
Bolsa de Investigação: ARDITI-OOM/2016/011

Job: Research Grant (BI) for Plankton analysis around islands and seamounts;
Job/Fellowship Reference: ARDITI-OOM/2016/011;
Main research field: Biological sciences;
Sub research field: n/a;

Job summary:

The Ocean Observatory Madeira opens a Research Grant (BI) at MSc. Degree level, for Plankton analysis around islands and seamounts

Job description:

The Ocean Observatory of Madeira (OOM) was created in 2014 as an autonomous research unit hosted by ‘Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação (ARDITI)’ with the main goal of promoting an Excellence Centre, catalysing opportunities at regional, national and international level, with a multidisciplinary team dedicated to scientific research, innovation, education and public outreach within Marine Sciences and Technologies. OOM profits greatly from human and institutional resources existing within the Autonomous Region of Madeira, with emphasis on higher education, research institutions, companies and governmental agencies with relevant activities and competences in marine areas.

In the framework of the OOM project (M1420-01-0145-FEDER-000001-Observatório Oceânico da Madeira-OOM), OOM-ARDITI is looking for a Plankton analyst (MSc level or equivalent, e.g. Portuguese pre-Bologna Licenciatura) with expertise in basic hydrographic data acquisition (CTD), sampling and analysis of Phyto- and Zooplankton. The successful candidate will join an interdisciplinary team, and will execute sampling, processing and analysis of basic hydrographic data, phyto- and zooplankton samples mainly from the Madeira Archipelago.

Responsibilities include:

  • basic hydrographic data acquisition (CTD)
  • water sampling and determination of dissolved nutrients
  • sampling of phyto- and zooplankton with different methods (water, plankton nets) at sea (coastal and offshore)
  • appropriate treatment of samples onboard (filtering, fixation)
  • processing of samples (HPLC, microscopy)
  • taxonomic identification by light microscopy, enumeration of phyto- and zooplankton
  • data analysis
  • contribute to data publication
Admission Requirements

The ideal candidate will have a Masters Degree (or equivalent, e.g. Portuguese pre-Bologna Licenciatura) in Marine Biology, Biology or other related field, with strong work experience in phyto- and zooplankton analysis.
  • Familiarity with basic hydrographic data acquisition. Hands-on experience using a CTD-probe;
  • Familiarity with seawater sampling and determination of dissolved nutrients in the laboratory;
  • Demonstrated experience in sampling of phytoplankton by means of Niskin water samplers and Apstein-nets;
  • Familiarity with sampling of zooplankton by means of Apstein-nets;
  • Demonstrated experience in processing phytoplankton samples for microscopic identification and enumeration (Utermöhl method);
  • Familiarity with processing zooplankton samples for microscopic identification and enumeration;
  • Strong communication and collaboration skills;
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently.
  • sampling onboard small/medium boats; prepared for participating in longer research cruises onboard larger research vessels;
  • handling CTD for basic hydrographic data acquisition;
  • performing sampling of seawater for:
  • --- dissolved nutrient determination;
  • --- picoplankton analysis;
  • --- filtration for phytopigment analysis;
  • --- filtration for nannoplankton analysis;
  • --- quantitative microphytoplankton analysis;
  • perform sampling of microphytoplankton by Apstein-net;
  • perform sampling of zooplankton by Apstein-net;
  • perform laboratory chemical analysis of dissolved nutrients (nitrite, nitrate, phosphate, silicate);
  • participate in phytopigment analysis by HPLC-method;
  • participate in coccolithophores analysis by polarized light microscopy;
  • perform identification and enumeration of microphytoplankton by Utermöhl-method;
  • perform identification and enumeration of micro- and mesozooplankton;
  • participate in integrated data analysis, contribute to publication of data & provide technical reports.
Scientific guidance and workplace

The work will be coordinated by Dr. Manfred Kaufmann & Dr. Áurea Narciso
Workplace will be at the Funchal Marine Biology Station (EBMF), Madeira Island


1 year, renewable up to 3 years.


The monthly maintenance stipend for "Bolsa de Investigação (BI): Msc" (980€) and regulations are determined by ‘FCT-Fundação para a Ciência Tecnologia’ (

Evaluation criteria

The following evaluation criteria will be applied:
FS = QA + EP
FS – Final Score
QA – Qualifications
EP – Experience

6 points – MSc or equivalent (e.g. Portuguese pre-Bologna Licenciatura) in Marine Biology, Biology (or related field of study);
--> 6: grade 18 or better; 5: grade 17; 4: grade 16; 3: grade 15; 2: grade 14; 1: grade 12-13

2 points - Experience in oceanographic sampling (CTD, phyto- and zooplankton);
--> 2: participation in open ocean campaign; 1: participation in coastal campaign or other related activity
4 points - Experience in phytoplankton identification and enumeration;
--> 4: scientific publication(s) and/or communication (talk, poster) (general topic); --> 3: scientific publication(s) and/or communication (talk, poster) (specific taxonomic group) 2: active participation in project; 1: other related activity
3 points - Experience in zooplankton identification and enumeration;
--> 3: scientific publication(s) and/or communication (talk, poster); 2: active participation in project; 1: other related activity
2 points - Experience in determination of dissolved nutrients in seawater (chemical analysis);
--> 2: nutrient analysis performed in 1 or more projects; 1: sound knowledge of nutrient analysis or similar related activity
3 points - Prior experience in data analysis and scientific publication.
--> 3: 1 or more scientific publication(s) related to plankton analysis; 2: 1 or more scientific publication(s); 1: 1 or more scientific communication(s) (talk or poster) (0.25 extra point for 2 or more publications)

Selection panel

Prof. Dr. Manfred Kaufmann (UMa & CIIMAR-Madeira)
Dr. Áurea Narciso (CIIMAR-Madeira)
Dr. Rui Caldeira (OOM-ARDITI)

Application contents

-Motivation Letter (emphasizing the candidate’s adequacy to each evaluation criteria)
-Curriculum Vitae
-Masters (or equivalent) certificate (and/or conclusion confirmation letter + digital copy of the thesis)

Anouncement of the results

ARDITI ( Via e-mail.

Application submission and deadline

The application is to be submited by email to Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ter o JavaScript autorizado para o visualizar. until the 15th april 2016



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