previous notice having in mind the requirements for the positions under this call.

Vacant posts: 1
Type of contract: Other
Job country: Portugal
Job city: Funchal
Job company/institute: ARDITI-MARE / Observatório Oceânico da Madeira

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