Job: Research fellowship in Jellyfish aquaculture (Ref: ARDITI-OOM/2018/004);
Job/Fellowship Reference: ARDITI-OOM/2018/004;
Job summary: The H2020 project GoJelly: a gelatinous solution to plastic pollution, (774499 - GoJelly - H2020-BG-2016-2017/H2020-BG-2017-1) aims to develop, test and promote a gelatinous solution to microplastic pollution by developing a prototype microplastic filter ("GoJelly" biofilter) for commercial and public use, where the main raw material is jellyfish mucus. In this context, an international consortium will be removing the commercially and ecologically destructive sea and coastal pollution of both jellyfish and micro plastics. This innovative approach will ultimately lead to less plastic in the ocean, municipal demand (and thereby competitive prices) for jellyfish raw material to fill the "mucus-need" by filter developers, and in turn more jobs for commercial fishers in off-seasons. The by-products of the jellyplast-filters has other uses as well, ensuring that ‘GoJelly’ also delivers a green innovation, resulting in novel, valuable resource for the food and feed industry as well as agro-biological fertilizer for organic farming. Within the scope of this project, the Oceanic Observatory of Madeira at ARDITI (Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação) is leading a Working Package on “Harvesting and Aquaculture of Jellyfish”. In this context, ARDITI is looking for Marine Biologist (MSc. Level) or equivalent with expertise in marine organism culture and nutrition trials. The successful candidate will assist the ARDITI team in coordinating the Harvesting and Aquaculture WP of “GoJelly”, specially focusing on jellyfish culture. The candidate is expected to maintain and handling jellyfish culture, to participate and provide technical support in the different experiments involving jellyfish. The successful candidate is expected to join the aquaculture research group at ARDITI-OOM, an interdisciplinary team with the following research topics: aquaculture species diversification, multitrophic integrated aquaculture, physiology of stress and environmental impact of aquaculture. |
Job description: Titulo/Title Research fellowship in Jellyfish aquaculture (Ref: ARDITI-OOM/2018/004) Job Reference: ARDITI-OOM/2018/004 Área científica genérica/Main research field: Marine Sciences Área científica específica/ Sub research field: Marine Aquaculture, Animal Nutrition and Physiology Texto do anúncio - Job/Fellowship description: The H2020 project GoJelly: a gelatinous solution to plastic pollution, (774499 - GoJelly - H2020-BG-2016-2017/H2020-BG-2017-1) aims to develop, test and promote a gelatinous solution to microplastic pollution by developing a prototype microplastic filter ("GoJelly" biofilter) for commercial and public use, where the main raw material is jellyfish mucus. In this context, an international consortium will be removing the commercially and ecologically destructive sea and coastal pollution of both jellyfish and micro plastics. This innovative approach will ultimately lead to less plastic in the ocean, municipal demand (and thereby competitive prices) for jellyfish raw material to fill the "mucus-need" by filter developers, and in turn more jobs for commercial fishers in off-seasons. The by-products of the jellyplast-filters has other uses as well, ensuring that ‘GoJelly’ also delivers a green innovation, resulting in novel, valuable resource for the food and feed industry as well as agro-biological fertilizer for organic farming. Within the scope of this project, the Oceanic Observatory of Madeira at ARDITI (Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação) is leading a Working Package on “Harvesting and Aquaculture of Jellyfish”. In this context, ARDITI is looking for Marine Biologist (MSc. Level) or equivalent with expertise in marine organism culture and nutrition trials. The successful candidate will assist the ARDITI team in coordinating the Harvesting and Aquaculture WP of “GoJelly”, specially focusing on jellyfish culture. The candidate is expected to maintain and handling jellyfish culture, to participate and provide technical support in the different experiments involving jellyfish. The successful candidate is expected to join the aquaculture research group at ARDITI-OOM, an interdisciplinary team with the following research topics: aquaculture species diversification, multitrophic integrated aquaculture, physiology of stress and environmental impact of aquaculture. Requisitos de admissão/Admission Requirements The ideal candidate will have a MSc. Degree in Marine Sciences, Marine Fisheries or Aquaculture, as well as previous experience, including (but not exclusively):
Note: Applications will not be considered if candidates do not meet Mandatory Requirements (in bold). Additional experience and/or training items listed will be valued and preferred Plano de trabalhos/Workplan: The selected fellow will assist in developing and participate in research activities (both in the field and in the lab) related to harvesting and aquaculture of jellyfish as well as the use of jellyfish as life feed for commercial species. Specifically, the fellows’ work plan will include (but not exclusively):
Orientação científica e local de trabalho/Scientific guidance and workplace: The work will be coordinated by Dr. Carlos Andrade, Natacha Nogueira and Dr. Sonia KM Gueroun at the MARE- Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre laboratory in Caniçal and the Mariculture Centre of Calheta – Madeira Fisheries Directorate, in Madeira Island (Portugal). Duração da(s) bolsa(s)/Duration 12 months (eventually renewable up to 36 months) Subsídio de manutenção mensal/Salary ARDITI fellowship stipend (980€) and regulations are determined by ARDITI. Métodos de seleção/Evaluation criteria The following evaluation criteria will be applied: FS = QA + EP + IN FS – Final Score Sum of Qualifications, Experience and Interview scores (if applicable) to a maximum of 40 points QA – Qualifications
EP – Experience
(note: Mandatory requirements in bold. Failure to meet such requirements are motif for exclusion. If there are no applications with mandatory requirements, the jury may decide to consider remaining applications). IN – Interview Top three candidates may be invited for an interview (in person or remotely) if QA + EP scoring has a maximum difference of 2 points or lower. Maximum score of 10 points. Composição do Júri de Seleção/Selection panel Dr. Carlos Andrade (ARDITI-OOM) Natacha Nogueira (ARDITI-OOM) Dr. Sonia KM Gueroun (ARDITI-OOM) Documentos de candidatura/Application contentes -Motivation Letter (emphasizing the candidate’s adequacy to each evaluation criteria) -Curriculum Vitae -Degree certificate Forma de publicitação/notificação dos resultados/Anouncement of the results Via e-mail. Prazo de candidatura e forma de apresentação das candidaturas/Application submissionan deadline All applications should be sent by e-mail to: Vacant posts 1 Notes:
Co-funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union |