
Bolsa de Investigação: ARDITI-LARSYS-2021-002

Cargo/posição/bolsa: Bolsa de Investigação (BI) para atividade de iniciação a I&D para o Projeto Estratégico UIDP/50009/2020;

Referência: ARDITI-LARSYS-2021-002;

Área científica genérica: Computer science;

Área científica específica: Informatics Engineering;

Resumo do anúncio
Job/Fellowship summary

A call is open for 1 (one) Research Studentship (BII) at the Interactive Technologies Institute (ITI) of ARDITI - Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação, under the R&D project “Projeto Estratégico UIDP/50009/2020” with the funding support from FCT/ MCTES through national funding under the following conditions.

Texto do anúncio
Job/Fellowship description

Dr. Lucas Pereira (Interactive Technologies Institute - Partner of the Carnegie Mellon University - Portugal program) is looking for highly motivated students interested in gaining research experience.

Requisitos de admissão

Applicants should fulfill the following requirements:

  • Be enrolled in a BSc / BEng degree, preferably informatics engineering
  • Have knowledge of PHP, particularly of the WordPress CMS
  • Have good development skills for both backend and frontend
  • Good knowledge of other programming languages, like Python, is a plus

Plano de trabalhos

The selected candidate will be working on the development of a website to communicate the scientific achievements of a research group. The main tasks include:

  • conduct a search of the communication strategies of similar research groups
  • study the WordPress ecosystem for content management in academia, i.e., most common themes and plugins
  • design and implement the website, in collaboration with the members of the research team
  • study open-source tools to develop research demonstrations, e.g.,
  • develop and evaluate the integration of a selected tool on the group website

Orientação científica e local de trabalho
Scientific guidance and workplace

The work will be conducted at ITI - Interactive Technologies Institute (Funchal, Portugal), under the supervision of Dr. Lucas Pereira

Duração da(s) bolsa(s)

3 months, non-renewable. With an expected start on July1st, 2021.

Subsídio de manutenção mensal

The stipend will be of 416,12€ (monthly stipend according to the table of values awarded by FCT, I.P. (http// The stipend will be paid monthly by bank transfer. Voluntary Social Security (SSV) and Accidents insurance are also provided.

Legislação e regulamentação aplicável
Legislation and applicable regulations

Applicable Legislation and Regulation: the grant will follow the "Lei nº 40/2004 de 18 de Agosto“ (Research grant holder statute) and Regulations for Research Fellowships of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, in force (

Métodos de seleção
Evaluation criteria

The selection process will be based on:

  • Curriculum Vitae (50%)
  • Cover Letter (10%)
  • Portfolio (40%)

Composição do Júri de Seleção
Selection panel

  • Dr. Lucas Pereira
  • Prof. Dr. Filipe Quintal
  • Prof. Dr. Nuno Jardim Nunes

Documentos de candidatura
Application contents

  • Brief cover letter stating motivation for this position
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Portfolio, e.g., link to developed projects or GitHub repositories contributed
  • Certificate of enrolment in BSc program

Forma de publicitação/notificação dos resultados
Announcement of the results

All candidates will be notified of the final results by email.

Prazo de candidatura e forma de apresentação das candidaturas
Application submission and deadline

Applications should be sent by email to Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ter o JavaScript autorizado para o visualizar. with the reference “ARDITI-LARSYS-2021-002” between May 25th, 2021 and June 15th, 2021.

Número de vagas
Vacant posts


Instituição de acolhimento
Job/Fellowship company/institute



Be enrolled in a BSc / BEng degree​

Domínio científico do grau
Degree Field

Computer Science

Línguas exigidas
Required languages

Portuguese and English

Número de vagas: 1
Tipo de contrato: Informação não disponível
País: Portugal
Localidade: Funchal
Instituição de acolhimento: ITI/ARDITI
Data limite de candidatura: 15 Junho 2021
(A data limite de candidatura deve ser confirmada no texto do anúncio)



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