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OPEN CALLS: October, 2024

OPEN CALLS: October, 2024

‍October 2024

‍This newsletter aims to keep you informed about funded projects, upcoming events, and collaborative opportunities within our dynamic network.  

Stay connected with us as we continue to support and empower groundbreaking research and development, shaping a future of innovation and success.

Deadline: November 21, 2024

Source of funding: European
EU Fund: Digital Europe Programme


Building on the Data Space for Smart Communities and the EU Local Digital Twin (LDT) Toolbox, both supported by the WP 2021-2022, and in synergy with the action “Developing CitiVerse”, the main objective of this action is to consolidate existing results and move towards an ecosystem of mature and networked LDTs across the EU to help cities and communities achieve economies of scale when developing their data platform and LDT services.

Deadline: November 21, 2024

Source of funding: European  
EU Fund: Digital Europe Programme | Lump Sum


This proposal focuses on increasing the number of ICT specialists in the EU to reach 20 million by 2030, in line with the Digital Decade Policy Programme. The initiative encourages partnerships between academia, industry, and research institutions, aiming to bridge the current education gap and foster innovation while also promoting gender balance and international cooperation through scholarships and other support mechanisms.

Deadline: January 22, 2025

Source of funding: Horizon Europe  
EU Fund:
Clean Energy for EU Islands


This call invites islands to apply and take part in the ambitious "30 for 2030" initiative to fast-track their decarbonisation plans and learn from the 30 pioneering islands.

Deadline: December 17, 2024

Source of funding: FCT

#ComputationalModels #ArtificialIntelligence

FCT seeks to aggregate national advanced computing resources, fostering cooperation among the various involved centres and developing national and international partnerships with other entities.

Deadline: January 22, 2025

Source of funding: European
EU Fund: Horizon Europe

#InnovationAction #CulturalHeritage #Digital

In the scope of Cluster 2 - Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society of Horizon Europe, five topics dedicated to the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH) are open. €50M are available to fund 10 research and innovation projects in international collaboration. The objective is to develop and test digital solutions and tools that will integrate the ECCCH. Info day.

Deadline: November 20, 2024

Source of funding: Horizon Europe
EU Fund: Horizon Lump Sum Grant
#SecurityPolicy #Innovation #Industry&Technology

Proposals should set out a credible pathway to contributing to a more effective and efficient evidence and knowledge-based development of EU civil security capabilities built on a stronger, more systematic and analysis-intensive security research and innovation cycle; increased cooperation between demand and supply market actors; R&I-enabled knowledge and value in cross-cutting matters reduces sector specific bias and breaks thematic silos that impede the proliferation of common security solutions.

Deadline: December 17, 2024

Source of funding: FCT

#ComputationalModels #ArtificialIntelligence

Through the National Advanced Computing Network (RNCA), FCT seeks to aggregate national advanced computing resources, fostering cooperation among the various involved centres and developing national and international partnerships with other entities.

Deadline: February 18, 2025

Source of funding: European  
EU Fund:
European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF)

#BlueEconomy #Marine #Sustainability

This call topic aims to animate and underpin the S3 Thematic Platform for Sustainable Blue Economy with strategic interregional partnerships that develop and implement highly innovative solutions addressing priorities in the EU sustainable blue economy.

Deadline: December 31, 2027

Source of funding: Portugal 2030 

Fund: EMFAF Portugal MAR2030 Programme

#Biodiversity #Ecosystems

This call aims to support the achievement of environmental protection objectives, namely ensuring the ‘Good Environmental Status’ of the marine environment by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and promoting the protection, restoration, and monitoring of ecosystems aimed at adopting measures for the conservation and sustainable management of marine biodiversity and maintaining ecosystem services.

Deadline: February 18, 2025

Source of funding: European
EU Fund:
European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF)

#Sustainability #OceanEnergyDevices

This call topic aims to support the development of regenerative ocean farming by proving its feasibility and viability, generating knowledge on the environmental benefits by testing these approaches in connection with marine protected areas, and promoting innovation in algae.

Deadline: February 4, 2025

Source of funding: European
EU Fund: Horizon Europe

#Sustainability #OceanEnergyDevices

Project results are expected to contribute to increased performance of ocean energy technologies with a focus on sustainability, operation and maintenance of ocean energy devices, Improved knowledge on how to operate ocean energy devices, and reduction of LCOE.

Deadline: December 31, 2027

Source of funding: Portugal 2030 
EMFAF Portugal MAR2030 Programme

#Aquaculture #Fishery

The call seeks to promote sustainable aquaculture activities and the transformation and commercialization of fishery and aquaculture products, thereby contributing to the food security of the Union.

Deadline: January 21, 2025

Source of funding: European

EU Fund: Digital Europe Programme

#IA #GreenDeal #ClimateTransition

Activities should fortify cybersecurity capabilities using breakthrough technologies, encompassing various aspects of cybersecurity. This involves uptake and integration for deploying novel tools, systems and services for threat detection, incident response, malware defence, vulnerability management, data protection, etc.

Deadline: November 20, 2024

Source of funding: European

EU Fund: Horizon Lump Sum Grant

#Software #SecurityEngineering #IA

Projects’ results are expected to contribute to improved hardware and software security engineering; resilient systems design; improved access to testing of hardware and software in virtual, closed and secure environments; systematic and, where possible, automated study of vulnerabilities, software analysis, vulnerability discovery, and dynamic security assessment; trustworthy certifiable hardware and software; AI-based security services.

Deadline: January 21, 2025

Source of funding: FCT & Horizon Europe

#CleanEnergy #ClimateNeutrality #RDI

Created under Horizon Europe, the co-funded CETPartnership aims to accelerate the transition to clean energy and contribute to the goal of climate neutrality by 2050, bringing together national and regional funding in Research, Technological Development and Innovation for a wide variety of technologies and system solutions necessary for this transition.

Deadline: November 21, 2024

Source of funding: Horizon Europe

#CleanEnergy #UrbanEconomies #MobilitySystems

The DUT partnership aims to tackle the challenges of urban transition by involving regional, municipal and local communities. DUT seeks to create a strong community around urban transitions and to establish a well-known research and innovation platform that will help cities become more sustainable, inclusive and liveable.

Deadline: November 20, 2024

Source of funding: "laCaixa" & FCT

#Neurosciences #Technology #CardiovascularDisease

Its aim is to identify and promote initiatives of scientific excellence with potential and impact on society by funding individual or consortium projects in the following thematic areas: neurosciences, oncology, cardiovascular diseases and associated metabolic diseases, infectious diseases, and enabling technologies in the above thematic areas. Info session.

Deadline: April 23, 2025

Source of funding: European  

EU Fund: Horizon Europe

#DigitalHealthTechnologies #ChronicDiseases #RIA

This call aims to develop a unified framework for using patient preference information (PPI), clinical outcome assessments (COAs), and digital health technology (DHT)-derived measures in clinical studies. It seeks to improve the acceptance and implementation of these measures to enhance the evaluation of therapies for chronic diseases.

Info session on MSCA Staff Exchanges, ERA Talents and Twinning

FCT will hold an information session dedicated to the various Horizon Europe instruments for funding the creation of collaborative networks and mobility actions, with a view of the three important funding mechanisms.

Info session on Cluster Eureka - EUROGIA

The session, organized by ANI, aims to publicize the Cluster's next call and present the eligibility and financing conditions for national participants.

4th Advanced Computing Meeting 2024

This event will enable the sharing of knowledge, the discussion of innovative solutions, and the strengthening of cooperation between academia, industry, and research centres.

Blue Nature-based Solutions Week

The event will highlight the work of scientists in collaboration with stakeholders and maximise the results of MaCoBioS and other like-minded initiatives.

NeuroMind Congress

This is an event for neuroscience professionals, researchers and enthusiasts who want to be at the forefront of the latest discoveries and practices.

Madeira Innovation Fest: The Future is...

This is a festival that brings together business people, scientists, designers, public decision-makers and Madeiran entrepreneurs to explore the future over two days through inspiring talks, networking and immersive experiences.

International Conference on Marine Bioinvasions

The event is an international forum where scientists and policymakers from around the world meet to review current challenges in the global management of invasive marine organisms and to share new developments in science and policy.

The LxBWS, which will take place at IST from 11-14 February 2025, will provide a comprehensive program with lectures, practical hands-on laboratory sessions, and poster sessions on the latest developments and applications of blockchain technology. The program will also include collaboration and networking events between all the participants of the school.

The training aims to provide a thorough understanding of the basic techniques for designing a project proposal for the EU programmes for SMEs, especially in the frame of the new Framework Programme for Research and Innovation known as Horizon Europe, which offers a specific instrument for SME named Accelerator, but also open the door to a wide range of sub-programmes where SMEs can participate.

This advanced training program aims at substantially increasing and enhancing, for those who already have a basic knowledge of the topics, the understanding of the EU Horizon Europe Program, the main EU Funding Instrument supporting the Research and Innovation project, thus allowing the participants to increase the quality of their project proposals and to increase their chance for success in applying for and managing of EU projects.

Deadline: November 29, 2024  For Whom: Researchers  Source of funding: FCT  Type: Grant

The CEEC Individual is aimed at PhD holders of any nationality or stateless persons with a background in any scientific field who wish to carry out scientific research or technological development in Portugal.

Deadline: February 5, 2025  For Whom: Researchers  Source of funding: European  Fund: Horizon Europe (MSCA)  Type: Grant

Support is provided for international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary mobility of R&I staff, leading to knowledge transfer between participating organisations.

Deadline: December 31, 2025  For Whom: Researchers  Source of funding: PRR  Fund: ERC-Portugal & FCT  Type: Grant

The programme will foster the development of the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, with a focus on supporting basic research, promoting knowledge transfer or strengthening cross-sector collaboration.

3rd Edition of the Expo Fish Portugal Innovation Award

Deadline: October 31, 2024

Submit new ideas and bold projects for new seafood products, solutions for more sustainable fishing and aquaculture, new equipment and production methods, innovative digital solutions and services and contributions to biodegradable fishing gear.

Applications Open for the Young Creators Awards

Deadline: November 15, 2024

The call offers two prizes - the Short Story Prize and the Illustration Prize. Young Portuguese creators, or those living in Portugal, aged between 18 and 30, can apply, taking as their starting point the preliminary report "Megatrends 2050 - A Changing World: Impacts on Portugal".

Support service for the national scientific community in the preparation of proposals to the ERC through a pre-evaluation model and suggestions for improvement, which mirrors the ERC's evaluation criteria and evaluator profiles, available in two forms.

Encouragement is needed to improve the conditions for a future application to the ERC by funding the initial development of research projects already evaluated with the top classifications not selected for funding by the ERC.

The ERC-Portugal Program includes incentives and services that cover the various cycles of national participation in the ERC's Calls, from the preparation and submission of applications and intermediate evaluation phases (interview) to incentives and training for future applications and the attraction and retention of researchers with research projects already funded by the ERC, in progress or recently completed.

Programme to attract and retain researchers with funded ERC projects (ongoing or recently completed) to take up permanent positions in institutions of the National System of Science and Technology and Higher Education.

FCT has launched a new communication channel to serve the scientific community. It is a new dissemination channel, exclusively dedicated to the opening of Calls.

As part of the joint application by Portugal and Spain for the installation of an Artificial Intelligence Factory, the FCT has launched a call for contributions. It aims to gather opinions and priorities for the application development until October 21, 2024.

The Global Ocean Observing System is a program of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, working to coordinate an integrated and responsive ocean observing system. The Panel is seeking a new co-chair to help progress and contribute to GOOS 2030 Strategy and goals of the Panel roadmap.

This Toolkit seeks to contribute to the advancement of Ocean Literacy and the Sustainable Development Goals in the Atlantic Region by providing teachers with adequate OceanLiteracy tools and supporting the inclusion of Ocean Literacy in the school curriculum, contributing to a literature review and examples of the diverse aspects of the Atlantic and examples of successful initiatives in the Atlantic Region.

The biofouling of submerged anthropogenic surfaces and factors that contribute to the spread of non-indigenous species have received substantial attention from researchers, regulators, and the private sector, which is focused on understanding their economic, social, and environmental consequences. This work has informed the development and implementation of sustainable management approaches for the prevention of a range of harmful impacts.

This event aimed to deepen reflection and discussion on the nine megatrends identified in the brochure "Megatrends 2050 - A changing world: impacts on Portugal - A brief introduction" and is part of the collaborative work underway to produce the final report, which is due to be released at the end of 2024.

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the new European Research Area (ERA), which focuses on the progress made on the four priorities identified in the communication "A new ERA for Research and Innovation" (2020), namely: (I) prioritizing R&I investments and reforms; (II) improving access to excellence across the EU; (III) transferring results to the economy; (IV) deepening the ERA.

This protocol establishes the conditions for scientific purposes for access to anonymized individual statistical data contained in databases resident at INE (produced by INE, by entities with delegated powers, and by other administrative sources) in INE's National Data Infrastructure.

This short video describes the opportunity for potential applicants to get in touch with their National Contact Point and Net4Society.

Find partnering opportunities.

The Horizon Europe strategic plan 2025-2027 steers research and innovation funding  2025-2027, addressing the key global challenges such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, the digital transition and an ageing population.

Check the calendar for all the calls predicted for 2023-2024.

Open Calls

Visit the European Commission portal for the complete list of calls and FCT for national calls.


Full lists by type of call:


ERA Calls


Scientific job opportunities:

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