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OPEN CALLS: September, 2024

OPEN CALLS: September, 2024

‍September 2024

‍This newsletter aims to keep you informed about funded projects, upcoming events, and collaborative opportunities within our dynamic network.  

Stay connected with us as we continue to support and empower groundbreaking research and development, shaping a future of innovation and success.

Deadline: November 21, 2024

Source of funding: European
EU Fund: Digital Europe Programme


Building on the Data Space for Smart Communities and the EU Local Digital Twin (LDT) Toolbox, both supported by the WP 2021-2022, and in synergy with the action “Developing CitiVerse”, the main objective of this action is to consolidate existing results and move towards an ecosystem of mature and networked LDTs across the EU to help cities and communities achieve economies of scale when developing their data platform and LDT services.

Deadline: November 21, 2024

Source of funding: European  
EU Fund: Digital Europe Programme | Lump Sum


This proposal focuses on increasing the number of ICT specialists in the EU to reach 20 million by 2030, in line with the Digital Decade Policy Programme. The initiative encourages partnerships between academia, industry, and research institutions, aiming to bridge the current education gap and foster innovation while also promoting gender balance and international cooperation through scholarships and other support mechanisms.

Deadline: October 23, 2024

Source of funding: European
EU Fund: COST Action

#InterdisciplinaryResearch #GrassrootsActions


COST - European Cooperation in Science and Technology funds transnational collaboration activities in a system of open-access, bottom-up networks of researchers in all scientific and technological fields. These networks, called COST Actions, enable advances in the development of scientific knowledge, helping to strengthen Europe as a leader in R&TD.

Deadline: November 20, 2024

Source of funding: Horizon Europe
EU Fund: Horizon Lump Sum Grant
#SecurityPolicy #Innovation #Industry&Technology

Proposals should set out a credible pathway to contributing to a more effective and efficient evidence and knowledge-based development of EU civil security capabilities built on a stronger, more systematic and analysis-intensive security research and innovation cycle; increased cooperation between demand and supply market actors; R&I-enabled knowledge and value in cross-cutting matters reduces sector specific bias and breaks thematic silos that impede the proliferation of common security solutions.

A European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage - Innovative Tools for Documenting, Interlinking and Organising Data

Deadline: January 22, 2025

Source of funding: Horizon Europe
EU Fund: 
Horizon Lump Sum Grant

#CulturalHeritage #Digital

This topic aims at developing and implementing a set of innovative tools and methods on the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH) for documenting, interlinking and organising data. Concrete applications of these tools and methods should be provided for at least the following uses: creating, enriching and refining annotated bibliographies; documenting the results of fieldwork such as archaeological or paleontological excavations or other collection processes and studies.

Deadline: November 8, 2024

Source of funding: European  
EU Fund:
Biodiversa+ - The European Biodiversity Partnership

#Biodiversity #Ecosystems #Environment #Coastal #Marine

This joint transnational call aims to support interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary and/or sectoral research that identifies, analyzes and understands transformation processes to stop and reverse biodiversity decline.

Deadline: December 31, 2027

Source of funding: Portugal 2030 

Fund: EMFAF Portugal MAR2030 Programme

#Biodiversity #Ecosystems

This call aims to support the achievement of environmental protection objectives, namely ensuring the ‘Good Environmental Status’ of the marine environment by the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and promoting the protection, restoration, and monitoring of ecosystems aimed at adopting measures for the conservation and sustainable management of marine biodiversity and maintaining ecosystem services.

Deadline: February 4, 2025

Source of funding: European
EU Fund: Horizon Europe

#Sustainability #OceanEnergyDevices

Project results are expected to contribute to increased performance of ocean energy technologies with a focus on sustainability, operation and maintenance of ocean energy devices, Improved knowledge on how to operate ocean energy devices, and reduction of LCOE.

Deadline: December 31, 2027

Source of funding: Portugal 2030 
EMFAF Portugal MAR2030 Programme

#Aquaculture #Fishery

The call seeks to promote sustainable aquaculture activities and the transformation and commercialization of fishery and aquaculture products, thereby contributing to the food security of the Union.

Deadline: January 21, 2025

Source of funding: European

EU Fund: Digital Europe Programme

#IA #GreenDeal #ClimateTransition

Activities should fortify cybersecurity capabilities using breakthrough technologies, encompassing various aspects of cybersecurity. This involves uptake and integration for deploying novel tools, systems and services for threat detection, incident response, malware defence, vulnerability management, data protection, etc.

Deadline: November 20, 2024

Source of funding: European

EU Fund: Horizon Lump Sum Grant

#Software #SecurityEngineering #IA

Projects’ results are expected to contribute to improved hardware and software security engineering; resilient systems design; improved access to testing of hardware and software in virtual, closed and secure environments; systematic and, where possible, automated study of vulnerabilities, software analysis, vulnerability discovery, and dynamic security assessment; trustworthy certifiable hardware and software; AI-based security services.

Clean Energy Transition Partnership Joint Call

Deadline: November 21, 2024

Source of funding: FCT & Horizon Europe

#CleanEnergy #ClimateNeutrality #RDI


Created under Horizon Europe, the co-funded CETPartnership aims to accelerate the transition to clean energy and contribute to the goal of climate neutrality by 2050, bringing together national and regional funding in Research, Technological Development and Innovation for a wide variety of technologies and system solutions necessary for this transition.

Deadline: October 10, 2024

Source of funding: European

EU Fund: Horizon Europe

#HealthyAging #Technology #CardiovascularDisease #RIA

The focus of this topic is on identifying and creating scalable models, interventions, and practices to enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness of Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) management based on existing or new pilots in up to 5 cities, to build evidence for replication across Europe in different socio-economic conditions.

Deadline: Two-stage: October 10, 2024 and April 23, 2025

Source of funding: European  

EU Fund: Horizon Europe

#DigitalHealthTechnologies #ChronicDiseases #RIA

This call aims to develop a unified framework for using patient preference information (PPI), clinical outcome assessments (COAs), and digital health technology (DHT)-derived measures in clinical studies. It seeks to improve the acceptance and implementation of these measures to enhance the evaluation of therapies for chronic diseases.

Info Webinar - BiodivTransform Joint Research Call
Biodiversity and Transformative Change

By participating in this information webinar you will learn more about Biodiversa+, the scope of the BiodivTransform call, as well as the participation modalities and the overall evaluation process.

Horizon Implementation Day: Finding Opportunities and Submitting a Proposal in Horizon Europe

This webinar will give you detailed information about finding opportunities and submitting a proposal in Horizon Europe. The event will be a YouTube live streamed.

Shaping the Future of Cultural Heritage

Join this event to learn more about the Cloud and two other important European initiatives, and how they are interconnected and complementary.

Innovation Health Together Conference

The event's primary goal is to connect startups, SMEs, and technology developers working on SmartHealth and eHealth technologies with key players in the healthcare ecosystem, including healthcare providers, end-users, buyer representatives, and investors.

Digital Transformation of European Cultural Heritage: The Opportunities in the Cultural Heritage Cloud (ECCCH)

The Cultural Heritage Cloud is a European Union initiative for a digital infrastructure that will connect cultural heritage institutions and professionals across the EU. The event will be held online.

Horizon Europe: Legal and Financial Aspects

This session will cover legal and financial hiring aspects, organization, financial and auditory reporting, third parties, international cooperation, lump sum funding and a new option chosen by unit members. Organized by ANI (session to be carried in Portuguese).

Horizon Implementation Day: Grant Agreement Preparation in Horizon Europe

This session will provide detailed information about Grant Agreement Preparation in Horizon Europe.

Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe: How does it work? How to write a proposal?

In this session, these questions will be answered, and there will be a part dedicated to the practical experience with lump sum grants and a panel discussion with invited guests.

EOSC Symposium 2024

This is a key event to network and exchange ideas with policymakers, funders, and representatives of research institutions, research communities, and data- and e-infrastructures active in the EOSC ecosystem.

Marine User Days

Focusing on the data provided by the European organisations involved in the Copernicus programme and their role in oceanography and marine applications, the event will act as a showcase for use cases.

This course is designed to equip participants with a fundamental understanding and practical skills in co-design methodologies, particularly in the context of the United Nations' Ocean Decade initiative.

This course serves as an introduction to oceanographic survey techniques and data processing. It is designed for Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOPs), students, and other oceanographers who intend to pursue oceanography and marine sciences.

The course aims to equip participants with a conceptual understanding of ODIS, why it has been created, and how it works; equip participants with conceptual and practical understandings of the technical components of ODIS, including its use of patterns and web-based publishing and harvesting. Provide participants with the tools they need to describe their (meta) data and publish it.

This course provides an overview of GIS applications of coastal vulnerability and analysis. Using open-source GIS tools will provide basic GIS mapping techniques on storm surge vulnerability and its socio-economic impact. The course also includes data acquisition, processing, analysis and interpretation of coastal spatial data.

Every year, the European Research Council (ERC) launches funding opportunities for researchers with highly demanding and rigorous evaluation and selection processes. Researchers with funding obtained in these processes, with highly competitive profiles at the international level, offer a unique potential for empowering the institutions that make up the National Science and Technology System (SNCT) and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).

Deadline: October 23, 2024  For Whom: Researchers  Source of funding: European  EU Fund: Horizon  Type: Grant

The goal of MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships is to enhance the creative and innovative potential of PhD researchers who wish to acquire new skills through advanced training in international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary mobility. The scheme also encourages researchers to work on research and innovation projects in the non-academic sector.

Excellent Paper in Neuroscience Award 2024

Deadline: October 1, 2024

EPNA Award 2024: Biomedical call with a thematic focus on "Cerebrovascular Diseases."

Excellent Paper on Neuroscience Award 2024 - Neuroethics

Deadline: October 1, 2024


EPNA - Neuroethics Call (Pilot) with a thematic focus on "Ethical, Legal, and Social Aspects (ELSA) of Neuroscience."

3rd Edition of the Expo Fish Portugal Innovation Award

Deadline: October 31, 2024


Submit new ideas and bold projects for new seafood products, solutions for more sustainable fishing and aquaculture, new equipment and production methods, innovative digital solutions and services and contributions to biodegradable fishing gear.

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on the new European Research Area (ERA), which focuses on the progress made on the four priorities identified in the communication "A new ERA for Research and Innovation" (2020), namely: (I) prioritizing R&I investments and reforms; (II) improving access to excellence across the EU; (III) transferring results to the economy; (IV) deepening the ERA.

This short video describes the opportunity for potential applicants to get in touch with their National Contact Point and Net4Society.

Find partnering opportunities.

The Horizon Europe strategic plan 2025-2027 steers research and innovation funding  2025-2027, addressing the key global challenges such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, the digital transition and an ageing population.

Check the calendar for all the calls predicted for 2023-2024.

Open Calls

Visit the European Commission portal for the complete list of calls and FCT for national calls.


Full lists by type of call:


ERA Calls


Scientific job opportunities:

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