Cargo/posição/bolsa: Bolsa de Investigação); Referência: ARDITI-MACBIOIDI2-2022-001; Área científica genérica: Information Systems; Área científica específica: n/a; |
Job Summary: A call is open for 1 (one) research assistant at the NeuroRehabLab - ARDITI (Funchal, Portugal), under the Project MACbioIDi2 - Contribuyendo a la cohesión e internacionalización de la Macaronesia para impulsarlos Objetivos del Desarrollo Sostenible con las TICs y la I+D+i biomédica (MAC2/1.1b/352), under the following conditions: Job Description: The main task for the accepted candidate will be to conduct research towards implementing and improving the Open Rehab Initiative online platform ( The main tasks will consist of developing and upgrading the current system to its version 3.0. The Open Rehab Initiative aims to be the go-to community for clinicians, scientists, engineers, game developers, and end-users to interact with and share virtual rehabilitation tools. A user-friendly portal where the community who build and use software tools for virtual rehabilitation can easily communicate, interact and share with these tools. Here you will find software, drivers, and documentation of evidence and application, discussion boards, blogs. The ideal candidate would be a computer scientist, electric, electronic, or telecommunications engineer, or a closely related discipline with a strong background in web technologies and services. Application Requirements: Applicants should fulfill the following requirements: - Bachelors degree or equivalent in computer science, electric, electronic or telecommunications engineering or other relevant disciplines for the project; - Experience in web technologies such as HTML, wordpress, web services, php, javascript, etc. - Experience in User Experience Research (UX) and HCI methodologies - Strong oral and written English communication skills, people skills, the ability to work independently as well as a team member of the NeuroRehabLab ( and taking the initiative and being proactive; Workplace: The work will be conducted in the NeuroRehabLab, ARDITI (Funchal, Portugal), under the supervision of Prof. Sergi Bermúdez i Badia. Scholarship length: The scholarship will have a length of 12 months (with the possibility of renewal), with an expected start date of February 1st, 2022. Monthly stipend: The student will receive a stipend of 835,98 €/month free of taxes. ARDITI stipends and regulations are determined by ARDITI ( How to apply: Candidates must send their application by email to The following elements should be included in the email:
Selection Process: The selection process will be based on:
Recommendation letters are facultative but can contribute positively to the evaluation. Speaking and understanding Portuguese is strictly necessary as the candidate will collaborate with the local clinical partners and patients. Selection Panel:
Notification of results: All candidates will be notified by email. Notes:
Número de vagas: 1 |
Tipo de contrato: Informação não disponível |
País: Portugal |
Localidade: Funchal |
Instituição de acolhimento: NeuroRehabLab at ARDITI |
Data limite de candidatura: 17 de Janeiro de 2022 (A data limite de candidatura deve ser confirmada no texto do anúncio) |