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OPEN CALLS: February, 2022

OPEN CALLS: February, 2022

February, 2022


Deadline: February 28, 2022, 17:00 Lisbon time

The Ministery of Agriculture has announced two calls for research projects, one aims to promote sustainable development, efficient management of natural resources – such as water, soil, and biodiversity – and the enhancement of endogenous resources in national territories; the other aims to find answers that promote the digitization and application of digital technologies to improve agricultural and agri-food productivity, placing knowledge as a factor for competitiveness and equality.


Four other grants are open for funding in Component C05 – Capitalization and Business Innovation, integrated into the "Resilience" Domain inserted in the i03 investments: "Research and innovation agenda for the sustainability of agriculture, food, and agro-industry," aimed at different Emblematic Initiatives (IE) of the Innovation Agenda for Agriculture 20|30:

No. 12/C05-i03/2021 R&D+I projects IE1 – "Sustainable Food" - deadline: April 29, 2022, 17:00 Lisbon time
No. 13/C05-i03/2021 R&D+I projects IE2 – "One Health" - deadline: September 30, 2022, 17:00 Lisbon time
No. 14/C05-i03/2021 R&D+I projects IE9 – "Promotion of Portuguese Agri-Food Products" - deadline: May 15, 2022, 17:00 Lisbon time
No. 15/C05-i03/2021 R&D+I projects IE10 – "Excellence in the Organization of Production" - deadline: September 30, 2022, 17:00 Lisbon time

Deadline: March 3, 2022, 17:00 Lisbon time

FCT has published the notice of the 5th edition of the Individual Scientific Employment Stimulation Call (CEEC Individual), whose applications will run from February 3, 2022, until March 3, 2022. This call provides for the hiring of over 400 Ph.D. researchers under the Scientific Employment Regulation (REC).

Deadline: March 24, 2022

FCT published the Notice for Submission of Applications for the next Projects Call in all Scientific Domains. The application submission period will run between February 8 and March 10, 2022, and the Candidates' Declaration of Commitment must be submitted by March 24, 2022.

Deadline: April 14, 2022, 15:00 CET

FCT is a member of the new European co-funded Biodiversity Partnership Biodiversa+ “Rescuing Biodiversity to Safeguard Life on Earth”, jointly developed by BiodivERsA and the European Commission (DG Environment and DG Research & Innovation).

Deadline: April 28, 2022, 12:00 Lisbon time

FCT opened this Call for Advanced Computing Projects (CPCA) to technologically support advanced computing projects in all scientific domains (A0 and A1).

‍European Calls

Deadline: March 15, 2022, 17:00 Brussels time

Excellence hubs are an initiative to strengthen regional innovation excellence in placed-based innovation ecosystems by cross-border collaboration on a common strategy and/or alongside value-adding chains. Place-based innovation ecosystems are interconnected companies, research institutions, governmental bodies, and societal actors that are mutually reinforcing each other in a territorial context and together raise the level of innovation excellence in their regional fabric.

Deadline: March 24, 2022, 17:00 Brussels time

Eurostars is a funding instrument that supports innovative SMEs and project partners (large companies, universities, research organizations, and other types of organizations) by funding international collaborative R&D and innovation projects. Applications will open on January 21, 2022.

Deadline: March 30, 2022, 17:00 Brussels time

Actions should develop and innovate new methods to analyze Earth Observation data, enabling systematic mineral exploration and continuous monitoring of extraction, closure, and post-closure activities.

Deadline: April 12, 2022, 17:00 Brussels time

Proposals under this topic will focus on innovative actions in protection, conservation, and enhancement of the EU's blue natural capital that have the potential to be upscaled and reproduced at the European level and beyond. Proposals will develop a strategic approach towards identifying needs, sharing innovation, and transferring solutions between initiatives to create well-managed marine protected areas.

Deadline: April 12, 2022, 17:00 Brussels time

The objective is to prepare the next generation of EU digital ocean models (Twin Ocean) complementary to the Copernicus marine service. They should be integrated into the architecture of the European Digital Twin Ocean to ensure access to required input and validation data, high performance, and distributed cloud computing facilities.

Deadline: April 12, 2022, 17:00 Brussels time

Proposals are expected to focus on marine ecosystem restoration at a large scale. They should build on research and innovation developed in the frame of related projects in the current and previous EU framework programs, such as Horizon 2020, LIFE, and national and regional programs in the Atlantic/Arctic basins, as well as, the activities of the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership and the Atlantic Action Plan 2.0.


Deadline: April 12, 2022, 17:00 Brussels time

Proposals should connect EU citizens and local communities with the ocean, seas, and waters, facilitate broad ownership and education, and co-design the transitions within the communities that will allow the European Green Deal targets to be reached.

Deadline: April 12, 2022, 17:00 Brussels time

Proposals should contribute to stimulate thinking and relevant action through the production of an evidence-based study and help reshape and recalibrate initiatives already in the field and future related policies and strategies; interaction with all relevant main marine and freshwater research and innovation stakeholders and networks or initiatives on the ground, through whose input visions and strategies can emerge and converge, is sought.

Deadline: April 26, 2022, 17:00 Brussels time

Before any deep-sea mining activities start, the environmental impacts, and how to mitigate them, need to be well understood; a robust legal framework needs to be in place and a reliable and transparent monitoring and supervising system for the activities taking place in the deep-sea has to be ready.

Deadline: April 26, 2022, 17:00 Brussels time

Should be in the scope of advanced modeling tools to perform regional/cross-border and cross-energy vector system planning and optimization on a long time horizon, where cross-sectoral disruptive innovations in the industry, mobility, and building sector can be included.

Deadline: April 26, 2022, 17:00 Brussels time

The scope covers the whole spectrum of application of the thermal energy storage systems, ranging from short run to long run, as well as from the smaller to bigger sizes.

Deadline: April 26, 2022, 17:00 Brussels time

There is a need for further technology investigation and demonstration for improved reliability and efficiency of tidal turbine rotor and blades, including control and condition monitoring systems. Improving the seaworthiness of rotor and blades will reduce the likelihood of failure, reduce annual energy production and increase operating costs.

Deadline: April 26, 2022, 17:00 Brussels time

Proposals will include all the necessary activities concurring to the implementation of a Real Time Demonstrator of a Multi-Vendor Multi-Terminal HVDC (Voltage Source Converter High Voltage Direct Current) with Grid Forming capability. Following the Commission’s adoption of the “Strategy on Offshore Renewable Energy”, attention is presently focused on offshore grid application.

Deadline: April 26, 2022, 17:00 Brussels time

Demonstration of successful operation and integration of either standalone or combined innovative storage solutions into innovative energy systems and grid architectures. Solutions should in particular explore, how innovative storage solutions can enable and drive further the successful penetration of renewable into the European energy mix across several important demand sectors by delivering effectively at the interface of renewable energies and specific demand sector needs.

Deadline: April 26, 2022, 17:00 Brussels time

The project results are expected to contribute to the promotion of the ‘circularity by design’ approach in the wind energy sector, and to support the adoption of life cycle assessment tools, demonstrating reduced carbon footprint on the wind turbine value chain.

Deadline: December 31, 2022

Share your project and join other passionate individuals and organizations making a difference in where and how people learn across Europe and beyond - from classrooms to streets and from playgrounds to libraries. Call in the scope of the New European Bauhaus. Info session about the Transformation of Places of Learning call on March 8 at 15:00 CET.

Deadline: tbc

Full list of Calls of Clusters 1 - 6 by topics & Pilar 3 EIC & EIE, with links and deadlines made available by ANI.

Deadline: proposals may be submitted at any time

The objective of the call is to provide a framework to rapidly respond to new innovative ideas. The scope of the call covers elements of Block 4 of Future EO-1 Segment 1. The particular focus for innovative activities under each element is as follows: Grand Science Challenges; EO for a Resilient Society; Artificial Intelligence for EO; Regional Initiatives; EO for Civil Security. Any individual contract will be limited to a Firm Fixed Price of up to 150KEuro and to a maximum duration of 12 months.


February 24, 2022

DG ENER is organizing a series of workshops to collect input from stakeholders on the Action Plan on the Digitalisation of the Energy Sector, aimed at developing a competitive market for digital energy services and a digital energy infrastructure that is cyber-secure, efficient, and sustainable. Registration.

March 8, 2022

The seminar will take the form of a conversation between seven women. It will be an opportunity to listen, share and learn about life during the pandemic, professional achievements, the EU's work on gender equality, and the hope of today's girls and young women. The event will be live-streamed.

March 29-30, 2022

During the conference 65 H2020 projects will present their new discoveries and achievements, how they tackled hurdles and resolved challenges, and what are the next research steps in different essential areas for road transport: Green Vehicles, Urban Mobility, Logistics, Intelligent Transport Systems, etc, delivering a holistic view of how the European research scene is moving forward in these fields, bringing benefits to the environment, economy, and European society overall.

September 26-30, 2022

The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) brings together public authorities, private companies, projects, NGOs, and consumers to promote initiatives to save energy and move towards renewables for clean, secure, and efficient energy. The event will comprise a high-level Policy Conference, the EUSEW Awards, and the third European Youth Energy Day as well as opportunities for 1:1 meetings, exhibition stands, and other networking activities.


Deadline: February 24, 2022

ARDITI is looking for an Interaction Designer/Researcher or equivalent (for enrolled MSc/Master students), preferably with proven experience in rapid prototyping and UI/UX. The successful candidate will assist the research team of the project, especially focusing on the design and deployment of the interactive public spaces, depicting the issues and contributions of whales to global warming.

Deadline: February 27, 2022

EMB Young Ambassadors work with the EMB Secretariat to help promote the marine sciences (both natural and social) and Ocean matters, and EMB activities in particular, to their peers. You can find out more about the program here. Ambassadors receive a 2,000 EUR stipend spread over the two years of the program and an additional budget of up to 3,000 EUR to cover costs linked to events, travel, and communications.

Deadline: February 28, 2022

A call is open for a post-doctoral researcher for assessing the impact of marine litter in the tourism sector. The selected candidate will develop and implement a custom interview-based study to assess the impact of marine litter in the Tourism sector in Madeira.

Deadline: March 14, 2022

A call is open for one research assistant under the project BRANT. The ideal candidate should have experience in software development, Unity 3D, server development, and systems administration. The main task will be to implement software tools for virtual rehab interventions using applied VR to cognitive rehabilitation.

Deadline: March 16, 2022

A call is open for one research assistant under the project MACbioIDi2. The main task for the accepted candidate will be to design clinical interventions using BCI-VR tools and support the research project with the development of Virtual Rehabilitation scenarios using BCIs applied to stroke, and related research tools.

Deadline: March 31, 2022

The second edition of the CMU Portugal initiative Affiliated PhD Programs, supported by FCT, will accept applications for up to 12 Scholarships for the 2022/2023 academic yearThe selected candidates will be hosted by Portuguese Universities and benefit from a research period at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh for up to 12 months. Online info session: How to apply for a CMU Portugal Affiliated PhD Programs Scholarship register here.


Deadline: February 25, 2022

This award aims to publicly distinguish a project or initiative of a Portuguese entity, in the Space scope, that stands out for its innovative character in the sector, as well as for its applicability, feasibility, and impact. Register here.

Deadline: March 7, 2022 19:00 CET


The prizes will recognize and celebrate existing beautiful, sustainable, and inclusive achievements and support the younger generation to further develop emerging concepts and ideas.

Deadline: March 25, 2022

The 3rd edition of the FLAD Science Award – Atlantic for researchers working in Portugal aims to develop a collaborative effort with researchers in the USA. The award is open to the areas of engineering/technology and environment/natural sciences, social sciences and humanities, with the aim of creating and developing transversal tools and strategic solutions to the challenges of human activity in the Atlantic.

Deadline: April 6, 2022


This award recognizes and celebrates societal advancements through research and innovation. All beneficiaries of closed FP7/H2020 projects are invited to submit their application to the prize by 8 March 2022 and compete for the prize worth 25.000 € per winner.

Deadline: May 16, 2022

The Amélia de Mello Foundation and COTEC Portugal will support scientific research projects in the field of technological innovation, mobility and industry in the amount of 25,000 EUR.


Watch the Info Day of Cluster 5 which primary goal was to present 74 open topics of the Horizon Europe Cluster 5 2022 calls.

Watch the Info Session 3: New European Bauhaus funding Opportunities that took place at the end of January.

All-Atlantic Talks Podcast series discusses the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance values and ambitions, highlighting the need for cooperation across an ocean that connects many in different countries.

The first episode discusses the role of science diplomacy in the All-Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance, focusing on its values, ambitions, and perspectives for the future. This is available on Spotify (All-Atlantic Talks) and YouTube.

The Report aims at capturing the key impacts of Widening projects throughout Horizon 2020 emerging from Teaming, Twinning and ERA Chair Actions.

The European Commission has adopted new rules on Open Source Software that will enable its software solutions to be publicly accessible whenever there are potential benefits for citizens, companies, or other public services.

The European Commission has published the I&I topics to support the 5 missions of the Horizon Europe work program. The Commission launched five new EU missions, an unprecedented and innovative way to work together and improve people's lives inside and outside Europe. EU missions aim to respond to major health, climate, and environmental challenges and achieve ambitious and inspiring goals in these fields. 

This training covers from a theoretical and practical approach the main elements of writing proposals under Horizon Europe, taking into account its main novelties and requirement. This is a must training for the start of the program, especially for stakeholders involved in collaborative projects.

Watch ERC instructional videos of the application process and writing proposals.

Regulation information for fundings such as FEDER, FSE+ and INTERREG.

Reference documents of the programs managed on the EU Funding & Tenders portal starting with legal documents and the Commission work programs up to model grant agreements and guides for specific actions.

The strategic plan 2021-24 defines the key strategic orientations for the first four years of Horizon Europe, the EU’s multiannual framework program for research and innovation. Download the Factsheet and the Strategic plan.

Support information is available plus:

Open Calls

Visit the European Commission portal for the full list of calls and FCT for national calls.


Full lists by type of call:


ERA Calls


Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions

MSCA Staff Exchanges - deadline March 9, 2022 | March 8, 2023

MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships - deadline September 14, 2022

MSCA Doctoral Networks - deadline November 15, 2022

ERA Careers

Scientific job opportunities:

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